[osis-users] OSIS Fragments (was: A Modest OSIS Proposal)

Weston Ruter westonruter at gmail.com
Tue Jan 19 09:51:51 MST 2010

Thanks for the good examples, Troy.

1) shadow was not used on the divs and chapter tags to provide document
> context.  Perhaps they should?  I did not supply them because my processing
> code would look for <verse osisID="Matt.6.9"> to grab what I need from this
> fragment.

I don't think this would be necessary. Such fragment documents could merely
provide a scope attribute to indicate that the document contents are not the
complete work. Per the manual:

The content of scope element(s) must be in the form of an osisRef value, and
> that defines what part of the titled work occurs in this electronic edition.
> For example, an edition may consist of only the New Testament and Psalms, or
> of only a single book. Contiguous ranges may be specified using the hyphen
> notation described later for osisRefs in general; discontiguous ranges are
> specified by including multiple values using osisRef syntax. These should be
> in canonical order, but that is not required.

2010/1/14 Troy A. Griffitts <scribe at crosswire.org>

> davidtroidl at aol.com wrote:
>> a)  Remote headers: One requirement for fragment markup, and effective
>> document libraries and repositories, is the ability to link with a document
>> containing a full header, rather than requiring the full header to appear in
>> each valid OSIS document.  This header could appear in another regular OSIS
>> document, or a separate 'bibliographic' document, designed merely to contain
>> various header information.  This is especially useful in getting away from
>> monumental, monolithic documents, toward a more layered approach of linking
>> variants, notes and lexical information to an existing source document.
>> b)  Virtual elements: A second requirement for distributing valid OSIS
>> fragments through web services is a form of virtual, or shadow, element to
>> supply the context of the given fragment.  A new global attribute for
>> indicating this virtual status is essential to distinguish them from the
>> actual markup of the document.
> Adding (a) and (b) to the specification should indeed allow a brief,
> contextualized, and validatable OSIS fragment.  I could imagine an example
> of such for, say Mat.6.9, to be similar to:
> ########### Start of stuff required for validating fragment ############
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
> <osis xmlns="http://www.bibletechnologies.net/2003/OSIS/namespace"
>      xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
> xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.bibletechnologies.net/2003/OSIS/namespaceosisCore.2.1.xsd">
> <osisText osisIDWork="NASB" osisRefWork="defaultReferenceScheme"
> xml:lang="en">
> ############### New header external reference, (a) above ###############
> <header extRef="http://www.bibletechnologies.net/docRepo/headers/NASB.xml"
> />
> ########################## Document Context ############################
> <div type="x-testament">
> <div type="book" osisID="Matt">
> <chapter osisID="Matt.6">
> ########## Start of requested data. Note shadow attribute on ###########
> ###### elements provided to supply literary context, (b) above #########
> <verse osisID="Matt.6.9">
> <q who="Jesus" marker="“" sID="Matt.5.3.q1" shadow="true" />
> Pray then, in this way: <q who="crowd" level="2" marker="‘"
> sID="Matt.6.9.q1" />Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.
> </verse>
> ####################### End of requested data ##########################
> </chapter>
> </div>
> </div>
> </osisText>
> </osis>
> A few things to note.
> 1) shadow was not used on the divs and chapter tags to provide document
> context.  Perhaps they should?  I did not supply them because my processing
> code would look for <verse osisID="Matt.6.9"> to grab what I need from this
> fragment.
> 2) the quote shadow from Matt.5.3 was put after the verse marker for the
> purposes of ideal location for handling, i.e, if I was planning to render
> anything for this shadow element, this would be the place I would want to
> handle it.  Is this good or bad?
> 3) Notice the second level quote in this verse which hasn't an end. This
> provides another good example for milestoneable <p>'s as they may need to
> start within a fragment but not end in such.  Though I still think the best
> argument for milestoneable <p> is mss markup: often paragraph breaks are
> explicitly noted in the text, but their end is not explicit (implied by end
> of letter, not in the document due to end of mss fragment, etc.).  But this
> is all for another thread.
> Would love to hear any other alternative examples for a fragment.
> Troy
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