[bt-devel] display is ready

Eeli Kaikkonen eekaikko at mail.student.oulu.fi
Wed Jun 27 07:01:47 MST 2007

display/ is now done. Next logical step for me is displaywindow.

Display had many tough parts and may be in bad shape when we try to test
the app. Especially all possible use cases of DnD and context menus
need testing.

Benjie: you seemed to have work with QToolTip, QTreeWidget, KAction,
Drag/Drop. I have used them all so ask if you need to know something.
KAction has good examples in chtmlwritedisplay. DnD you already know if
you have followed the wiki.

	Eeli Kaikkonen (Mr.), Oulu, Finland
	e-mail: eekaikko at mailx.studentx.oulux.fix (with no x)

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