[sword-devel] Contributing to sword-tools repo?

Matěj Cepl mcepl at cepl.eu
Fri Jan 15 02:58:38 MST 2016

On 2016-01-15, 06:51 GMT, Peter von Kaehne wrote:
> My Module makefiles in turn live on the fact that certain scripts are
> in certain places so that they can pull them in. 

Define “certain places”, please? Meaning that the directory 
structure of sword-tools should be preserved, or that the code 
has to stay in SVN forever?

> Wrt the bindings and their documentation - the bindings do not 
> live in sword-tools but under sword/bindings. Yes, they could 
> benefit from documentation just as a lot of other places 
> could. But moving sword- tools somewhere else will not help in 
> any particular way with that.

Thanks for the correction, right you are. I was thinking more 
about sword-tools serving as "examples as documentation" not 
exactly I would develop bindings documentation in sword-tools 


https://matej.ceplovi.cz/blog/, Jabber: mcepl at ceplovi.cz
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