[bd-users] Bible Desktop questions

Jeffrey Needle jeff.needle at gmail.com
Wed Jul 18 13:15:48 MST 2007

Hello, I'm wondering if I can ask a few questions about Bible Desktop.

1.  Is development ongoing?  I notice the note that "personal notes" is  
not currently working.  Is this being fixed?

2.  When I display Strong's numbers and morphological tags, I don't get  
anything when clicking on the morph. tags.  Strongs works pretty well --  
most of the time -- but the other doesn't seem to work at all.

3.  Is there a way to add my own files to Bible Desktop?  Not Bible files,  
but books, like the Sword books I've imported.

Thanks for any help you can be.

Jeffrey Needle
jeff.needle at gmail.com

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