[sword-devel] bindings/objc build broken

Manfred Bergmann manfred.bergmann at me.com
Thu Jan 24 12:27:58 MST 2013

Here is what you need to do.
in "objc" folder go to "dependencies" and execute "retrieve.sh".
This downloads the icu and clucene sources and headers which are required for the Xcode build.

I've done some adaptions to the latest sword src changes. One method was removed which gave an error. And there are now a lot of deprecation warnings which I have to go through.
I've also removed two old library search paths from the project which pointed to a folder that doesn't exist.

If you update your sources it should build fine now.


Am 24.01.2013 um 18:18 schrieb Manfred Bergmann <manfred.bergmann at me.com>:

> Indeed, there are a lot of warnings, not mentioning CLucene.
> I'll do a clean checkout of the sources and see if I can replicate your errors.
> You should however build with ICU. CLucene it not necessarily needed since on Mac the index is built using SearchKit framework.
> Manfred
> Am 24.01.2013 um 15:59 schrieb "Barnes, Jeffrey" <jbarnesweb at yahoo.com>:
>> On Jan 24, 2013, at 9:52:37AM, "Barnes, Jeffrey" <jbarnesweb at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> I'm having some difficulty with the build with Mountain Lion, Xcode 4.5.2.
>>> I double-clicked the ObjCSword.xcodeproj file to open it in Xcode. I ran the build. It failed on Lucene dependency. Just to try to get it to build, I removed the lucene define and ran the build again. It failed on the ICU dependency. I removed the ICU define.
>>> Now it fails on the AnalysisHeader step. Here's the last line of the build output.
>>> clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/jbarne200/sword/trunk/bindings/objc/dependencies/clucene/CLucene/analysis/AnalysisHeader.cpp'
>>> clang: error: no input files
>>> Command /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang failed with exit code 1
>>> Regards,
>>> Jeff
>> Also, there are compiler warnings on almost every file. The most common one being like the following:
>> /Users/jbarne200/sword/trunk/include/stringmgr.h:111:31: Implicit conversion loses integer precision: 'unsigned long' to 'unsigned int'
>> etc.
>> I have a gut wrench every time I see a compiler warning. I have to maintain code at work and one of the first things my boss told me to do was clean up the compiler warnings. I have to encourage the other members of my team constantly to keep trunk pristine. Forgive me if I'm being pedantic, but "Me no like compiler warnings!"
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