[sword-devel] CrossWire website showing all known modules available

DM Smith dmsmith at crosswire.org
Mon Nov 8 21:15:34 MST 2010

On Nov 8, 2010, at 6:35 AM, Jonathan Morgan wrote:

> I tend to dislike software that forces me to search in certain ways: whether it's "You must select the language before we show you what's available" or "You must select the type of book" or "You must select the publisher's repository", there will be some times when this matches the way I want to search and what I'm looking for, and some times when it does not.

You might like how MacSword does it. It presents all the works from a repository as a grid with a navigation tree. Clicking on any level in the tree prunes the grid. Clicking on a heading sorts that column. There is a search mechanism that searches the "initials".

There is a lot to like about it.

In Him,

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