[bt-devel] Config Dialog HotKey Editor

Gary Holmlund gary.holmlund at gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 06:57:17 MST 2009

Jaak Ristioja wrote:
> Gary Holmlund wrote:
>> The shortcut editor has been checked in and is ready to use. If you can
>> try it and give me any feedback about it, that would be great.
>> In testing I have found that the "back in history" and "forward in
>> history" don't work right with a shortcut. I will work on this next.
>> Perhaps looking critically at the text in the dialog would be good. We
>> will need it to be translated soon.
>> Gary
> Hi!
> Nice to hear that. However, for translators, its a nightmare to
> translate something like this:
> QString conflictMsg = "\n   \"" + conflict + "\" " + tr("in the") + "
> \"" + getTitleForEditor(list.at(i)) + "\" " + tr("group");
> conflicts.append(conflictMsg);
> Why? Because not all language have the same structure as English does.
> There might not be equivalents for "in" or "the", and in some language
> one might need to add some other words into "a strange place" somewhere
> in that sentence. For flexibility and better translations, please use
> something alike the following instead:
> QString conflictMsg = tr("\n\t\"%1\" in the \"%2\"
> group").arg(conflict).arg(getTitleForEditor(list.at(i)));
> conflicts.append(conflictMsg);
> God Bless!
> Jaak Ristioja
A very good point. I will change any messages like this. I am traveling 
so it may be a couple of days before I get it done.


Gary Holmlund

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