[sword-devel] Clementine Vulgate

Chris Little chrislit at crosswire.org
Sat Mar 19 14:26:37 MST 2005

Wolfgang Schultz wrote:
> Chris Little schrieb:
>> Nothing against the Zefania version, but never use later generations 
>> of a document when ealier generations are available. If no one else is 
>> working on this, I can do it next week. I'll be releasing a half dozen 
>> or so modules for testing a that time. I think that I already made an 
>> OSIS version of the Clementine Vulgate about a year ago, but I need to 
>> find it in my archives to see how it compares to this edition.
>> --Chris 
> Hi Chris
> is there a place where on can download OSIS-encoded texts? Pure
> OSIS-material seems not to be *widely* available, that is a handicap for
> its success :-)
> greetings
> wolfgang

Not presently. We have many of our source documents (some of which are 
now OSIS documents) on the server, but they not publicly available yet. 
We used to host a couple dozen converted OSIS documents at 
http://www.bibletechnologieswg.org/osis/docs/. But that page seems to be 


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