[osis-core] rich example

Troy A. Griffitts osis-core@bibletechnologieswg.org
Thu, 04 Apr 2002 18:02:30 -0700

New cut at the bottom...

> Don't turn the crank just yet! With the XMLSpy missing some fairly
> important stuff, I want to make a pass with the IBM schema validator and
> walk through an (gasp!) analog copy tonight/early tomorrow.


Good luck!

> <verseStart VerseStart="John.1.1"
> reference="HarperBibleCommentary.1988.p.1046">
> Possible, in which case we would probably want to allow several such
> references. Hmmm, may not be the best way.
> Originally, we discussed reference as a linking mechanism for other
> milestones and it just got put on verses without a lot of thought (on my
> part).
> Comments from the group?

I would think the link would go the other way: commentary -> Bible

Is it normal to have an attribute called the same as its element?  might
we remove VerseStart and keep reference?  It might be easier to write
code if we have the same attribute for all these type of milestone tags:
<chapterStart /> <verseStart /> <bookStart /> <chapterEnd /> <verseEnd
/> <bookEnd />

> My inclination is to take reference off of the verse milestones. There
> are better ways to link to other materials. That would leave references
> on the other milestones (although not as ID datatype!) to point to
> beginning and ending material in the milestones.

Latest cut:

TR: en arXA An ho logos kai ho logos An pros ton Qeon kai Qeos An ho
KJV: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the
Word was God.



<bookStart BookStart="John" /><chapterStart ChapterStart="John.1"
/><verseStart VerseStart="John.1.1" /><w lemma="x-Strong:1722"
morphology="x-Robinson:PREP" gloss="x-en:In"
transliteration="x-Latin:en" ID="trw67521">en</w> <w
lemma="x-Strong:746" morphology="x-Robinson:N-DSF" gloss="x-en:the
beginning" transliteration="x-Latin:archei" ID="trw67522">arXa</w> <w
lemma="x-Strong:2258" morphology="x-Robinson:V-IXI-3S" gloss="x-en:was"
transliteration="x-Latin:ein" ID="trw67523">An</w> <w
lemma="x-Strong:3056" morphology="x-Robinson:N-NSM" gloss="x-en:the
Word" transliteration="x-Latin:ho logos" ID="trw67524">ho logos</w>, <w
lemma="x-Strong:2532" morphology="x-Robinson:CONJ" gloss="x-en:and"
transliteration="x-Latin:kai" ID="trw67525">kai</w> <w
lemma="x-Strong:3056" morphology="x-Robinson:N-NSM" gloss="x-en:the
Word" transliteration="x-Latin:ho logos" ID="trw67526">ho logos</w> <w
lemma="x-Strong:2258" morphology="x-Robinson:V-IXI-3S" gloss="x-en:was"
transliteration="x-Latin:ein" ID="trw67527">An</w> <w
lemma="x-Strong:4314" morphology="x-Robinson:PREP" gloss="x-en:with"
transliteration="x-Latin:pros" ID="trw67528">pros</w> <w
lemma="x-Strong:2316" morphology="x-Robinson:N-ASM" gloss="x-en:God"
tranliteration="ton theon" ID="trw67529">ton Qeon</w>, <w
lemma="x-Strong:2532" morphology="x-Robinson:CONJ" gloss="x-en:and"
transliteration="x-Latin:kai" ID="trw67530">kai</w> <w
lemma="x-Strong:2316" morphology="x-Robinson:N-NSM gloss="x-en:God"
transliteration="x-Latin:theos" ID="trw67531">Qeos</w> <w
lemma="x-Strong:2258" morphology="x-Robinson:V-IXI-3S" gloss="x-en:was"
transliteration="x-Latin:ein" ID="trw67532">An</w> <w
lemma="x-Strong:3056" morphology="x-Robinson:N-NSM" gloss="x-en:the
Word" transliteration="x-Latin:ho logos" ID="trw67533">ho
logos</w><verseEnd refVerseStart="John.1.1" />


<bookStart BookStart="John" /><chapterStart ChapterStart="John.1"
/><verseStart VerseStart="John.1.1" /><w lemma="x-Strong:1722"
morphology="x-Robinson:PREP" reference="TR.John.1.1.trw67521">In</w> <w
lemma="x-Strong:746" morphology="x-Robinson:N-DSF"
reference="TR.John.1.1.trw67522">the beginning</w> <w
lemma="x-Strong:2258" morphology="x-Robinson:V-IXI-3S"
reference="TR.John.1.1.trw67523">was</w> <w lemma="x-Strong:3056"
morphology="x-Robinson:N-NSM" reference="TR.John.1.1.trw67524">the
Word</w>, <w lemma="x-Strong:2532" morphology="x-Robinson:CONJ"
reference="TR.John.1.1.trw67525">and</w> <w lemma="x-Strong:3056"
morphology="x-Robinson:N-NSM" reference="TR.John.1.1.trw67526">the
Word</w> <w lemma="x-Strong:2258" morphology="x-Robinson:V-IXI-3S"
reference="TR.John.1.1.trw67527">was</w> <w lemma="x-Strong:4314"
morphology="x-Robinson:PREP" reference="TR.John.1.1.trw67528">with</w>
<w lemma="x-Strong:2316" morphology="x-Robinson:N-ASM"
reference="TR.John.1.1.trw67529">God</w>, <w lemma="x-Strong:2532"
morphology="x-Robinson:CONJ" reference="TR.John.1.1.trw67530">and</w> <w
lemma="x-Strong:3056" morphology="x-Robinson:N-NSM
reference="TR.John.1.1.trw67533">the Word</w> <w lemma="x-Strong:2258"
reference="TR.John.1.1.trw67532">was</w> <w lemma="x-Strong:2316"
refVerseStart="John.1.1" />