[ROB] DataPath=./modules/texts/ztext/rob/ ModDrv=zText Lang=ro Encoding=UTF-8 CompressType=ZIP BlockType=BOOK SwordVersionDate=2002-03-02 Version=1.0 Description=Romanian Orthodox Bible About=The current (Authorized) Romanian Orthodox Bible (both Old and New Testaments): this version was first published in 1936 and has gone into many editions. The Romanian translation was made by the priest Grigore Pisculescu (Dr.) (who was also a great Romanian writer, under the pen-name of Gala Galaction), and by the priest Vasile Radu (a leading expert in the Hebrew language and Syriac-Chaldean dialects), under the management of Nicodim, Metropolitan of Moldavia, and with the assistance of Miron Cristea (Dr.), Patriarch of Romania. As a result of the development of the literary language, many words in the newer editions have been changed, but the structure of the text has remained the same. The latest texts of this version are to be found on the websites: http://biblioteca.golia.ro/biblia/; http://www.m-ol.ro/biblioteca/biblia/biblia.htm; http://www.intratext.com/X/RUM0001.htm; http://razboiulnevazut.org/biblia/; http://biblia.true.ws/. You can also find the Forewords of the 1936 and 1994 editions (in WRI format) in the directory: ...\Program Files\CrossWire\The SWORD Project\modules\texts\ztext\rob\. Thank you for reading the Romanian Orthodox Bible! NOTA BENE: This is the Authorized text of the Romanian Orthodox Bible, and both Romanian editions belong to the Romanian Orthodox Church, in spite of the fact that there are no copyrights for them (see http://biblioteca.golia.ro/). TextSource=multiple websites: http://biblioteca.golia.ro/biblia/; http://www.m-ol.ro/biblioteca/biblia/biblia.htm; http://www.intratext.com/X/RUM0001.htm; http://razboiulnevazut.org/biblia/; http://biblia.true.ws/; the electronic-text was compared with the following books: (A) "Sfânta Scriptură", tradusă după textul grecesc al Septuagintei confruntat cu cel ebraic [...], din îndemnul și cu purtarea de grijă a Înalt Prea Sfințitului Dr. Miron Cristea, Patriarhul României, cu aprobarea Sfântului Sinod, Buc., Tipografia Cărților Bisericești,1936; (B) "Biblia sau Sfânta Scriptură", tipărită sub îndrumarea și cu purtarea de grijă a Prea Fericitului Părinte Teoctist, Patriarhul Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, cu aprobarea Sfântului Sinod, Editura Institutului Biblic și de Misiune al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, Buc., 1994. LCSH=Bible. Romanian.