[sword-devel] TDavid

Chris Little sword-devel@crosswire.org
Sat, 11 Aug 2001 22:57:50 -0700

> > > My apologies.  I didn't know that this module only applied to
> > the Psalms.
> > >  I was looking for information in Samuel, Kings and Chronicles.  
> > > Since every window only showed "Genesis 1:1" I turned the module 
> > > off.
> > 
> > Showing "Genesis 1:1" is a bug, but I'm not sure if it's in the
> > module or in the library.
> Psalm 114:4 first section is all bold.

I can't see any problem here in the module.  The </b> is clearly there,
so it much be a filter issue.

> Psalm 120:1 shows rtf code

This is now fixed.

> I found a Preface... but why is it in Psalm 125:1?

I don't know why this is here, but there are a number of different
prefaces in this text.  They may correspond to prefaces of different
volumes, since they occur after roughtly every 25th psalms.
