[bt-devel] misc

Joachim Ansorg bt-devel@crosswire.org
Sat, 7 Apr 2001 16:13:59 +0200


> One message:
> (BibleTime 1.0) WARNING: QObject::connect: No such slot
> CLexiconPresenter::printEntry()
> (BibleTime 1.0) WARNING: QObject::connect:  (sender name:   'unnamed')
> (BibleTime 1.0) WARNING: QObject::connect:  (receiver name:'
> bibletime-mainwindow#4')

Ok, I'll have a look at it.

> We should have parallel display for lexicons also. (BTW, should we replace
> "lexicon" with "dictionary"?) This is especially useful when comparing
> different strong's dictionaries. Only the entries of the first dict. will
> be displayed in the combo; if the user selects an entry which is not
> available in all of the displayed dict. only the available ones will be
> displayed. This should be easy to implement.

Yes, this is easy. I'll add it as soon as I have some time.
I hope to release 1.0beta1 this weekend, only the sources but no binaries.
The right Icons and translations will not be in 1.0beta1. Two weeks after we 
released bet1 we should make a message freeze to get the translators started.
Feature freeze is after we released beta1.
Fred, are two weeks enough to complete the handbook or do you need more time?

> Joachim, do you think caching the fonts (as I had it when I visited you)
> would speed up the parallel display? (Saves the numerous getFont() calls)

Already done yesterday, but it doesn't speed it up very much.
