<%@ include file="defines/tiles.jsp" %> <%@ page import="java.util.Enumeration,java.util.Vector" %> <%@ page import="gnu.regexp.RE" %> <% Vector catTreeOpen = (Vector)session.getAttribute("catTreeOpen"); String action = (String)request.getParameter("action"); String show = (String)request.getParameter("show"); if (show != null) session.setAttribute("catShow", show); show = (String)session.getAttribute("catShow"); if ((action != null) && (action.equalsIgnoreCase("closeAll"))) { catTreeOpen = null; } if (catTreeOpen == null) { catTreeOpen = new Vector(); session.setAttribute("catTreeOpen", catTreeOpen); } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { String []nodes = request.getParameterValues((i>0)?"close":"open"); if (nodes != null) { for (int j = 0; j < nodes.length; j++) { String node = nodes[j]; if (node != null) { if (i>0) catTreeOpen.remove(node); else { if (!catTreeOpen.contains(node)) { catTreeOpen.add(node); } } } } } } %> <%-- override lookup URL, so this script is used to display the keys --%>
    <% Vector leaves = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < modInfo.length; i++) { if (!leaves.contains(modInfo[i].category)) { leaves.add(modInfo[i].category); boolean open = catTreeOpen.contains(modInfo[i].category); %>
  • =<%= URLEncoder.encode(modInfo[i].category) %>"><%= ((open)?"[-]":"[+]") %> <%= modInfo[i].category %>
  • <% if (open) { %>
      <% for (int j = 0; j < modInfo.length; j++) { if (modInfo[i].category.equals(modInfo[j].category)) { SWModule module = mgr.getModuleByName(modInfo[j].name); if (module != null) { %>
    • <%= modInfo[j].name %> <%= module.getDescription() %>
    • <% } } } %>
    <% } } } %>
<% if (show != null) { SWModule module = mgr.getModuleByName(show); if (module != null) { String about = module.getConfigEntry("About"); if (about != null) { RE pardRegex = new RE("\\\\pard"); about = pardRegex.substituteAll(about, ""); RE parRegex = new RE("\\\\par"); about = parRegex.substituteAll(about, "
"); RE rtfRegex = new RE("\\\\\\w+"); about = rtfRegex.substituteAll(about, ""); } String type = module.getCategory(); String targetURL = ""; if ((SwordOrb.BIBLES.equals(type)) || (SwordOrb.COMMENTARIES.equals(type))) { targetURL = "passagestudy.jsp?mod="+URLEncoder.encode(module.getName()); } else if (SwordOrb.DAILYDEVOS.equals(type)) { targetURL = "dailydevotion.jsp?mod="+URLEncoder.encode(module.getName()); } else if ((SwordOrb.GENBOOKS.equals(type)) || ("Essays".equals(type))) { targetURL = "bookdisplay.jsp?mod="+URLEncoder.encode(module.getName()); } %>

<%= module.getDescription() %>

<%= about %> <% } } %>