[bt-devel] Qt Only

Matthew Talbert ransom1982 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 23 14:21:04 MST 2009

Hi all,

> BTW, I have set up my old PC machine with Win2000 and have been trying
> to set up the development environment. But this may be too much for me -
> I don't know what is needed and what is not, and how to compile
> different things.
> Is mingw/msys/msysdtk environment enough? It has the tools so that I
> could configure Sword and icu, but both failed compiling. I really hope
> cygwin is not needed, not speaking of MS Visual Studio.
> Which options I need for compiling sword? Now it failed with
> "unicode/xxx.h"  headers - I think they are from icu. Where to install
> sword?
> Do I really need icu, and how to compile it? It should support mingw but
> it's not promised ("Rarely tested"). Where to install it? There exists a
> precompiled package for Windows but it's compiled with VC. Could it work
> with programs compiled with MinGW?
> Do I need to install and and compile libcurl? How to compile it? Where
> to install it?
> How to compile clucene? Where to install it?
> Can I compile BT with static libraries? Do all these libraries
> and tools support it?

I have never tried compiling a QT program; however, I did supply a
libsword.a for BibleMemorizer that I compiled with msys/mingw and he
incorporated that into his QT program that I believe he compiled with
cmake and mingw.

libsword and clucene do build with mingw/msys. I suggest you look at
the wiki for compiling GS
[http://www.crosswire.org/wiki/Gnomesword_for_Windows] to find out how
to set it up, plus where to find a libcurl that works with this setup.
ICU is a problem I haven't entirely solved; I suggest you skip it for
now. In addition, I have now switched to using tdragon's mingw distro,
here [http://www.tdragon.net/recentgcc/].

I'll be glad to help any other way I can.


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