[osis-core] osis_0108.3 Making milestone OSISID and OSISIDREF match. OPTION G and H

Todd Tillinghast osis-core@bibletechnologieswg.org
Sun, 14 Apr 2002 07:50:41 -0500

I'm not a fan of having multiple referenceTypes in a single OSISID.

How about OPTION G:
This preserves OSISID as an xs:ID and still provides a way without making
the verseStart milestone into a non milestone form.
<verseStart OSISID="Bible.TEV..Gen.20.17-18"
OSISIDREFS="Bible.TEV..Gen.20.17 Bible.TEV..Gen.20.18"/>
<verseStart OSISID="Bible.TEV..Gen.17" OSISIDREF="Bible.TEV..Gen.20.17-18"/>
<verseStart OSISID="Bible.TEV..Gen.18" OSISIDREF="Bible.TEV..Gen.20.17-18"/>
Because of what had happened to Sarah, Abraham's wife, the <divineName
type="yhwh">LORD</divineName> had
made it impossible for any woman in abimelech's palace to have children. So
Abraham prayed for Abimelech, and God healed him. He also healed his wife
and his slave women, so that they could have children.
<verseEnd OSISIDREF="Bible.TEV..Gen.18"/>
<verseEnd OSISIDREF="Bible.TEV..Gen.17"/>
<verseEnd OSISIDREF="Bible.TEV..Gen.20.17-18"/>

This preserves OSISID as an xs:ID and still provides a way without making
the verseStart milestone into a non milestone form. (commonRefs is an list
of refereneceTypes).
<verseStart OSISID="Bible.TEV..Gen.20.17-18"
commonRefs="Bible.Prot..Gen.20.17 Bible.Prot..Gen.20.18"/>
Because of what had happened to Sarah, Abraham's wife, the <divineName
type="yhwh">LORD</divineName> had
made it impossible for any woman in abimelech's palace to have children. So
Abraham prayed for Abimelech, and God healed him. He also healed his wife
and his slave women, so that they could have children.
<verseEnd OSISIDREF="Bible.TEV..Gen.20.17-18"/>
