Spaces in IDs: was Re: [osis-core] Harry on osisID's

Harry Plantinga
Tue, 2 Jul 2002 14:01:50 -0400

What I was looking for was not just a way of validating 
the syntax of osisRefs for augustine's confessions, but 
saying what they correspond to in the document.

See my earlier post suggesting a reference version of 
augustine's confessions.


> <xs:simpleType name="osisRef">
>    <xs:annotation>
>       <xs:documentation>
>             <p>Book IDs are constructed as Book. + number</p>
>             <p>Chapter IDs are constructed as Book. + number + "." + 
> Chapter. + number</p>
>             <p>Section IDs are constructed as Book. + number + "." + 
> Chapter. + number "." + Section. + number</p>
>             <p>The legitimate ID values are written as "or" patterns 
> within a single pattern expression.</p>
>        </xs:documentation>
>     </xs:annotation>
> <xs:restriction base="osisGeneralRef">
>     <xs:pattern 
> value="Book\.[0-9]{2}|Book\.[0-9]{2}\.Chapter\.[0-9]{2}|Book\.[0-9
> ]{2}\.Chapter\.[0-9]{2}\.Section\.[0-9]{2}"/>
>     </xs:restriction>
> </xs:simpleType>
> A couple of problems:
> Note that W3C schemas don't (or at least I can't find it) recognize 
> ranges in Roman numerals. (I take that as a display issue but others 
> will probably differ.)
> The pattern route does not allow me to validate that book IDs follow 
> just the book ID pattern, just that it meets one of these patterns. 
> Short of having different IDs and associated patterns for each ID, I 
> don't see a way around this. If you do, please advise!
> I suspect that the validation of a particular pattern for an ID, at 
> least in the cases where we want the ID to vary based upon some other 
> value (like quality of being a book, chapter, section), is beyond the 
> scope of XML Schema, unless we declare unique IDs for each of those 
> items. Certainly possible and given the rather flat view of documents in 
> W3C schema probably anticipated. Problem is that we are trying to be 
> more general for a class of documents.
> Comments, suggestions?
> Patrick
> -- 
> Patrick Durusau
> Director of Research and Development
> Society of Biblical Literature