[sword-devel] deb issues

Trandahl, Steve sword-devel@crosswire.org
Fri, 15 Sep 2000 05:11:01 -0700

	I tried installing the gnomesword deb on my Debian 2.2 system last
night but it depends on newer modules than I've got.  Do they really need to
be that recent?  Version 2.2 is only a month old.  It's kind of a pain for
me to download new modules since I've got a modem that only works under


-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Glassey [mailto:danglassey@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 4:28 PM
To: sword-devel@crosswire.org
Subject: [sword-devel] deb issues

Hullo :)
I've got debian packages for sword 1.5.0 and gnomesword 0.2.3 that seem to 
work ok (apart from a little trouble finding modules, but thats most likely 
just my system).

They are at http://homepage.ntlworld.com/danglassey/index.htm for now

I'd like to package current cvs (so that I can package an uptodate 
bibletime), but 'make dist' doesn't work here.

This is the error:
make -C tests just-dist
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/sword/tests'
install -o root -g root -m a+rx,u+rxw -d /tmp/swordbin/usr/local/bin/
install -o root -g root -m a+rx,u+rwx -s yes /tmp/swordbin/usr/local/bin/
install: yes: No such file or directory
make[2]: *** [just-dist] Error 1     

Another issue is the sapphire encryption. Is it still the case that it can't

be exported from the US. If so, separate packages would need to be made with

and without it. Could there be a way of doing this from the same source

Regards :)