[osis-core] Comments on note format

Todd Tillinghast osis-core@bibletechnologieswg.org
Wed, 9 Apr 2003 13:34:40 -0600

I wanted to verify that the following strategy for <note>:

<verse osisID="1Chr.1.6">Gomer was the ancestor of Ashkenaz,
Riphath,<note  n="a" osisID="1Chr.1.6.note.a" osisRef="1Chr.1.6"
type="translation"><catchWord>Riphath</catchWord> Most Hebrew
manuscripts and two ancient translations <reference
osisRef="Gen.10.2-Gen.10.5">(see also Genesis 10.2-5)</reference>; some
Hebrew manuscripts <q>Diphath.</q> In Hebrew the letters <q>d</q> and
<q>r</q> look almost exactly the same.</note> and Togarmah.</verse>

Taken from the CEV.

I believe this is the first example I have seen that uses <catchWord>.
Can I get a confirmation that this is the intended use of the element?

I also assigned an osisID to the note so that it could be uniquely
identified.  This could also be done with a simple ID.  We allowed
osisIDs on EVERY element for just this sort of purpose, but we don't
have to use the feature. Thoughts on which is better?

I also assigned the letter of the footnote to the "n" attribute.

I am expecting that this format would be the same if the note were
include inline or out-of-line.
