[bt-devel] handling bug reports

Martin Gruner mg.pub at gmx.net
Sun Nov 22 13:38:38 MST 2009

Hello developers,

as you know, we do have a bug tracker on sourceforge.
The only times in the past where we were able to significantly bring down the 
bug count were the two Bug-A-Thons which we had.

Now I'd like to propose a change: Each developer is responsible to regularly 
check his list of assigned bugs, and if he does have bugs assigned, to work on 
them aiming to fix the bugs mentioned and close the bug reports. This is part 
of the normal, ongoing development.
If for some reason a developer does not have the time or skills to work on a 
bug report, they should "give it back" by removing the assignment to them, so 
that we know somebody else should do it instead.

Would you agree with this change and be willing to contribute your time here? 
If so, I'd like to put it in the wiki. I already went through the bugs briefly 
and made some assignments.

I think this makes sense, because we can have a feature-a-thon in future and 
do not have to work on bringing the bug count down each meeting that we have.

Should anybody need more permissions to handle bugs correctly at sourceforge 
or otherwise, let me know.

Regards, mg


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