[sword-devel] thml2gbs - memory protection error...

Benedykt P. Barszcz kb2qzv at poczta.wp.pl
Sat Jun 5 11:29:07 MST 2004

Hi list,
I am getting this message: memory protection error, while trying to use 
thml2gbs (cvs version of sword)

Her it is:
[kb2qzv w localhost modules]$ thml2gbs ../WPt1_ful.txt WPt1_c1
Checking working directory for mods.conf...
Checking working directory for mods.d...
Checking SWORD_PATH...
Parsing /etc/sword.conf:/usr/local/etc/sword.conf...
Checking for /etc/sword.conf...
Overriding any systemwide sword.conf with one found in users home 

Checking home directory for ~/.sword/mods.conf
Checking home directory for ~/.sword/mods.d/home/kb2qzv/.sword/found
LocaleMgr::getLocale failed to find pl_PL

created default StringMgr
Naruszenie ochrony pamie;ci

The last line says it in Polish (don't know how to switch locale per 

Anyone knows about the error?



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