[xiphos-users] Kretzmann commentary formatting

Ed Backell edbackell at gmail.com
Wed Jun 8 11:34:55 MST 2016

Hello, all -

Is anyone else having odd formatting issues with the Kretzmann commentary?
it's found in the Xiphos repository, and it's a nice addition...

...but the words get progressively smaller as I scroll down through the
text. The title is HUGE, but it looks as if the text is having a problem
with superscripting...

for the Lord has kept, and is keeping, His promises concerning the
redemption of mankind. V.2. *For Thou hast made of a city an heap,* laid
the wicked world city in ruins, *of a defensed city a ruin,* as described
in the preceding chapter. *a palace of strangers to be no city,* the
fortifications, the citadels being used for the entire city; *it shall
never be built.* V.3. *Therefore shall the strong people glorify Thee,* men
of various nations being brought to the knowledge of Jehovah, *the city of
the terrible nations,* despots and tyrants, *shall fear Thee,* Gentiles
everywhere coming to the knowledge of the true God. V.4. *For Thou hast
been a strength to the poor,*

Anyone else?
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