[sword-devel] How do you make the Sword framework work in 64bit mode? (My compiler is giving me hundreds of warnings.)

Nic Carter niccarter at mac.com
Sat Nov 5 18:17:55 MST 2016


My decision was to defer merging my changes back into the official bindings. Unfortunately, that was a poor decision, as I continued to work on the bindings, making the future merge even more messy.

My decision was primarily made based on lack of time, as I was hoping to have a chunk of time to work on PS again, like I had a few years ago. Unfortunately, that never eventuated.

Thanks, ybic
	nic...  :)

> On 3 Nov. 2016, at 7:04 pm, Manfred Bergmann <manfred.bergmann at me.com> wrote:
> Hi TS.
> They were the same once. Both started out in the MacSword app.
> Then they were extracted from MacSword and made it’s own project which found the home in the bindings/objc folder of the SWORD source tree.
> Nic decided to not use the files bindings/objc but his own fork.
> And myself maintained the wrapper files there for Eloquent.
> Since then it has diverged quite a bit as you have found out. Though many of the classes and the much of the API should still be similar.
> Nevertheless I would like to see some common effort in maintaining those „official“ Objective-C bindings.
> Manfred
>> Am 03.11.2016 um 04:19 schrieb TS <outofthecube at icloud.com>:
>> Hi Manfred,
>> 	I took a look at these wrapper files in the bindings/objc for Revision 3441 of the SWORD framework. Using FileMerge I compared it to what seems to be the wrapper files in PocketSword. Upon at least a simple comparison, there seems to be some similarities, but also some huge differences as well. FileMerge highlighted quite a lot of things. I remember that at least one header file has the same name, but other than that the header seems to have completely different code. It was a surprise.
>> -TS
>>> On Oct 14, 2016, at 4:15 AM, Manfred Bergmann <manfred.bergmann at me.com> wrote:
>>> I’m also having tons of warnings when compiling SWORD in Xcode for 64 bit.
>>> The precision warnings can be ignored IMO. But due to the sheer number of warnings it’s very hard to detect warnings that shouldn’t be ignored.
>>> Btw: there is a Objective-C wrapper for the SWORD library under bindings/objc which I maintain and use in Eloquent.
>>> AFAIK some form of the wrapper in used in PS.
>>> It would be great if efforts could be shared in using only one codebase.
>>> Manfred
>>>> Am 13.10.2016 um 22:30 schrieb TS <outofthecube at icloud.com>:
>>>>     So, Xcode gives me hundreds of warnings when I try to build for 64 bit mode. I've also tried searching the mailing list so I see that some people earlier in the year may be have seen the same warnings (for PocketSword), so I think I better understand why I've seen that some of the libraries were updated(I don't know if all were updated or ?). However, I'm still getting errors and some of it is in the Sword framework. My impression so far of what's going on is that Xcode is telling me is that there are datatypes which are not being converted properly. I think this is happening due to things like "int" and "long" not occupying the same amount of space or something like they use to do in 32 bit and so need a casting in order to be converted properly?
>>>>     An example is listkey.h at line 147 in which "index" is a "long", but then setToElement is for an "int".
>>>>     Another is swbuf.h at line 448 "...const { unsigned int psize = strlen(postfix); ..." where Xcode warns that there's a loss of precision. That an unsigned long is converting to an unsigned int. I think that unsigned long occupies 64 bits when run in 64 bit mode, but the int stays in 32 bits when run in 64 bit mode.
>>>>    I have compared the Sword framework that it's using against the last stable one and there's doesn't seem to be changes to address the issues I'm seeing.
>>>>    Any suggestions on how to proceed?
>>>> -TS
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