[sword-devel] Alternate Versification

Chris Little chrislit at crosswire.org
Sun May 3 15:23:08 MST 2009

Peter von Kaehne wrote:
> Chris Little wrote:
>> Does that all sound reasonable?
> In principle, yes and particularly wrt the conservative approach you
> suggest. It would be easy to go overboard with enthusiasm and then
> create a mess which will be impossible to clear up.
> But wrt the protestant Russian Synodal versification - I think such
> variations are relevant if they become stable variations in their own
> right and have a significant number of translations in their fold. If
> all/most Central Asian translations use this versification, in this book
> order and without apocrypha etc, then I think there is solid argument
> for incorporating it.

It's pretty clear to me that the books have been re-ordered from what 
the translator intended. A good reason to do this in MK is simply that 
it vastly simplifies the task of adding alternative versification 
support. But it is also clear from the IBT website that some of the 
site's maintainers are unfamiliar with the intended book order:

If you consult the PDF downloads on their site, you can see that book 
order is often as expected of the Russian v11n. (e.g. 
http://www.ibt.org.ru/english/bible/tkm.htm) But in other cases, and 
specifically those cases where every book is listed as a separate 
download, the book order is re-arranged to that of the Protestant canon 
(Vulgate book order). (e.g. http://www.ibt.org.ru/english/bible/uzb.htm)

A Russian Orthodox Bible should have the order Philemon, Hebrews, 
Revelation for the final 3 books.


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