[sword-devel] svn head (was: Module indexing problems)

Manfred Bergmann bergmannmd at web.de
Wed Feb 18 15:14:49 MST 2009


Am 17.02.2009 um 14:30 schrieb Troy A. Griffitts:

> Dear Manfred,
> Yes, getBookName is still valid, but we add 2 companion methods:
> getChapterMax();
> getVerseMax();
> I believe getBookName is fairly new (within the last couple of  
> releases (years)).

Yep, that works.

> About your other issues reported yesterday...  locale formats have  
> changed with the most recent svn, so be sure you've done a make  
> install to get the locales.d/ folder populated with the latest  
> revisions of our locales.  And I fixed a nasty 32-bit bug last night  
> (it's funny how the scales have tilted the other way now and we're  
> finding 32-bit bugs instead of 64-bit bugs), so things might have  
> gotten better with indexing and such.
> Let me know if you still have troubles with svn head.

This new revision works quite good, the last one had indeed some issues.
However this example still doesn't work. Still crashes at (*module) =  
TOP for a none existing reference.
I'm wondering if this is supposed to work at all but I remember in the  
tests something similar is done for a ListKey.

> sword::VerseKey	vk;
> sword::ListKey listkey = vk.ParseVerseList("par.1.1", vk, true);
> listkey.Persist(true);
> swModule->setKey(listkey);
> for ((*swModule) = sword::TOP; !swModule->Error(); (*swModule)++) {
>   const char *keyCStr = swModule->getKeyText();
>   const char *txtCStr = swModule->RenderText();
> }
> swModule->setKey("gen.1.1");


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