[sword-svn] r3082 - in trunk: include src/modules/filters

chrislit at crosswire.org chrislit at crosswire.org
Wed Mar 5 14:49:39 MST 2014

Author: chrislit
Date: 2014-03-05 14:49:39 -0700 (Wed, 05 Mar 2014)
New Revision: 3082

first pass attempt at SCSU to UTF-8 conversion

Modified: trunk/include/scsuutf8.h
--- trunk/include/scsuutf8.h	2014-03-05 19:52:08 UTC (rev 3081)
+++ trunk/include/scsuutf8.h	2014-03-05 21:49:39 UTC (rev 3082)
@@ -25,16 +25,31 @@
 #include <swfilter.h>
+#ifdef _ICU_
+#include <unicode/utypes.h>
+#include <unicode/ucnv.h>
+#include <unicode/uchar.h>
 /** This filter converts SCSU compressed (encoded) text to UTF-8
 class SWDLLEXPORT SCSUUTF8 : public SWFilter {
-  unsigned long c, d;
-  unsigned char* UTF8Output(unsigned long, unsigned char* text);
+#ifdef _ICU_
+	UConverter* scsuConv;
+	UConverter* utf8Conv;
+	UErrorCode err;
+	// without ICU, we'll attempt to use Roman Czyborra's SCSU decoder code
+	unsigned long c, d;
+	unsigned char* UTF8Output(unsigned long, unsigned char* text);
+	~SCSUUTF8();
 	virtual char processText(SWBuf &text, const SWKey *key = 0, const SWModule *module = 0);

Modified: trunk/src/modules/filters/scsuutf8.cpp
--- trunk/src/modules/filters/scsuutf8.cpp	2014-03-05 19:52:08 UTC (rev 3081)
+++ trunk/src/modules/filters/scsuutf8.cpp	2014-03-05 21:49:39 UTC (rev 3082)
@@ -32,214 +32,241 @@
  * in http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr6.html
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <swmodule.h>
 #include <scsuutf8.h>
+#include <swbuf.h>
+#ifdef _ICU_
+	// initialize SCSU converter
+	scsuConv = ucnv_open("SCSU", &err);
+	// initialize UTF-8 converter
+	utf8Conv = ucnv_open("UTF-8", &err);
+#ifdef _ICU_
+         ucnv_close(scsuConv);
+         ucnv_close(utf8Conv);
+#ifndef _ICU_
 unsigned char* SCSUUTF8::UTF8Output(unsigned long uchar, unsigned char* text)
-  /* join UTF-16 surrogates without any pairing sanity checks */
+	/* join UTF-16 surrogates without any pairing sanity checks */
-  static int d;
+	static int d;
-  if (uchar >= 0xd800 && uchar <= 0xdbff) { d = uchar & 0x3f; return text;  }
-  if (uchar >= 0xdc00 && uchar <= 0xdfff) { uchar = uchar + 0x2400 + d * 0x400; }
+	if (uchar >= 0xd800 && uchar <= 0xdbff) { d = uchar & 0x3f; return text;  }
+	if (uchar >= 0xdc00 && uchar <= 0xdfff) { uchar = uchar + 0x2400 + d * 0x400; }
-  /* output one character as UTF-8 multibyte sequence */
+	/* output one character as UTF-8 multibyte sequence */
-  if (uchar < 0x80) {
-    *text++ = c;
-  }
-  else if (uchar < 0x800) { 
-    *text++ = 0xc0 | uchar >> 6; 
-    *text++ = 0x80 | (uchar & 0x3f);
-  }
-  else if (uchar < 0x10000) {
-    *text++ = 0xe0 | uchar >> 12; 
-    *text++ = 0x80 | (uchar >> 6 & 0x3f);
-    *text++ = 0x80 | (uchar & 0x3f);
-  }
-  else if (uchar < 0x200000) {
-    *text++ = 0xf0 | uchar >> 18;
-    *text++ = 0x80 | (uchar >> 12 & 0x3f);
-    *text++ = 0x80 | (uchar >> 6 & 0x3f);
-    *text++ = 0x80 | (uchar & 0x3f);
-  }  
-  return text;
+	if (uchar < 0x80) {
+		*text++ = c;
+	}
+	else if (uchar < 0x800) { 
+		*text++ = 0xc0 | uchar >> 6; 
+		*text++ = 0x80 | (uchar & 0x3f);
+	}
+	else if (uchar < 0x10000) {
+		*text++ = 0xe0 | uchar >> 12; 
+		*text++ = 0x80 | (uchar >> 6 & 0x3f);
+		*text++ = 0x80 | (uchar & 0x3f);
+	}
+	else if (uchar < 0x200000) {
+		*text++ = 0xf0 | uchar >> 18;
+		*text++ = 0x80 | (uchar >> 12 & 0x3f);
+		*text++ = 0x80 | (uchar >> 6 & 0x3f);
+		*text++ = 0x80 | (uchar & 0x3f);
+	}  
+	return text;
+char SCSUUTF8::processText(SWBuf &text, const SWKey *key, const SWModule *module) {
+#ifdef _ICU_
-char SCSUUTF8::processText(SWBuf &text, const SWKey *key, const SWModule *module) {
-  unsigned char *to, *from;
-  unsigned long buflen = len * FILTERPAD;
-  char active = 0, mode = 0;
-	 if ((unsigned long)key < 2)	// hack, we're en(1)/de(0)ciphering
+	if ((unsigned long)key < 2)	// hack, we're en(1)/de(0)ciphering
 		return -1;
-  static unsigned short start[8] = {0x0000,0x0080,0x0100,0x0300,0x2000,0x2080,0x2100,0x3000};
-  static unsigned short slide[8] = {0x0080,0x00C0,0x0400,0x0600,0x0900,0x3040,0x30A0,0xFF00};
-  static unsigned short win[256]   = {
-    0x0000, 0x0080, 0x0100, 0x0180, 0x0200, 0x0280, 0x0300, 0x0380,
-    0x0400, 0x0480, 0x0500, 0x0580, 0x0600, 0x0680, 0x0700, 0x0780,
-    0x0800, 0x0880, 0x0900, 0x0980, 0x0A00, 0x0A80, 0x0B00, 0x0B80,
-    0x0C00, 0x0C80, 0x0D00, 0x0D80, 0x0E00, 0x0E80, 0x0F00, 0x0F80,
-    0x1000, 0x1080, 0x1100, 0x1180, 0x1200, 0x1280, 0x1300, 0x1380,
-    0x1400, 0x1480, 0x1500, 0x1580, 0x1600, 0x1680, 0x1700, 0x1780,
-    0x1800, 0x1880, 0x1900, 0x1980, 0x1A00, 0x1A80, 0x1B00, 0x1B80,
-    0x1C00, 0x1C80, 0x1D00, 0x1D80, 0x1E00, 0x1E80, 0x1F00, 0x1F80,
-    0x2000, 0x2080, 0x2100, 0x2180, 0x2200, 0x2280, 0x2300, 0x2380,
-    0x2400, 0x2480, 0x2500, 0x2580, 0x2600, 0x2680, 0x2700, 0x2780,
-    0x2800, 0x2880, 0x2900, 0x2980, 0x2A00, 0x2A80, 0x2B00, 0x2B80,
-    0x2C00, 0x2C80, 0x2D00, 0x2D80, 0x2E00, 0x2E80, 0x2F00, 0x2F80,
-    0x3000, 0x3080, 0x3100, 0x3180, 0x3200, 0x3280, 0x3300, 0x3800,
-    0xE000, 0xE080, 0xE100, 0xE180, 0xE200, 0xE280, 0xE300, 0xE380,
-    0xE400, 0xE480, 0xE500, 0xE580, 0xE600, 0xE680, 0xE700, 0xE780,
-    0xE800, 0xE880, 0xE900, 0xE980, 0xEA00, 0xEA80, 0xEB00, 0xEB80,
-    0xEC00, 0xEC80, 0xED00, 0xED80, 0xEE00, 0xEE80, 0xEF00, 0xEF80,
-    0xF000, 0xF080, 0xF100, 0xF180, 0xF200, 0xF280, 0xF300, 0xF380,
-    0xF400, 0xF480, 0xF500, 0xF580, 0xF600, 0xF680, 0xF700, 0xF780,
-    0xF800, 0xF880, 0xF900, 0xF980, 0xFA00, 0xFA80, 0xFB00, 0xFB80,
-    0xFC00, 0xFC80, 0xFD00, 0xFD80, 0xFE00, 0xFE80, 0xFF00, 0xFF80,
-    0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
-    0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
-    0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
-    0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
-    0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
-    0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
-    0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
-    0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
-    0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
-    0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
-    0x0000, 0x00C0, 0x0250, 0x0370, 0x0530, 0x3040, 0x30A0, 0xFF60
-  };
+	err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+	UnicodeString utf16Text(text.getRawData(), text.length(), scsuConv, err);
+	err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+	int32_t len = utf16Text.extract(text.getRawData(), text.size(), utf8Conv, err);
+	if (len > text.size()+1) {
+		text.setSize(len+1);
+		int32_t len = utf16Text.extract(text.getRawData(), text.size(), scsuConv, err);
+	}
-  if (!len)
-	   return 0;
-  memmove(&text[buflen - len], text, len);
-  from = (unsigned char*)&text[buflen - len];
-  to = (unsigned char *)text;
-  // -------------------------------
-  for (int i = 0; i < len;) {
-	 if (i >= len) break;
-	 c = from[i++];
-	 if (c >= 0x80)
-	{
-	  to = UTF8Output (c - 0x80 + slide[active], to);
-	}
-	 else if (c >= 0x20 && c <= 0x7F)
-	{
-	  to = UTF8Output (c, to);
-	}
-	 else if (c == 0x0 || c == 0x9 || c == 0xA || c == 0xC || c == 0xD)
-	{
-	  to = UTF8Output (c, to);
-	}
-	 else if (c >= 0x1 && c <= 0x8) // SQn
-	{
+	unsigned char *to, *from;
+	unsigned long buflen = len * FILTERPAD;
+	char active = 0, mode = 0;
+	if ((unsigned long)key < 2)	// hack, we're en(1)/de(0)ciphering
+		return -1;
+	static unsigned short start[8] = {0x0000,0x0080,0x0100,0x0300,0x2000,0x2080,0x2100,0x3000};
+	static unsigned short slide[8] = {0x0080,0x00C0,0x0400,0x0600,0x0900,0x3040,0x30A0,0xFF00};
+	static unsigned short win[256]   = {
+		0x0000, 0x0080, 0x0100, 0x0180, 0x0200, 0x0280, 0x0300, 0x0380,
+		0x0400, 0x0480, 0x0500, 0x0580, 0x0600, 0x0680, 0x0700, 0x0780,
+		0x0800, 0x0880, 0x0900, 0x0980, 0x0A00, 0x0A80, 0x0B00, 0x0B80,
+		0x0C00, 0x0C80, 0x0D00, 0x0D80, 0x0E00, 0x0E80, 0x0F00, 0x0F80,
+		0x1000, 0x1080, 0x1100, 0x1180, 0x1200, 0x1280, 0x1300, 0x1380,
+		0x1400, 0x1480, 0x1500, 0x1580, 0x1600, 0x1680, 0x1700, 0x1780,
+		0x1800, 0x1880, 0x1900, 0x1980, 0x1A00, 0x1A80, 0x1B00, 0x1B80,
+		0x1C00, 0x1C80, 0x1D00, 0x1D80, 0x1E00, 0x1E80, 0x1F00, 0x1F80,
+		0x2000, 0x2080, 0x2100, 0x2180, 0x2200, 0x2280, 0x2300, 0x2380,
+		0x2400, 0x2480, 0x2500, 0x2580, 0x2600, 0x2680, 0x2700, 0x2780,
+		0x2800, 0x2880, 0x2900, 0x2980, 0x2A00, 0x2A80, 0x2B00, 0x2B80,
+		0x2C00, 0x2C80, 0x2D00, 0x2D80, 0x2E00, 0x2E80, 0x2F00, 0x2F80,
+		0x3000, 0x3080, 0x3100, 0x3180, 0x3200, 0x3280, 0x3300, 0x3800,
+		0xE000, 0xE080, 0xE100, 0xE180, 0xE200, 0xE280, 0xE300, 0xE380,
+		0xE400, 0xE480, 0xE500, 0xE580, 0xE600, 0xE680, 0xE700, 0xE780,
+		0xE800, 0xE880, 0xE900, 0xE980, 0xEA00, 0xEA80, 0xEB00, 0xEB80,
+		0xEC00, 0xEC80, 0xED00, 0xED80, 0xEE00, 0xEE80, 0xEF00, 0xEF80,
+		0xF000, 0xF080, 0xF100, 0xF180, 0xF200, 0xF280, 0xF300, 0xF380,
+		0xF400, 0xF480, 0xF500, 0xF580, 0xF600, 0xF680, 0xF700, 0xF780,
+		0xF800, 0xF880, 0xF900, 0xF980, 0xFA00, 0xFA80, 0xFB00, 0xFB80,
+		0xFC00, 0xFC80, 0xFD00, 0xFD80, 0xFE00, 0xFE80, 0xFF00, 0xFF80,
+		0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
+		0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
+		0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
+		0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
+		0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
+		0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
+		0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
+		0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
+		0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
+		0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
+		0x0000, 0x00C0, 0x0250, 0x0370, 0x0530, 0x3040, 0x30A0, 0xFF60
+	};
+	if (!len)
+		return 0;
+	memmove(&text[buflen - len], text, len);
+	from = (unsigned char*)&text[buflen - len];
+	to = (unsigned char *)text;
+	// -------------------------------
+	for (int i = 0; i < len;) {
 		if (i >= len) break;
-	  d = from[i++]; // single quote
-	  to = UTF8Output (d < 0x80 ? d + start [c - 0x1] :
-		  d - 0x80 + slide [c - 0x1], to);
-	}
-	 else if (c >= 0x10 && c <= 0x17) // SCn
-	{
-	  active = c - 0x10; // change window
-	}
-	 else if (c >= 0x18 && c <= 0x1F) // SDn
-	{
-	  active = c - 0x18;  // define window
-		if (i >= len) break;
-	  slide [active] = win [from[i++]];
-	}
-	 else if (c == 0xB) // SDX
-	{
-		if (i >= len) break;
 		c = from[i++];
-		if (i >= len) break;
-		d = from[i++];
-	  slide [active = c>>5] = 0x10000 + (((c & 0x1F) << 8 | d) << 7);
-	}
-	 else if (c == 0xE) // SQU
-	{
-		if (i >= len) break;
-	  c = from[i++]; // SQU
-		if (i >= len) break;
-		to = UTF8Output (c << 8 | from[i++], to);
+		if (c >= 0x80)
+		{
+			to = UTF8Output (c - 0x80 + slide[active], to);
-	 else if (c == 0xF) // SCU
-	{
-	  mode = 1; // change to Unicode mode
-	  while (mode)
-	    {
-		    if (i >= len) break;
-		 c = from[i++];
-		 if (c <= 0xDF || c >= 0xF3)
+		else if (c >= 0x20 && c <= 0x7F)
-			   if (i >= len) break;
-		  to = UTF8Output (c << 8 | from[i++], to);
+			to = UTF8Output (c, to);
-		 else if (c == 0xF0) // UQU
+		else if (c == 0x0 || c == 0x9 || c == 0xA || c == 0xC || c == 0xD)
-			   if (i >= len) break;
-		  c = from[i++];
-			   if (i >= len) break;
-			   to = UTF8Output (c << 8 | from[i++], to);
+			to = UTF8Output (c, to);
-		 else if (c >= 0xE0 && c <= 0xE7) // UCn
+		else if (c >= 0x1 && c <= 0x8) // SQn
-		  active = c - 0xE0; mode = 0;
+			if (i >= len) break;
+			d = from[i++]; // single quote
+			to = UTF8Output (d < 0x80 ? d + start [c - 0x1] :
+					 d - 0x80 + slide [c - 0x1], to);
-		 else if (c >= 0xE8 && c <= 0xEF) // UDn
+		else if (c >= 0x10 && c <= 0x17) // SCn
-			   if (i >= len) break;
-		  slide [active=c-0xE8] = win [from[i++]]; mode = 0;
+			active = c - 0x10; // change window
-		 else if (c == 0xF1) // UDX
+		else if (c >= 0x18 && c <= 0x1F) // SDn
-			   if (i >= len) break;
-		  c = from[i++];
-			   if (i >= len) break;
-			   d = from[i++];
-		  slide [active = c>>5] =
-		    0x10000 + (((c & 0x1F) << 8 | d) << 7); mode = 0;
+			active = c - 0x18;  // define window
+			if (i >= len) break;
+			slide [active] = win [from[i++]];
-	    }
+		else if (c == 0xB) // SDX
+		{
+			if (i >= len) break;
+			c = from[i++];
+			if (i >= len) break;
+			d = from[i++];
+			slide [active = c>>5] = 0x10000 + (((c & 0x1F) << 8 | d) << 7);
+		}
+		else if (c == 0xE) // SQU
+		{
+			if (i >= len) break;
+			c = from[i++]; // SQU
+			if (i >= len) break;
+			to = UTF8Output (c << 8 | from[i++], to);
+		}
+		else if (c == 0xF) // SCU
+		{
+			mode = 1; // change to Unicode mode
+			while (mode)
+			{
+				if (i >= len) break;
+				c = from[i++];
+				if (c <= 0xDF || c >= 0xF3)
+				{
+					if (i >= len) break;
+					to = UTF8Output (c << 8 | from[i++], to);
+				}
+				else if (c == 0xF0) // UQU
+				{
+					if (i >= len) break;
+					c = from[i++];
+					if (i >= len) break;
+					to = UTF8Output (c << 8 | from[i++], to);
+				}
+				else if (c >= 0xE0 && c <= 0xE7) // UCn
+				{
+					active = c - 0xE0; mode = 0;
+				}
+				else if (c >= 0xE8 && c <= 0xEF) // UDn
+				{
+					if (i >= len) break;
+					slide [active=c-0xE8] = win [from[i++]]; mode = 0;
+				}
+				else if (c == 0xF1) // UDX
+				{
+					if (i >= len) break;
+					c = from[i++];
+					if (i >= len) break;
+					d = from[i++];
+					slide [active = c>>5] =
+						0x10000 + (((c & 0x1F) << 8 | d) << 7); mode = 0;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	*to++ = 0;
+	*to = 0;
-  }
-  *to++ = 0;
-  *to = 0;
-  return 0;
+	return 0;

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