[osis-core] Re: USFM to OSIS mapping: Next Steps (last steps)

Jim_Albright at wycliffe.org Jim_Albright at wycliffe.org
Tue Apr 5 13:43:52 MST 2005

Looking over the latest Schema beta.

Here are some comments and questions.

The <hi type='emphasis'> and <hi type='acrostic'> seem to be out of place. 

hi types:


All other types describe format to apply to a segment. <hi 
type='emphasis'> is not italic. It is emphasis.
Will these work? yes.  <seg type'emphasis'> seems more logical if you want 
to make it a type on something and not <emphasis>.

seg types
        verseNumber <<<<<<<<<<<< how is this used? for inside of footnote?

seem to fit better here.
Thank you for adding <q type='citation'>.
Thank you for adding <q type='embedded'>
What is the most efficient manor of finding if an element is contained 
within either of these milestoned elements in XSLT?

divineName is only used for YHWH and thus there is no need for a type on 
it? There was a lot of discussion about this earlier. I just want to know 
the final conclusion.

Variant Section Head example

Description: Variant Section Head
Also shown: Paragraph, Section Head, Variant Paragraph
Picture scanned from: MRK 16:9-20 (TEV)
<div type='variant'> should be allowed. <p>s within this div could be 
handled differently.

Cross-Reference example

Description: Cross-Reference
Example: 1 2 3
Also shown: Citation Line1, Citation Line2, Attribution
Picture scanned from: ACT 7:49-50 (NIV)

In order to get this would I mark this as a <reference> inside of <l>.

So Called example

Description: So Called
Example: 1 2 
Also shown: Paragraph
Picture scanned from: MRK 2:15-17 (NIV)
I don't find a way of marking up these "quotes". Possibly <q 
type='soCalled'> or <seg type='soCalled'> or <soCalled>
Hand example

Description: Hand
Example: 1 2 
Also shown: Paragraph
Picture scanned from: PHM 1:19 (TEV)
I don't find a way of marking this up. Suggest <hand> or <seg type='hand'>
See In Glossary example

Description: See In Glossary
Also shown: Title Main, Intro Paragraph, Intro List Item1
Picture scanned from: MAT introduction (Bible du Semeur)
Is a see in glossary <index see='xxx'>?
Section Head Series example

Description: Section Head Series
Example: 1 2 3
Also shown: Paragraph
Picture scanned from: PRO 22:21-27 (TEV)

How do you handle the series? I would suggest <div type='series'> or <div 

Verse Number Alternate example

Description: Verse Number Alternate
Also shown: Verse Number, Chapter Number
Picture scanned from: GEN 32:1-2 (VP)
How do you handle a verse number alternate?
Chapter Number Alternate example

Description: Chapter Number Alternate
Also shown: Chapter Head, Section Head, Line1
Picture scanned from: PSA 10 (VP)
How do you handle chapter number alternate?
Inscription example

Description: Inscription
Also shown: Paragraph
Picture scanned from: MRK 15:26 (NIV)
<inscription> handles this nicely. Thanks for adding it.
Inscription Paragraph example

Description: Inscription Paragraph
Example: 1 2 
Also shown: Paragraph, Paragraph Continuation
Picture scanned from: REV 17:5 (NIV)
Would this be handled by 
<p><inscription>mystery</inscription><inscription>babylon the 
great</inscription><inscription>the mother of 
prostitutes</inscription><inscription>and of the abominations of the 
Inscription Paragraph example 2

Description: Inscription Paragraph
Example: 1 2 
Also shown: Paragraph, List Item1, Foreign
Picture scanned from: DAN 5:25 (NIV)
And <p><inscription>mene, mene, tekel, parsin</inscription></p>?

Chapter Head example

Description: Chapter Head
Example: 1 2 
Also shown: Line1, Doxology, Section Head Major, Chapter Number, Hebrew 
Title, Section Head, Line2
Picture scanned from: PSA 42 (CEV)
I suggest using <div type='chapter'> to handle this

Thanks for looking over these examples and questions.
In order to preserve information that is richer in TE and OSIS I suggest 
adding a style in USFM called something like:

\_TE_reserved ...\ _TE_reserved*
\_reserved ... \_reserved*
\reserved ... \reserved*
\comment ... \comment*
\xml ...        \xml*

TE would likely store information inside this tag in an XML form (that is 
why the suggested name of XML). The name isn't as important as having a 
place to store information. The \rem doesn't work as it is a paragraph tag 
and this new tag is needed to go inside of paragraph tags.

Round tripping could then occur without loss of information for OSIS and 

Jim Albright
704 843-0582
Wycliffe Bible Translators

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