[sword-devel] Lightfoot

Benjamin Misja alvanx at googlemail.com
Sat Jan 29 15:08:03 MST 2011

Hi Peter,

Do you know there already is a Lightfoot commentary module? Or are you
just making an OSIS version from scratch?

Regarding your comment about a lack of foreign language material. There
are probably two reasons that have a direct influence on this:
1. The total amount of material
2. The digitalized amount of material

This seems to make it clear why by far most of the material that is
readily available online is English. But I don't think that's the real
reason that there aren't a lot of non-English Christian texts
online/SWORD modules available.

I think there might be a lot of wasted potential as far as getting the
non-programming, non-wiki-/mailinglist-reading parts of the SWORD
community involved. I believe a lot more could and would be achieved if
it were easier to get involved and to make modules. Think how cool it
would be to get a group of people together to systematically plan what
important works you would like to see and how to get them, to maybe
scan, OCR, edit a document and eventually make a module together. (But I
have a feeling this might not only be a matter of getting less advanced
users involved, it might just as well be a problem of identification
with the product, as front-end users seldom get in touch with the
back-end community.)

But, at least regarding German works, you might just be looking in the
wrong place on CCEL.

You already found those German Calvin Commentaries. The Keil-Delitzsch
commentaries (OT) and Theodor Zahn commentaries (NT) are available here
and here
The OCR quality isn't perfect, but exceeds my expectations and should be
sufficient to make at least some kind of module. The same website might
also have a number of other interesting public domain writings
available. As far as I know, all of the material is legal (said
commentaries definitely; a big amount has been made available with
permission by CLV).

Adolf Schlatters NT commentaries are available as an Online Bible module
here <http://www.onlinebible.org/html/ger/user/schlatter.html>, so this
might be a good starting point. Any of these three works would fill a
huge gap.

bibelkommentare.de is a project gathering and specifically translating
German bible commentaries. I don't know their theological affiliations,
but among the commentaries they offer for download
<http://www.bibelkommentare.de/index.php?page=downloads&name=pdfcomments> are
translated versions of Darby's commentaries and Mackintosh's Pentateuch
commentary, and a few works by Rudolf Brockhaus. They should be
cooperative as they already host modules for TheWord and MyBible.

It might also be worth a try to talk to bibelbund.de. They make all
issues of their journal "Bibel und Gemeinde
<http://www.bibelbund.de/bibliothek.htm#bug>" (that are older than a
year) available online, and a lot of the articles might be very helpful
(we could compile them into a single module).

But I do know what you mean about things not being available. It is
almost shocking how little of Luther's commentaries is available on the
net, or anything written by the Protestant Reformers for that matter.


Am 26.01.2011 00:09, schrieb Peter von Kaehne:
> This is a very interesting 17th century commentary, mainly providing
> realms of Jewish background info to the gospels.
> I am working on it right now. I obtained the plain (not ThML) text from
> CCEL where it is explicitly marked as PD. Marking it up to OSIS/imp is
> not overly difficult and will probably only require occasional hand editing.
> While I enjoy this, I find it also a bit distressing - that there is
> this abundance of English language material but so little on other
> languages. Even in German I found it practically impossible to find
> useful PD texts of significance.
> Peter
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