[bt-devel] How Should Patches Be Posted?

fred bt-devel@crosswire.org
Sat, 02 Jun 2001 06:37:06 -0400

mg.pub@gmx.net wrote:

> Hi Luke,
> great you want to help! Thank you for your work on BibleTime!
> If you are interested in helping for a longer time just register on
> sourceforge, I'll then add you to the project and you have cvs write access.
> What does your patch improve?
> > I get alot of lines added dealing with configure
> > files, makefiles, etc..
> Would be no problem. These are files that are regenerated when doing a make
> -f Makefile.cvs and configure.
> They IMO don't even need to be in CVS. Joachim, can we remove them?
> (Makefile.in's, Makefiles and configure.in and configure).

These have been a source of confusion for me also.  I have taken to always
doing a "cvs update", before trying to upload any files.

> Martin
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