[bt-devel] compilation error. Ambiguous function call.

Joachim Ansorg bt-devel@crosswire.org
Fri, 19 Mar 2004 10:51:27 +0100

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I think this is caused by an older compiler on Woody and unclean code in BT.

Copy the attached file to bibletime/backend/ and compile again. I hop it=20

Let me know,

> I have libsword version 1.5.7-2 with bt 1.4.1-1 on debian. I get the
> following error when I try to bibletime
> on debian system. Do you know why this is?

=2D --=20
<>< Re: deemed!
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


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                          cswordbackend.cpp  -  description
    begin                : Thu Oct 5 2000
    copyright            : (C) 2000 by The BibleTime team
    email                : info@bibletime.de

 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *

//BibleTime includes
#include "cswordbackend.h"
#include "centrydisplay.h"
#include "cswordbiblemoduleinfo.h"
#include "cswordcommentarymoduleinfo.h"
#include "cswordlexiconmoduleinfo.h"
#include "cswordbookmoduleinfo.h"
#include "frontend/cbtconfig.h"

#include "bt_thmlhtml.h"
#include "bt_osishtml.h"
#include "bt_gbfhtml.h"
#include <dirent.h>
#include <unistd.h>

//Qt includes
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qfileinfo.h>

//KDE includes
#include <klocale.h>

//Sword includes
#include <swdisp.h>
#include <swfiltermgr.h>
#include <encfiltmgr.h>
#include <plainhtml.h>
#include <rawgbf.h>
#include <rtfhtml.h>
#include <filemgr.h>
#include <utilstr.h>

using std::string;

//static class-wide members
static QMap<QString, QString> moduleDescriptionMap;

	: sword::SWMgr(0, 0, false, new sword::EncodingFilterMgr( sword::ENC_UTF8 ))
	m_displays.entry = 0;
	m_displays.chapter = 0;
	m_displays.book = 0;

	m_filters.gbf = 0;
	m_filters.thml = 0;
	m_filters.osis = 0;
	m_filters.plain = 0;

CSwordBackend::CSwordBackend(const QString& path)
	: sword::SWMgr((!path.isEmpty() ? (const char*)path.local8Bit() : 0), false, new sword::EncodingFilterMgr( sword::ENC_UTF8 ))
  qWarning("backend constructed with a path argument! %s", path.latin1());
	m_displays.entry = 0;
	m_displays.chapter = 0;
	m_displays.book = 0;

	m_filters.gbf = 0;
	m_filters.thml = 0;
	m_filters.osis = 0;
	m_filters.plain = 0;

	delete m_filters.gbf;
	delete m_filters.plain;
	delete m_filters.thml;
	delete m_filters.osis;

  delete m_displays.book;
  delete m_displays.chapter;
  delete m_displays.entry;

/** Initializes the Sword modules. */
const CSwordBackend::LoadError CSwordBackend::initModules() {
//  qWarning("globalSwordConfigPath is %s", globalConfPath);
	LoadError ret = NoError;

 	shutdownModules(); //remove previous modules

	ret = LoadError( Load() );
	for (sword::ModMap::iterator it = Modules.begin(); it != Modules.end(); it++) {
		sword::SWModule* const curMod = (*it).second;
		CSwordModuleInfo* newModule = 0;
		if (!strcmp(curMod->Type(), "Biblical Texts")) {
			newModule = new CSwordBibleModuleInfo(curMod, this);
			newModule->module()->Disp(m_displays.chapter ? m_displays.chapter : (m_displays.chapter = new CChapterDisplay));
		} else if (!strcmp(curMod->Type(), "Commentaries")) {
			newModule = new CSwordCommentaryModuleInfo(curMod, this);
			newModule->module()->Disp(m_displays.entry ? m_displays.entry : (m_displays.entry = new CEntryDisplay));
		} else if (!strcmp(curMod->Type(), "Lexicons / Dictionaries")) {
			newModule = new CSwordLexiconModuleInfo(curMod, this);
			newModule->module()->Disp(m_displays.entry ? m_displays.entry : (m_displays.entry = new CEntryDisplay));
		} else if (!strcmp(curMod->Type(), "Generic Books")) {
			newModule = new CSwordBookModuleInfo(curMod, this);
			newModule->module()->Disp(m_displays.book ? m_displays.book : (m_displays.book = new CBookDisplay));
		if (newModule) {	//append the new modules to our list
			m_moduleList.append( newModule );

	for (m_moduleList.first(); m_moduleList.current(); m_moduleList.next()) {
		moduleDescriptionMap.insert(m_moduleList.current()->config(CSwordModuleInfo::Description), m_moduleList.current()->name());

	//unlock modules if keys are present
	for (m_moduleList.first(); m_moduleList.current(); m_moduleList.next()) {
		if ( m_moduleList.current()->isEncrypted() ){
			const QString unlockKey = CBTConfig::getModuleEncryptionKey(m_moduleList.current()->name()).latin1();
			if (!unlockKey.isNull()){
  			setCipherKey( m_moduleList.current()->name().latin1(), unlockKey.latin1() );

	return ret;

void CSwordBackend::AddRenderFilters(sword::SWModule *module, sword::ConfigEntMap &section) {
	sword::SWBuf sourceformat;
	sword::SWBuf moduleDriver;
	sword::ConfigEntMap::iterator entry;
	bool noDriver = true;

	sourceformat = ((entry = section.find("SourceType")) != section.end()) ? (*entry).second : (sword::SWBuf) "";
	moduleDriver = ((entry = section.find("ModDrv")) != section.end()) ? (*entry).second : (sword::SWBuf) "";

	if (sourceformat == "GBF") {
		if (!m_filters.gbf)
			m_filters.gbf = new BT_GBFHTML();
		noDriver = false;

	if (sourceformat == "PLAIN") {
		if (!m_filters.plain)
			m_filters.plain = new sword::PLAINHTML();	
		noDriver = false;

	if (sourceformat == "ThML") {
		if (!m_filters.thml)
			m_filters.thml = new BT_ThMLHTML();
		noDriver = false;

	if (sourceformat == "OSIS") {
		if (!m_filters.osis)
			m_filters.osis = new BT_OSISHTML();
		noDriver = false;

	if (noDriver){ //no driver found
		if ( (moduleDriver == "RawCom") || (moduleDriver == "RawLD") ) {
			if (!m_filters.plain)
				m_filters.plain = new sword::PLAINHTML();
			noDriver = false;

/** This function deinitializes the modules and deletes them. */
const bool CSwordBackend::shutdownModules(){
	for (m_moduleList.first(); m_moduleList.current(); m_moduleList.next()) {
		CSwordModuleInfo* current = m_moduleList.current();
		delete current;

  //BT  mods are deleted now, delete Sword mods, too.
	return true;

/** Returns true if the given option is enabled. */
const bool CSwordBackend::isOptionEnabled( const CSwordBackend::FilterTypes type) {
	return (getGlobalOption( optionName(type).latin1() ) == "On");

/** Sets the given options enabled or disabled depending on the second parameter. */
void CSwordBackend::setOption( const CSwordBackend::FilterTypes type, const int state ){
  sword::SWBuf value;
	switch (type) {
		case textualVariants:
      if (state == 0) {
        value = "Primary Reading";
      else if (state == 1) {
        value = "Secondary Reading";
      else {
        value = "All Readings";

		case transliteration:
      if (useICU()) {
        sword::StringList options = transliterator()->getOptionValues();
        sword::StringList::iterator it = options.begin();
        for (int index = state; (index > 0) && (it != options.end()); ++it) {
        value = it->c_str();
				qWarning("setting transliteration to %s", value.c_str());

			value = state ? "On": "Off";
	if (value.length())
    setGlobalOption(optionName(type).latin1(), value.c_str());

void CSwordBackend::setFilterOptions( const CSwordBackend::FilterOptions options){
//  qWarning("CSwordBackend::setFilterOptions( const CSwordBackend::FilterOptions options)");
  setOption( footnotes, 					options.footnotes );
  setOption( strongNumbers, 			options.strongNumbers );
  setOption( headings, 						options.headings );
  setOption( morphTags, 					options.morphTags );
	setOption( lemmas, 							options.lemmas );
	setOption( hebrewPoints, 				options.hebrewPoints );
	setOption( hebrewCantillation, 	options.hebrewCantillation );
	setOption( greekAccents, 				options.greekAccents );
	setOption( redLetterWords,			options.redLetterWords );	
  setOption( textualVariants,			options.textualVariants );	
	setOption( transliteration,			options.transliteration );	
	setOption( scriptureReferences,	options.scriptureReferences);	

void CSwordBackend::setDisplayOptions( const CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions options){
  if (m_displays.entry)
  if (m_displays.chapter)
  if (m_displays.book)

/** This function searches for a module with the specified description */
CSwordModuleInfo* const CSwordBackend::findModuleByDescription(const QString& description){
  if (m_moduleList.count())
    for ( m_moduleList.first();m_moduleList.current();m_moduleList.next() )
      if ( m_moduleList.current()->config(CSwordModuleInfo::Description) == description )
        return m_moduleList.current();
  return 0;

/** This function searches for a module with the specified description */
const QString CSwordBackend::findModuleNameByDescription(const QString& description){
	if (moduleDescriptionMap.contains(description)) {
		return moduleDescriptionMap[description];
  return QString::null;

/** This function searches for a module with the specified name */
CSwordModuleInfo* const CSwordBackend::findModuleByName(const QString& name){
  if (m_moduleList.count()) {
    for ( m_moduleList.first(); m_moduleList.current(); m_moduleList.next() ) {
      if ( m_moduleList.current()->name() == name ) {
        return m_moduleList.current();
  return 0;

CSwordModuleInfo* const CSwordBackend::findSwordModuleByPointer(const sword::SWModule* const swmodule){
  if (swmodule) {
    for ( m_moduleList.first(); m_moduleList.current(); m_moduleList.next() ) {
      if ( m_moduleList.current()->module() == swmodule ) {
        return m_moduleList.current();
  return 0;

CSwordModuleInfo* const CSwordBackend::findModuleByPointer(const CSwordModuleInfo* const module){
  if (module) {
    for ( m_moduleList.first(); m_moduleList.current(); m_moduleList.next() ) {
      if ( m_moduleList.current() == module ) {
        return m_moduleList.current();
  return 0;

/** Returns our local config object to store the cipher keys etc. locally for each user. The values of the config are merged with the global config. */
const bool CSwordBackend::moduleConfig(const QString& module, sword::SWConfig& moduleConfig) {
	sword::SectionMap::iterator section;
	DIR *dir = opendir(configPath);
	struct dirent *ent;
	bool foundConfig = false;	
	QString modFile;	
	if (dir) {    // find and update .conf file
		while ((ent = readdir(dir)) && !foundConfig) {
			if ((strcmp(ent->d_name, ".")) && (strcmp(ent->d_name, ".."))) {								
				modFile = QString::fromLocal8Bit(configPath);
				modFile += QString::fromLatin1("/");
				modFile += QString::fromLocal8Bit(ent->d_name);
				moduleConfig = sword::SWConfig( (const char*)modFile.local8Bit() );
				section =	moduleConfig.Sections.find( (const char*)module.local8Bit() );
				foundConfig = ( section != moduleConfig.Sections.end() );
	else { //try to read mods.conf
		//moduleConfig = SWConfig( configPath + "/mods.conf" );
		moduleConfig = sword::SWConfig("");//global config		
		section =	config->Sections.find( (const char*)module.local8Bit() );		
		foundConfig = ( section != config->Sections.end() );		
		sword::ConfigEntMap::iterator entry;
		if (foundConfig) { //copy module section
			for (entry = (*section).second.begin(); entry != (*section).second.end(); entry++) {
					moduleConfig.Sections[(*section).first].insert(sword::ConfigEntMap::value_type((*entry).first, (*entry).second));
	if (!foundConfig && configType != 2) { //search in $HOME/.sword/
		QString myPath = QString::fromLatin1("%1/.sword/mods.d").arg(getenv("HOME"));
		dir = opendir(myPath.latin1());
		if (dir) {
			while ((ent = readdir(dir)) && !foundConfig) {
				if ((strcmp(ent->d_name, ".")) && (strcmp(ent->d_name, ".."))) {								
					modFile = myPath;
					modFile += "/";
					modFile += ent->d_name;
					moduleConfig = sword::SWConfig( (const char*)modFile.local8Bit() );
					section =	moduleConfig.Sections.find( (const char*)module.local8Bit() );
					foundConfig = ( section != moduleConfig.Sections.end() );
	return foundConfig;

/** Returns the text used for the option given as parameter. */
const QString CSwordBackend::optionName( const CSwordBackend::FilterTypes option ){
	switch (option) {
		case CSwordBackend::footnotes:
			return QString::fromLatin1("Footnotes");
		case CSwordBackend::strongNumbers:
			return QString::fromLatin1("Strong's Numbers");
		case CSwordBackend::headings:
			return QString::fromLatin1("Headings");
		case CSwordBackend::morphTags:
			return QString::fromLatin1("Morphological Tags");
  	case CSwordBackend::lemmas:
			return QString::fromLatin1("Lemmas");
		case CSwordBackend::hebrewPoints:
			return QString::fromLatin1("Hebrew Vowel Points");
		case CSwordBackend::hebrewCantillation:
			return QString::fromLatin1("Hebrew Cantillation");
		case CSwordBackend::greekAccents:
			return QString::fromLatin1("Greek Accents");
		case CSwordBackend::redLetterWords:
			return QString::fromLatin1("Words of Christ in Red");
    case CSwordBackend::textualVariants:
			return QString::fromLatin1("Textual Variants");	
		case CSwordBackend::scriptureReferences:
			return QString::fromLatin1("Cross-references");
		case CSwordBackend::transliteration:
			return QString::fromLatin1("Transliteration");
	return QString::null;	

/** Returns the translated name of the option given as parameter. */
const QString CSwordBackend::translatedOptionName(const CSwordBackend::FilterTypes option){
	switch (option) {
		case CSwordBackend::footnotes:
			return i18n("Footnotes");
		case CSwordBackend::strongNumbers:
			return i18n("Strong's Numbers");
		case CSwordBackend::headings:
			return i18n("Headings");
		case CSwordBackend::morphTags:
			return i18n("Morphological Tags");
  	case CSwordBackend::lemmas:
			return i18n("Lemmas");
		case CSwordBackend::hebrewPoints:
			return i18n("Hebrew Vowel Points");
		case CSwordBackend::hebrewCantillation:
			return i18n("Hebrew Cantillation");
		case CSwordBackend::greekAccents:
			return i18n("Greek Accents");
		case CSwordBackend::redLetterWords:
			return i18n("Red letter words");
		case CSwordBackend::textualVariants:
			return i18n("Textual Variants");
		case CSwordBackend::scriptureReferences:
			return i18n("Scripture Cross-references");	
		case CSwordBackend::transliteration:
			return i18n("Transliteration between scripts");	
	return QString::null;

const QString CSwordBackend::configOptionName( const CSwordBackend::FilterTypes option ){
	switch (option) {
		case CSwordBackend::footnotes:
			return QString::fromLatin1("Footnotes");         
		case CSwordBackend::strongNumbers:
			return QString::fromLatin1("Strongs");
		case CSwordBackend::headings:
			return QString::fromLatin1("Headings");
		case CSwordBackend::morphTags:
			return QString::fromLatin1("Morph");
  	case CSwordBackend::lemmas:
			return QString::fromLatin1("Lemma");
		case CSwordBackend::hebrewPoints:
			return QString::fromLatin1("HebrewPoints");
		case CSwordBackend::hebrewCantillation:
			return QString::fromLatin1("Cantillation");
		case CSwordBackend::greekAccents:
			return QString::fromLatin1("GreekAccents");
		case CSwordBackend::redLetterWords:
			return QString::fromLatin1("RedLetterWords");
		case CSwordBackend::textualVariants:
			return QString::fromLatin1("Variants");
		case CSwordBackend::scriptureReferences:
			return QString::fromLatin1("Scripref");
      return QString::null;
	return QString::null;	

const QString CSwordBackend::booknameLanguage( const QString& language ) {
	if (!language.isNull())
		sword::LocaleMgr::systemLocaleMgr.setDefaultLocaleName( language.local8Bit() );
	return QString::fromLatin1(sword::LocaleMgr::systemLocaleMgr.getDefaultLocaleName());

/** Returns the version of the Sword library. */
const sword::SWVersion CSwordBackend::Version() {
	return sword::SWVersion::currentVersion;

/** Returns our transliterator object we use. Returns 0 if ICU is not used. */
sword::SWFilter* const CSwordBackend::transliterator() {
  if (!useICU())
    return 0;
  if (sword::SWFilter* filter = optionFilters["UTF8Transliterator"])
    return filter;
  return 0;

/** Returns true if ICU is being used. */
const bool CSwordBackend::useICU() const{
  return SWMgr::isICU;

/** Reload all Sword modules. */
void CSwordBackend::reloadModules(){
  //delete Sword's config to make Sword reload it!
  if (myconfig) { // force reload on config object because we may have changed the paths
    delete myconfig;
    config = myconfig = 0;
  else if (config) {

const QStringList CSwordBackend::swordDirList(){
  QStringList ret;
	const QString home = getenv("HOME");

  //return a list of used Sword dirs. Useful for the installer
  QString configPath;
	if (!home.isEmpty())
		configPath = home + "/.sword/sword.conf";
		configPath = globalConfPath; //e.g. /etc/sword.conf, /usr/local/etc/sword.conf

  QStringList configs = QStringList::split(":", configPath);
  for (QStringList::iterator it = configs.begin(); it != configs.end(); ++it) {
    if (!QFileInfo(*it).exists())

    //get all DataPath and AugmentPath entries from the config file and add them to the list
    sword::SWConfig conf( (*it).latin1() );

    ret << conf["Install"]["DataPath"].c_str();
    sword::ConfigEntMap group = conf["Install"];
    sword::ConfigEntMap::iterator start = group.equal_range("AugmentPath").first;
    sword::ConfigEntMap::iterator end = group.equal_range("AugmentPath").second;

    for (sword::ConfigEntMap::iterator it = start; it != end; ++it) {
      ret << it->second.c_str(); //added augment path

  if (!home.isEmpty()) {
    ret << home + "/.sword/";

  return ret;
