Package org.crosswire.common.config

Config allows an application to separate the responsibilities of setting itself up, and providing a user interface from the real work that it needs to do.

See: Description

Package org.crosswire.common.config Description

Config allows an application to separate the responsibilities of setting itself up, and providing a user interface from the real work that it needs to do.


Config is (mostly) all kept in a few packages in the util source tree. The design aims for the following goals:

How To Use Config

There are a number of simple steps. First a config.xml file is needed to tell the config system what to configure and how.


  <!-- A configuration is a set of options ... -->
  <!-- The key is a dot separated name - Imaging this in a Mozilla tree or some nested tabs. -->
  <option key="Bibles.Sword.Base Directory" type="string">
    <!-- The type (above) along with the introspect line configures what JavaBean methods will be called -->
    <introspect class="" property="SwordDir"/>
    <!-- The tool-tip (or similar) describing what is going on -->
    <help>Where is the SWORD Project base directory.</help>

  <!-- Another option, this time it is a boolean option which will show up as a tickbox -->
  <option key="Bibles.Display.Persistent Naming" level="advanced" type="boolean">
    <introspect class="org.crosswire.jsword.passage.PassageUtil" property="PersistentNaming"/>
    <help>True if the passage editor re-writes the references to conform to its notation.</help>

  <!-- Another type again this one for the look and feel. -->
  <!-- The reason for the helper class here is to alter windows that are not currently mapped -->
    <option key="Looks.Look and Feel" type="class">
    <introspect class="org.crosswire.common.swing.LookAndFeelUtil" property="LookAndFeel"/>
    <help>The look and feel of the application</help>

  <!-- When we have have an Enum style config option ... -->
    <option key="Bibles.Display.Book Case" level="advanced" type="int-options">
    <introspect class="org.crosswire.jsword.passage.Books" property="Case"/>
    <help>What case should we use to display the references.</help>
    <alternative number="0" name="lower"/>
    <alternative number="1" name="Sentence"/>
    <alternative number="2" name="UPPER"/>
    <alternative number="3" name="mIXeD"/>

  <!-- The options here are more complex and need to be provided as a string array by Java code (see below) -->
    <option key="Bibles.Default" type="string-options">
    <introspect class="" property="DefaultName"/>
    <help>Which of the available Bibles is the default.</help>
    <map name="biblenames"/>

  <!-- This option is 'advanced' which means it is not visible to all users (see below) -->
    <option key="Advanced.Source Path" level="advanced" type="path">
    <introspect class="org.crosswire.common.swing.DetailedExceptionPane" property="SourcePath"/>
    <help>The directories to search for source code in when investigating an exception.</help>

  <!-- When the choice is very custom you can always do your own implementation -->
  <!-- This allows us to set users levels so not everyone gets asked hard questions -->
    <option key="Advanced.User Level" type="custom" class="org.crosswire.common.util.UserLevel$UserLevelChoice">
    <help>How advanced is your knowledge of this program.</help>

  <!-- There are other examples in config.xml -->

Then you need to add the Java code:

// To load the config.xml file:
Config config = new Config("Tool Shed Options");
Document xmlconfig = Project.resource().getDocument("config"); // Or whatever to get a JDOM Document

// To load a saved config
config.setProperties(Project.resource().getProperties("desktop")); // Or however you get a Properties

// And display it ...
URL configurl = Project.resource().getPropertiesURL("desktop"); // URL of the Properties file to save to
SwingConfig.showDialog(config, parentWind, configurl);

// The code above needed help in setting up a string choice. This is how ...
ChoiceFactory.getDataMap().put("biblenames", Bibles.getBibleNames());

There are more examples in org.crosswire.bibledesktop.desktop.OptionsAction.

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