[bt-devel] Using QSharedPointer instead of boost pointer

Eeli Kaikkonen eekaikko at mail.student.oulu.fi
Sun Apr 26 13:54:40 MST 2009

Jonathan Marsden wrote:

> I think (if it is reasonable to implement) the "best" approach would be
> to take Eeli's earlier suggestion:
>>>>> This could be done also with #ifdefs, depending on the Qt
>>>>> version, so that if Qt >= 4.5 boost is not needed.
> This way, on platforms with Qt 4.5 there is no libboost dependency, but
> things still work on platforms with Qt 4.4 (they just need libbost too).
> Is this just too hard or too ugly to implement?

It gains very little. Most linux distros have the boost library already 
so there's no extra work or overhead if it's a dependency. The patch can 
be  applied for Windows so that people save the work of downloading and 
configuring the boost library and save some time and space.

--Eeli Kaikkonen

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