[bt-devel] Bugs in Bookshelf

Eeli Kaikkonen eekaikko at mail.student.oulu.fi
Mon Oct 12 23:18:11 MST 2009

On Tue, 13 Oct 2009, Jaak Ristioja wrote:

> Hi!
> Eeli Kaikkonen wrote:
> > I noticed that grouping and hiding settings were not saved between
> > session.
> I postponed this, because CTBConfig is such a hack. I think the only
> option for me would be to use QSettings directly. If you give me a
> QSettings key string, e.g. "MainWindow/BookshelfDock/GroupingOrder",
> under which this should be saved, I think I'll use
> CTBConfig::getConfig() directly for this.

Yes, it's a hack, and that's why I have wanted to replace it with
something better, but couldn't come up with a perfect solution.
Discussion about it should still be available in the developer wiki, if
someone is interested. I think we all would love to see something

For now, you can show me the places where saving/restoring should be
done and I can add it using CBTConfig (I still see nightmares about
past times I have done it, so I think I'll figure out a way how to
do it :)

> > I also have one small complaint: Originally I put the Categories in
> > the list in fixed order which is not sorted alphabetically. That was
> > because there are not many items and I'd rather see them in some
> > meaningful order than in alphabetical order. First Bibles because they
> > are the most important, etc. I also use BT with both English and Finnish
> > UI and I rather see the order stay the same. Languages and module names
> > should of course be sorted alphabetically because their number is
> > arbitrary.
> This can easily be fixed. In what order should they be?

It's in BTModuleTreeItem::localeAwareLessThan(). The exact order is of
course a matter of taste, and I welcome opinions about that, but they
are roughly in order of importance, and similar items (lexicons,
glossaries) are consecutive.

	Eeli Kaikkonen (Mr.), Oulu, Finland
	e-mail: eekaikko at mailx.studentx.oulux.fix (with no x)

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