[bt-devel] Qt Only

Eeli Kaikkonen eekaikko at mail.student.oulu.fi
Mon Feb 23 14:06:26 MST 2009

On Mon, 23 Feb 2009, Greg Hellings wrote:
> I have only one location with SWORD installed - however, it appears
> that the problem only arises because I have SWORD installed to a
> location where no other libraries that BibleTime depends on are
> located.  Scouring through the BibleTime code, almost all of the SWORD
> headers that are included are referenced directly as "#include
> <swmgr.h>" and the like, without the sword/ prefix.  This, of course,
> mandates that CXXFLAGS have the item -I/usr/local/include/sword or
> wherever the SWORD headers are placed.  In my case, they are located
> at /opt/manual/include/sword.  However, in a few cases, including
> cswordsetupinstallsourcesdialog.h and btsourcearea.cpp/.h, you find
> "#include <sword/installmgr.h>" - normally, if SWORD is installed in
> the same directory as many other libraries that BibleTime uses, one
> would also have a -I/usr/local/include, which would cause the
> discrepancy to be overlooked, since references to either
> <installmgr.h> or <sword/installmgr.h> would both be reachable.
> However, in my case, since SWORD is the only manually installed
> library that BibleTime is picking up, there is no
> -I/opt/manual/include, so the references to <sword/installmgr.h> are
> not being resolved.
> I haven't checked all the other SWORD headers to see if they are
> sometimes referenced as sword/*, though I did remove the "sword/" from
> the three files I mentioned above and compile went cleanly after that.
> With one small change to the CMakeList.txt file to install the binary
> to the proper place in the bibletime.app bundle folder, I was able to
> get Bibletime up and running on my system.

Ok. We have to change the #include statements, I guess. I'm not sure but
I think <sword/xxx.h> would be more correct. The other option is to use
<swordheader.h> and change the cmake file accordingly. I suppose Martin
can take care of this, unless Gary volunteers.

> It properly detects a KJV
> module I installed using SWORD's command-line tool, but BibleTime's
> install manager brings up a window claiming that it's installing a
> module and never seems to make any progress in the installation.  I'm
> going to try leaving it running for a while to see if it is just
> progressing very slowly.  However, the system is up and running with
> only the compile-time modification I mentioned above with the include
> files.
> --Greg

Can you start from command line with --debug and tell us what it puts
out?  My guess is that there's some problem with the ftp
connection/library, but it can be our code as well.

BTW, I have set up my old PC machine with Win2000 and have been trying
to set up the development environment. But this may be too much for me -
I don't know what is needed and what is not, and how to compile
different things.

Is mingw/msys/msysdtk environment enough? It has the tools so that I
could configure Sword and icu, but both failed compiling. I really hope
cygwin is not needed, not speaking of MS Visual Studio.

Which options I need for compiling sword? Now it failed with
"unicode/xxx.h"  headers - I think they are from icu. Where to install

Do I really need icu, and how to compile it? It should support mingw but
it's not promised ("Rarely tested"). Where to install it? There exists a
precompiled package for Windows but it's compiled with VC. Could it work
with programs compiled with MinGW?

Do I need to install and and compile libcurl? How to compile it? Where
to install it?

How to compile clucene? Where to install it?

Can I compile BT with static libraries? Do all these libraries
and tools support it?

	Eeli Kaikkonen (Mr.), Oulu, Finland
	e-mail: eekaikko at mailx.studentx.oulux.fix (with no x)

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