[sword-devel] Paul's epistles

chris sword-devel@crosswire.org
Sat, 12 Jan 2002 19:51:34 -0500

On Saturday 12 January 2002 12:39, you wrote:
> > I see that the default for Sword is that "Paul's Epistles"
> > includes Hebrews. Does anybody seriously believe that Hebrews
> > is by Paul?
> We also call the books of the Pentateuch 1-5 Moses respectively in many
> of our localized book names.  Does anybody seriously believe that the
> Pentateuch was written by Moses and is not an amalgam of four major
> sources?

Yes, It would seem even jes-s supposedly did.

> We include Daniel with the prophets, despite his exclusion from that
> group in the Hebrew canon itself.  Does anybody seriously believe that
> Daniel lived during the Babylonian exile, despite his apparently not
> knowing that the Medes never ruled Judea and the fact that he apparently
> can't decide whether he prefers Hebrew or Aramaic, then forgets them
> both and starts writing in Greek around the end of his composition?

The text is in Hebrew/Aramaic. The names of the three musical instruments are 
greek words (not written in greek).

Not to start any arguments but...
Why call matthew, matthew when it wasn't written by him
same with luke, mark, john.

Why believe a word john writes at all when there was never any custom to 
release a prisoner at pesach by Pilate? 

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