[bt-devel] Some pictures

Eeli Kaikkonen eekaikko at mail.student.oulu.fi
Thu Feb 26 03:37:02 MST 2009

Quoting Greg Hellings <greg.hellings at gmail.com>:

> Just a screen shot of Bibletime running in a system other than my
> Development box, to prove it's possible.  For some reason, it lacks
> all icon images on this box - but then again, this is it running in
> Win XP Pro 64-bit, so I don't feel that much surprise or consternation
> over it.  The icons appear on my development box, but it is, after
> all, my development box.
> http://www.utdallas.edu/~gsh062000/pictures/p5.png

> system.  You can fetch the .msi file from
> http://www.utdallas.edu/~gsh062000/bibletime-installer.msi - it will

It's running here on WinXP Pro on IBM T41 (my laptop at work). It  
doesn't show the icons, either. Is it possible that Qt on some Windows  
doesn't handle svg?

It also gives assert and "Debug Error!" when trying to open Bookshelf  
Manager. Apparently MSVS handles Qt assertions this way. It would be  
nice if the dialog included the assert message, but it can be seen in  
the command window.

It gives the same assertion when I change some settings and try to OK  
the Config dialog.

Otherwise it works well - though there's not much to do without modules :)

> You can find some known issues listed on the Bibletime wiki in a new
> page Building_on_Windows which I just created there and linked to from
> the building page.  My thought was that the cross-platform builds will
> have enough issues to track at their start that perhaps a separate
> page would be good, and then, when things are more streamlined, they
> can be collapsed back onto the main Building from source page.


BTW, please use BibleTime instead of Bibletime, for example in Start  
menu. It doesn't matter at the moment but we should get the visible  
strings right before publishing.

--Eeli Kaikkonen

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