[osis-core] rich example

Patrick Durusau osis-core@bibletechnologieswg.org
Thu, 04 Apr 2002 19:24:22 -0500

Don't turn the crank just yet! With the XMLSpy missing some fairly 
important stuff, I want to make a pass with the IBM schema validator and 
walk through an (gasp!) analog copy tonight/early tomorrow.


Just a quick note before dinner break! ;-)

Troy A. Griffitts wrote:

>	Hey!  Thanks for the reply.  Latest cut at the end.  Comments scattered
>spurously throughout.

><verseStart VerseStart="John.1.1" />
>OK, but for what would we use the 'reference' attribute in a <verseStart
>/> milestone?
<verseStart VerseStart="John.1.1" 

Possible, in which case we would probably want to allow several such 
references. Hmmm, may not be the best way.

Originally, we discussed reference as a linking mechanism for other 
milestones and it just got put on verses without a lot of thought (on my 

Comments from the group?

My inclination is to take reference off of the verse milestones. There 
are better ways to link to other materials. That would leave references 
on the other milestones (although not as ID datatype!) to point to 
beginning and ending material in the milestones.

>>><w lemma="x-Strong:1722"
>>>morphology="x-Robinson:PREP" gloss="x-en:In"
>>>transliteration="x-Latin:en" ID="67521">en</w>
>>OK, but the ID should not validate (violates XML Name constraints)
>Right!  I should have remembered this one from our Book name discussion!
>>Do you intend for both of these to be in a single document instance?
>Didn't intend for them to be.  But don't use my case to determine proper
>usage.  Would anyone want something like this to be in the same
>document?  Bible + commentary on that Bible?  Not sure other cases where
>it may apply.  No preference from me.  If it's easier, I say make 'em
>use separate docs.
Hmm, let me think about cases where the two are mixed together.

More in the morning!


>>Sorry for the slow responses over the last couple of days. Have not been
>>feeling well. Much better today and looking forward to a real stretch of
>>productivity until we get this release to bed!
>Hope you continue to feel better!  No worries.  I'm just coming to the
>point where all this work is going to have to start outputing tags, and
>I'd like to get something complicated and small done correct before
>cranking the handle. :)
>>(I copied the usual suspects as I did not know if you already subscribed
>>them to the osis-core list.)
>I believe all the people in your CC: are on the list.
>Latest cut:
>TR: en arXA An ho logos kai ho logos An pros ton Qeon kai Qeos An ho
>KJV: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the
>Word was God.
><verseStart VerseStart="John.1.1" /><w lemma="x-Strong:1722"
>morphology="x-Robinson:PREP" gloss="x-en:In"
>transliteration="x-Latin:en" ID="trw67521">en</w> <w
>lemma="x-Strong:746" morphology="x-Robinson:N-DSF" gloss="x-en:the
>beginning" transliteration="x-Latin:archei" ID="trw67522">arXa</w> <w
>lemma="x-Strong:2258" morphology="x-Robinson:V-IXI-3S" gloss="x-en:was"
>transliteration="x-Latin:ein" ID="trw67523">An</w> <w
>lemma="x-Strong:3056" morphology="x-Robinson:N-NSM" gloss="x-en:the
>Word" transliteration="x-Latin:ho logos" ID="trw67524">ho logos</w>, <w
>lemma="x-Strong:2532" morphology="x-Robinson:CONJ" gloss="x-en:and"
>transliteration="x-Latin:kai" ID="trw67525">kai</w> <w
>lemma="x-Strong:3056" morphology="x-Robinson:N-NSM" gloss="x-en:the
>Word" transliteration="x-Latin:ho logos" ID="trw67526">ho logos</w> <w
>lemma="x-Strong:2258" morphology="x-Robinson:V-IXI-3S" gloss="x-en:was"
>transliteration="x-Latin:ein" ID="trw67527">An</w> <w
>lemma="x-Strong:4314" morphology="x-Robinson:PREP" gloss="x-en:with"
>transliteration="x-Latin:pros" ID="trw67528">pros</w> <w
>lemma="x-Strong:2316" morphology="x-Robinson:N-ASM" gloss="x-en:God"
>tranliteration="ton theon" ID="trw67529">ton Qeon</w>, <w
>lemma="x-Strong:2532" morphology="x-Robinson:CONJ" gloss="x-en:and"
>transliteration="x-Latin:kai" ID="trw67530">kai</w> <w
>lemma="x-Strong:2316" morphology="x-Robinson:N-NSM gloss="x-en:God"
>transliteration="x-Latin:theos" ID="trw67531">Qeos</w> <w
>lemma="x-Strong:2258" morphology="x-Robinson:V-IXI-3S" gloss="x-en:was"
>transliteration="x-Latin:ein" ID="trw67532">An</w> <w
>lemma="x-Strong:3056" morphology="x-Robinson:N-NSM" gloss="x-en:the
>Word" transliteration="x-Latin:ho logos" ID="trw67533">ho
>logos</w><verseEnd VerseStart="John.1.1" />
><verseStart VerseStart="John.1.1" /><w lemma="x-Strong:1722"
>morphology="x-Robinson:PREP" reference="TR.John.1.1.trw67521">In</w> <w
>lemma="x-Strong:746" morphology="x-Robinson:N-DSF"
>reference="TR.John.1.1.trw67522">the beginning</w> <w
>lemma="x-Strong:2258" morphology="x-Robinson:V-IXI-3S"
>reference="TR.John.1.1.trw67523">was</w> <w lemma="x-Strong:3056"
>morphology="x-Robinson:N-NSM" reference="TR.John.1.1.trw67524">the
>Word</w>, <w lemma="x-Strong:2532" morphology="x-Robinson:CONJ"
>reference="TR.John.1.1.trw67525">and</w> <w lemma="x-Strong:3056"
>morphology="x-Robinson:N-NSM" reference="TR.John.1.1.trw67526">the
>Word</w> <w lemma="x-Strong:2258" morphology="x-Robinson:V-IXI-3S"
>reference="TR.John.1.1.trw67527">was</w> <w lemma="x-Strong:4314"
>morphology="x-Robinson:PREP" reference="TR.John.1.1.trw67528">with</w>
><w lemma="x-Strong:2316" morphology="x-Robinson:N-ASM"
>reference="TR.John.1.1.trw67529">God</w>, <w lemma="x-Strong:2532"
>morphology="x-Robinson:CONJ" reference="TR.John.1.1.trw67530">and</w> <w
>lemma="x-Strong:3056" morphology="x-Robinson:N-NSM
>reference="TR.John.1.1.trw67533">the Word</w> <w lemma="x-Strong:2258"
>reference="TR.John.1.1.trw67532">was</w> <w lemma="x-Strong:2316"
>reference="TR.John.1.1.trw67531">God</w>.<verseEnd VerseStart="John.1.1"

Patrick Durusau
Director of Research and Development
Society of Biblical Literature