[sword-devel] Inconsistent Markup

Jimmie Houchin sword-devel@crosswire.org
Fri, 20 Jun 2003 11:21:02 -0500

I am in the process of exploring a few texts in their textual markup 
forms. In the MHCC markup we find markup like:

 From the rawcom file nt:

$-$-$- MT:1

** Matthew, surnamed Levi, before his conversion was a publican,
* The genealogy of Jesus. (1-17) An angel appears to Joseph.

 From the "plain" output via Diaspora:
Matthew 0:0 ** Matthew, surnamed Levi, before his conversion was a 
publican, ...
* The genealogy of Jesus. (1-17) An angel appears to Joseph. (18-25)

The ** text is a book summary.
The * text is a simple verse summary.

In the rawcom the book summary is listed with the XX:1 (first chapter) 
text. In the plain output the book summary is in the XX 0:0 section, but 
so is the Chapter 1 simple verse summary.

To be more consistent it seems that in the rawcom there should be a XX:0 
for the book summary. And then the XX:1 for the subsequent content.
ie:  MT:0 ** ...book summary... (0 doesn't currently exist)
      MT:1 * ...simple verse summary...

And in the plain output put the simple verse summary for the first 
chapter in a XX 1:0 section (as there are 2:0, 3:0, ... sections).
ie:  MT 0:0 ** ...book summary...
      MT 1:0 * ...simple verse summary... (for first chapter, no such 

These are just some simple observations and you may already be aware of 
this. In actual use it doesn't matter very much as Sword already 
correctly handles the situation.

Whether or not it is worthy of any time spent is up to you. I'm sure 
there are plenty of higher priority items. This might not even rank. :)

Just wanted to let you know.


Jimmie Houchin