[osis-core] RE: What is happening

Chris Little chrislit at crosswire.org
Mon Oct 11 23:52:08 MST 2004

Just a couple of corrections here before I respond to the lastest 
chatter in the thread.

> Paratext position     Three letter code                OSIS name
> 70                          Esg                                   AddEsth

"AddEsth" does not refer to Greek Esther. Greek Esther = the contents of 
Esther ("Esth") plus the Greek additions to Esther ("AddEsth"). More on 
this in the next message.

> 85                          Ps2                                  PssSol

"PssSol" is the Psalms of Solomon. "Ps2" in SFM refers to Psalm 151, 
which is just "Ps151" in OSIS, but ONLY if you're encoding that Psalm as 
a separate book. If it is just a part of the book of Psalms, then it 
would just be chapter 151 of "Ps".

> Your software does not process any number higher than the above

This line is probably the key to some of Patrick's confusion. Are you 
using Todd's (or some other) software to do a conversion? If that is the 
case, as I suspect, then you're really identifying a shortcoming of 
software that uses OSIS Core but not a shortcoming of OSIS Core itself.

> 86                         
> ODA                     Odae                                      14

I think this should be "Odes".

> 87                         PSS                     Psalms of 
> Solomon                  18

This is "PssSol".

The others are just versions of books for which we have already defined 
codes. See the SBL handbook or 


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