# File creation: 2017-01-20 # French translation for Sword # Provided by yvand , Cyrille , domcox [Meta] Name=fr_abbrev Description=French abbreviations (Unicode) Encoding=UTF-8 [Text] # Old Testament* (39) # Genesis Genesis=Gen # Exodus Exodus=Ex # Leviticus Leviticus=Lév # Numbers Numbers=Nb # Deuteronomy Deuteronomy=Deut # Joshua Joshua=Jos # Judges Judges=Jug # Ruth Ruth=Ruth # I Samuel I Samuel=1 Sam # II Samuel II Samuel=2 Sam # I Kings I Kings=1 Rois # II Kings II Kings=2 Rois # I Chronicles I Chronicles=1 Chr # II Chronicles II Chronicles=2 Chr # Ezra Ezra=Esdr # Nehemiah Nehemiah=Néh # Esther Esther=Esth # Job Job=Job # Psalms Psalms=Ps # Proverbs Proverbs=Prov # Ecclesiastes Ecclesiastes=Eccl # Song of Solomon Song of Solomon=Cant # Isaiah Isaiah=És # Jeremiah Jeremiah=Jér # Lamentations Lamentations=Lam # Ezekiel Ezekiel=Éz # Daniel Daniel=Dan # Hosea Hosea=Os # Joel Joel=Joël # Amos Amos=Am # Obadiah Obadiah=Abd # Jonah Jonah=Jon # Micah Micah=Mich # Nahum Nahum=Nah # Habakkuk Habakkuk=Hab # Zephaniah Zephaniah=Soph # Haggai Haggai=Agg # Zechariah Zechariah=Zach # Malachi Malachi=Mal # New Testament* (27) # Matthew Matthew=Mt # Mark Mark=Marc # Luke Luke=Luc # John John=Jean # Acts Acts=Act # Romans Romans=Rom # I Corinthians I Corinthians=1 Cor # II Corinthians II Corinthians=2 Cor # Galatians Galatians=Gal # Ephesians Ephesians=Éph # Philippians Philippians=Php # Colossians Colossians=Col # I Thessalonians I Thessalonians=1 Th # II Thessalonians II Thessalonians=2 Th # I Timothy I Timothy=1 Tim # II Timothy II Timothy=2 Tim # Titus Titus=Tite # Philemon Philemon=Phm # Hebrews Hebrews=Hébr # James James=Jacq # I Peter I Peter=1 P # II Peter II Peter=2 P # I John I John=1 Jn # II John II John=2 Jn # III John III John=3 Jn # Jude Jude=Jude # Revelation of John Revelation of John=Apoc # Apocrypha/Deuterocanon* (22) # Tobit Tobit=Tob # Judith Judith=Jdt # Esther (Greek) Esther (Greek)=Estgrec # Additions to Esther Additions to Esther=AddEst # Wisdom Wisdom=Sag # Sirach (Prologue) Sirach (Prologue)=PrSir # Sirach Sirach=Sir # Baruch Baruch=Bar # Epistle of Jeremiah Epistle of Jeremiah=LtJr # Daniel (Greek) Daniel (Greek)=Dangrec # Additions to Daniel Additions to Daniel=AddDan # Prayer of Azariah Prayer of Azariah=PrAzar # Susanna Susanna=Suz # Bel and the Dragon Bel and the Dragon=Bel # I Maccabees I Maccabees=1 M # II Maccabees II Maccabees=2 M # III Maccabees III Maccabees=3 M # IV Maccabees IV Maccabees=4 M # Prayer of Manasses Prayer of Manasses=Man # I Esdras I Esdras=3 Esd # II Esdras II Esdras=4 Esd # Additional Psalm Additional Psalm=Ps 151 # Rahlfs' LXX* (2) # Odes Odes=Odes # Psalms of Solomon Psalms of Solomon=Ps Sal # Rahlfs' variant books* (6) # Joshua Codex Alexandrinus Joshua Codex Alexandrinus=JosA # Judges Codex Vaticanus Judges Codex Vaticanus=JgV # Tobit Codex Sinaiticus Tobit Codex Sinaiticus=TobS # Susanna Theodotion Susanna Theodotion=SusTh # Daniel Theodotion Daniel Theodotion=DanTh # Bel and the Dragon Theodotion Bel and the Dragon Theodotion=BelTh # Vulgate & other later Latin mss* (6) # Laodiceans Laodiceans=Laod # V Ezra V Ezra=5 Esd # IV Ezra IV Ezra=Ap Esd # VI Ezra VI Ezra=6 Esd # Prayer of Solomon Prayer of Solomon=PrSal # Prayer of Jeremiah Prayer of Jeremiah=PrJér # Ethiopian Orthodox Canon/Ge'ez Translation Additions (7) # I Enoch I Enoch=Hén # Jubilees Jubilees=Jub # IV Baruch IV Baruch=4 Bar # I Meqabyan I Meqabyan=1 M Ét # II Meqabyan II Meqabyan=2 M Ét # III Meqabyan III Meqabyan=3 M Ét # Reproof #Reproof= # Additions to Jeremiah #Additions to Jeremiah= # Pseudo-Josephus #Pseudo-Josephus= # Armenian Orthodox Canon Additions (7/19) # Epistle of the Corinthians to Paul Epistle of the Corinthians to Paul=CoP # III Corinthians III Corinthians=3 Cor # Words of Sirach #Words of Sirach= # Prayer of Euthalius #Prayer of Euthalius= # Dormition of John Dormition of John=DormJean # Joseph and Asenath Joseph and Asenath=JosAsen # Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs (composed of:) Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs (composed of:)=T12Patr # Testament of Asher Testament of Asher=tAser # Testament of Benjamin Testament of Benjamin=tBen # Testament of Dan Testament of Dan=tDan # Testament of Gad Testament of Gad=tGad # Testament of Issachar Testament of Issachar=tIss # Testament of Joseph Testament of Joseph=tJos # Testament of Judah Testament of Judah=tJuda # Testament of Levi Testament of Levi=tLévi # Testament of Naphtali Testament of Naphtali=tNeph # Testament of Reuben Testament of Reuben=tRub # Testament of Simeon Testament of Simeon=tSim # Testament of Zebulun Testament of Zebulun=tZab # Peshitta/Syriac Orthodox Canon (4) # II Baruch #II Baruch= # Letter of Baruch #Letter of Baruch= # Additional Syriac Psalms #Additional Syriac Psalms= # Josephus' Jewish War VI #Josephus' Jewish War VI= # Apostolic Fathers (19/22) # I Clement I Clement=1 Clém # II Clement II Clement=2 Clém # Ignatius to the Ephesians #Ignatius to the Ephesians= # Ignatius to the Magnesians #Ignatius to the Magnesians= # Ignatius to the Trallians #Ignatius to the Trallians= # Ignatius to the Romans #Ignatius to the Romans= # Ignatius to the Philadelphians #Ignatius to the Philadelphians= # Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans #Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans= # Ignatius to Polycarp #Ignatius to Polycarp= # Polycarp to the Philippians #Polycarp to the Philippians= # Martyrdom of Polycarp #Martyrdom of Polycarp= # Didache Didache=Did # Barnabas #Barnabas= # Shepherd of Hermas (comprised of:) Shepherd of Hermas (comprised of:)=Herm # Shepherd of Hermas, Mandates #Shepherd of Hermas, Mandates= # Shepherd of Hermas, Similitudes #Shepherd of Hermas, Similitudes= # Shepherd of Hermas, Visions #Shepherd of Hermas, Visions= # Diognetus #Diognetus= # Apostles' Creed #Apostles' Creed= # Fragments of Papias #Fragments of Papias= # Reliques of the Elders #Reliques of the Elders= # Fragment of Quadratus #Fragment of Quadratus= # Other (2) # Diatessaron #Diatessaron= # Metrical Psalms #Metrical Psalms= [Book Abbrevs] GEN=Gen EX=Exod LÉV=Lev NB=Num DEUT=Deut JOS=Josh JUG=Judg RUTH=Ruth 1 SAM=1Sam 2 SAM=2Sam 1 ROIS=1Kgs 2 ROIS=2Kgs 1 CHR=1Chr 2 CHR=2Chr ESDR=Ezra NÉH=Neh ESTH=Esth JOB=Job PS=Ps PROV=Prov ECCL=Eccl CANT=Song ÉS=Isa JÉR=Jer LAM=Lam ÉZ=Ezek DAN=Dan OS=Hos JOËL=Joel AM=Amos ABD=Obad JON=Jonah MICH=Mic NAH=Nah HAB=Hab SOPH=Zeph AGG=Hag ZACH=Zech MAL=Mal MT=Matt MARC=Mark LUC=Luke JEAN=John ACT=Acts ROM=Rom 1 COR=1Cor 2 COR=2Cor GAL=Gal ÉPH=Eph PHP=Phil COL=Col 1 TH=1Thess 2 TH=2Thess 1 TIM=1Tim 2 TIM=2Tim TITE=Titus PHM=Phlm HÉBR=Heb JACQ=Jas 1 P=1Pet 2 P=2Pet 1 JN=1John 2 JN=2John 3 JN=3John JUDE=Jude APOC=Rev TOB=Tob JDT=Jdt ESTGREC=EsthGr ADDEST=AddEsth SAG=Wis PRSIR=SirP SIR=Sir BAR=Bar LTJR=EpJer DANGREC=DanGr ADDDAN=AddDan PRAZAR=PrAzar SUZ=Sus BEL=Bel 1 M=1Macc 2 M=2Macc 3 M=3Macc 4 M=4Macc MAN=PrMan 3 ESD=1Esd 4 ESD=2Esd PS 151=AddPs ODES=Odes PS SAL=PssSol JOSA=JoshA JGV=JudgB TOBS=TobS SUSTH=SusTh DANTH=DanTh BELTH=BelTh LAOD=EpLao 5 ESD=5Ezra AP ESD=4Ezra 6 ESD=6Ezra PRSAL=PrSol PRJÉR=PrJer HÉN=1En JUB=Jub 4 BAR=4Bar 1 M ÉT=1Meq 2 M ÉT=2Meq 3 M ÉT=3Meq COP=EpCorPaul 3 COR=3Cor DORMJEAN=DormJohn JOSASEN=JosAsen T12PATR=T12Patr TASER=T12Patr.Tash TBEN=T12Patr.Tbenj TDAN=T12Patr.Tdan TGAD=T12Patr.Tgad TISS=T12Patr.Tiss TJOS=T12Patr.Tjos TJUDA=T12Patr.Tjud TLÉVI=T12Patr.Tlevi TNEPH=T12Patr.Tnaph TRUB=T12Patr.Treu TSIM=T12Patr.Tsim TZAB=T12Patr.Tzeb 1 CLÉM=1Clem 2 CLÉM=2Clem DID=Did HERM=Herm