[Date] [Copyright Holder] [Copyright Holder's Address] To Whom It May Concern [or copyright holder's name], Thank you for your time. I use GnomeSword (http://gnomesword.sourceforge.net). This Bible Study program uses the software library and data modules developed by the Sword Project (http://www.crosswire.org/sword/). The Sword Project is a free, non-commercial and open source project that develops software tools that make writing Bible programs easy. I am writing you in hope that you will grant this wonderful project the right to distribute your work, [the name of their work, i.e. New International Version], as a data module that can be used in any of the many Bible study programs that use the Sword Project's tools and data modules. I know personally it would benefit my Bible study if I had access to your very useful work. I am ready and willing, not only to pay a small fee to be able to use your work under GnomeSword, but also I am standing ready to field any questions you might have about the project. You can contact me at the address below. In Christ, [Your Name] [Your Address] [Your E-mail Address]