[bt-devel] Cleanup for KHTML and KDE/Qt Porting

Eeli Kaikkonen eekaikko at mail.student.oulu.fi
Sun Feb 15 03:06:46 MST 2009

Eeli Kaikkonen wrote:

> There are small things like the About dialog (which you could do) 

Would this design be good:

The About dialog is divided into tabs.
1. About BibleTime
2. Licence
	- Introductory text, short and easy to read, which tells that
	  BibleTime is completely free with some distribution conditions
	- GPL licence text (the licence should probably be installed
	  in BT directory)
3. Contributors/Thanks to
4. About Qt

Maybe we should write BtAboutDialog class. We could use it for About, 
module info, search syntax help. There are no tabs in the other two 
dialogs atm., but they could use them - e.g. the module info could be 
divided into tabs.

--Eeli Kaikkonen

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