[Ichthux-devel] Ichthux-Live 0.4.4 "Valenciana"

Raphaël Pinson raphink at gmail.com
Mon Apr 25 16:12:39 MST 2005

Hi all,

As some of you know, Daniel and I are likely to go to Valencia (Spain) in a 
week for a congress that will include a CDD devcamp (hopefully, if the 
organization manages to book the flights on time ...).
For this occasion, I thought it would be good to have a special edition of 
the Live CD that would boot in Spanish by default, while being exactly the 
same inside (I really have no time or will to release a complete new version 
of the Live CD now, being in the middle of the packages stuff). The 
modification would then not affect the KNOPPIX file itself, but only what is 
around : the isolinux settings and the background and index.html.

IgorTamara has already translated the isolinux files into Spanish and I have 
set them.
I think it would be good to have a cleaner isolinux boot splash, based on 
Nigel's logo since this is the neatest one so far. I've mailed Nigel about 
this, but anyone is welcome to make one. This bootsplash must be a 600x400 
16 colors bitmap (to be converted to logo.16 later). I think it would be 
good that it had the name of the project and the name of the special release 
on it.
A new 1024x768 background.png for the XFree system, so as to avoid the 
"Cartoon Jesus effect" :p
Possibly a new KDE bootsplash, that could also be based on Nigel's logo.
Rewrite the index.html file in spanish and maybe add things to it.

That would make a still multilingual release, booting in spanish by default 
and having nice graphics.
I think that would make it as a demo for the congress, and it would be great 
if that could be done on time (seems far from impossible to do all this in a 

Any comment is welcome :)


Raphaël Pinson - raphink at ichthux.org
Ichthux - http://www.ichthux.org - Christian Linux Distribution
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