[sword-svn] r38 - in trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS: Utilities WLC2OSIS WLC2OSIS/GUI WLC2OSIS/Parse WLC2OSIS/Translate WLC2OSIS/Utilities

mgruner at crosswire.org mgruner at crosswire.org
Wed Jun 1 13:02:04 MST 2005

Author: mgruner
Date: 2005-06-01 13:02:04 -0700 (Wed, 01 Jun 2005)
New Revision: 38


Modified: trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/Utilities/FileChooser.java
--- trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/Utilities/FileChooser.java	2005-06-01 19:40:37 UTC (rev 37)
+++ trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/Utilities/FileChooser.java	2005-06-01 20:02:04 UTC (rev 38)
@@ -1,165 +1,165 @@
-package Utilities;
-import java.awt.*;
-import java.awt.event.*;
-import javax.swing.*;
-import java.io.File ;
-*  <b>Positionable version of JFileChooser.</b><p>
-* (The JFileChooser position isn't set or read by setLocation(...) 
-*                                     or getLocation.)<p>
-*Dear Mr. Kimball,
-*This is a known bug:
-*    http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/bugParade/bugs/4390885.html
-*We are working on a solution for a later release. In the meantime, the
-*only workaround I can think of is to subclass JFileChooser and override
-*the method showDialog(), adding a call to setLocation().
-*See example code below.
-*Leif Samuelsson
-*Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-*Java Swing Team
-public class FileChooser extends JFileChooser {
-    private JDialog dialog;
-    private int returnValue = ERROR_OPTION;
-    private Point Location  = new Point(250, 250) ;
-    private Dimension Size  = new Dimension( 600, 250) ;
-*   Constructor is the same as the no-argument version of JFileChooser.<p>
-*   Use setCurrentDirectory to set the initial directory.
-    public FileChooser(){
-        super() ;
-        }
-/** Replaces showDialog of JFileChooser */
-    public int showDialog(Component parent, String approveButtonText) {
-        if (approveButtonText != null) {
-            setApproveButtonText(approveButtonText);
-            setDialogType(CUSTOM_DIALOG);
-        }
-        Frame frame = parent instanceof Frame ? (Frame) parent
-              : (Frame)SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(Frame.class, parent);
-        String title = getUI().getDialogTitle(this);
-        dialog = new JDialog(frame, title, true);
-        dialog.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
-            public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
-                returnValue = CANCEL_OPTION;
-            }
-        });
-        dialog.getContentPane().add(this, BorderLayout.CENTER);
-        dialog.pack();
-        dialog.setLocation(Location) ;
-        dialog.setSize(Size) ;
-        rescanCurrentDirectory();
-        returnValue = ERROR_OPTION;
-        dialog.show();
-        Location = dialog.getLocation() ;
-        Size = dialog.getSize() ;
-        return returnValue;
-    }
-/** Replaces approveSelection of JFileChooser */
-    public void approveSelection() {
-        returnValue = APPROVE_OPTION;
-        if (dialog != null) {
-            dialog.setVisible(false);
-        }
-        super.approveSelection();
-    }
-/** Replaces cancelSelection of JFileChooser */
-    public void cancelSelection() {
-        returnValue = CANCEL_OPTION;
-        if (dialog != null) {
-            dialog.setVisible(false);
-        }
-        super.cancelSelection();
-    }
-/** Sets the location of the FileChooser */
-public void setLocation(Point P) {
-    this.Location = P ;
-    }
-/** Sets the size of the FileChooser */
-public void setSize(Dimension D) {
-    this.Size = D ;
-    }
-/** Returns the location of the FileChooser */
-public Point getLocation() {
-    return Location ;
-    }
-/** Returns the size of the FileChooser */
-public Dimension getSize() {
-    return Size ;
-    }
-/** Test program provided by Leif Samuelsson */
-    public static void main(String[] s) throws Exception { 
-        JFrame frame = new JFrame("FileChooser test");
-        frame.setVisible(true);
-        JFileChooser chooser = new FileChooser();
-        chooser.setLocation(new Point(200,200)) ;
-        int returnVal = chooser.showOpenDialog(frame);
-        System.out.println("Position: " + chooser.getLocation()) ;
-        switch (returnVal) {
-          case APPROVE_OPTION:
-            System.out.println("You chose to open this file: " + chooser.getSelectedFile().getName());
-            break;
-          case CANCEL_OPTION:
-            System.out.println("Cancelled");
-            break;
-          case ERROR_OPTION:
-            System.out.println("An error occurred");
-            break;
-        }
-        System.exit(0);
-    }
+package Utilities;
+import java.awt.*;
+import java.awt.event.*;
+import javax.swing.*;
+import java.io.File ;
+*  <b>Positionable version of JFileChooser.</b><p>
+* (The JFileChooser position isn't set or read by setLocation(...) 
+*                                     or getLocation.)<p>
+*Dear Mr. Kimball,
+*This is a known bug:
+*    http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/bugParade/bugs/4390885.html
+*We are working on a solution for a later release. In the meantime, the
+*only workaround I can think of is to subclass JFileChooser and override
+*the method showDialog(), adding a call to setLocation().
+*See example code below.
+*Leif Samuelsson
+*Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+*Java Swing Team
+public class FileChooser extends JFileChooser {
+    private JDialog dialog;
+    private int returnValue = ERROR_OPTION;
+    private Point Location  = new Point(250, 250) ;
+    private Dimension Size  = new Dimension( 600, 250) ;
+*   Constructor is the same as the no-argument version of JFileChooser.<p>
+*   Use setCurrentDirectory to set the initial directory.
+    public FileChooser(){
+        super() ;
+        }
+/** Replaces showDialog of JFileChooser */
+    public int showDialog(Component parent, String approveButtonText) {
+        if (approveButtonText != null) {
+            setApproveButtonText(approveButtonText);
+            setDialogType(CUSTOM_DIALOG);
+        }
+        Frame frame = parent instanceof Frame ? (Frame) parent
+              : (Frame)SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(Frame.class, parent);
+        String title = getUI().getDialogTitle(this);
+        dialog = new JDialog(frame, title, true);
+        dialog.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
+            public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
+                returnValue = CANCEL_OPTION;
+            }
+        });
+        dialog.getContentPane().add(this, BorderLayout.CENTER);
+        dialog.pack();
+        dialog.setLocation(Location) ;
+        dialog.setSize(Size) ;
+        rescanCurrentDirectory();
+        returnValue = ERROR_OPTION;
+        dialog.show();
+        Location = dialog.getLocation() ;
+        Size = dialog.getSize() ;
+        return returnValue;
+    }
+/** Replaces approveSelection of JFileChooser */
+    public void approveSelection() {
+        returnValue = APPROVE_OPTION;
+        if (dialog != null) {
+            dialog.setVisible(false);
+        }
+        super.approveSelection();
+    }
+/** Replaces cancelSelection of JFileChooser */
+    public void cancelSelection() {
+        returnValue = CANCEL_OPTION;
+        if (dialog != null) {
+            dialog.setVisible(false);
+        }
+        super.cancelSelection();
+    }
+/** Sets the location of the FileChooser */
+public void setLocation(Point P) {
+    this.Location = P ;
+    }
+/** Sets the size of the FileChooser */
+public void setSize(Dimension D) {
+    this.Size = D ;
+    }
+/** Returns the location of the FileChooser */
+public Point getLocation() {
+    return Location ;
+    }
+/** Returns the size of the FileChooser */
+public Dimension getSize() {
+    return Size ;
+    }
+/** Test program provided by Leif Samuelsson */
+    public static void main(String[] s) throws Exception { 
+        JFrame frame = new JFrame("FileChooser test");
+        frame.setVisible(true);
+        JFileChooser chooser = new FileChooser();
+        chooser.setLocation(new Point(200,200)) ;
+        int returnVal = chooser.showOpenDialog(frame);
+        System.out.println("Position: " + chooser.getLocation()) ;
+        switch (returnVal) {
+          case APPROVE_OPTION:
+            System.out.println("You chose to open this file: " + chooser.getSelectedFile().getName());
+            break;
+          case CANCEL_OPTION:
+            System.out.println("Cancelled");
+            break;
+          case ERROR_OPTION:
+            System.out.println("An error occurred");
+            break;
+        }
+        System.exit(0);
+    }

Modified: trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/Utilities/Fmt.java
--- trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/Utilities/Fmt.java	2005-06-01 19:40:37 UTC (rev 37)
+++ trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/Utilities/Fmt.java	2005-06-01 20:02:04 UTC (rev 38)
@@ -1,355 +1,355 @@
-package Utilities ;
-import java.text.* ;
-import java.text.Format.* ;
-import java.io.* ;
-import java.awt.*;
-* <b>Formating tools.</b><p>
-* <pre>
-*    F = new Fmt() ;
-*    System.out.println(F.i(2,10)) ;         // 10 digit integer field. 
-*    System.out.println(F.f(3.1415,10, 2)) ; // 10 digit F10.2 field.
-*    System.out.println(F.fill("-", 10)) ;    // 10 digits of "-".
-*    System.out.println(F.prepad(F.fill("-",10), 12) ; 
-*                                            // 2 digits of blank before fill.
-* </pre>
-public class Fmt{
-NumberFormat NF = NumberFormat.getInstance() ; // Provides commas in integers
-*  Simple constructor: Fmt F = new Fmt() ;
-public Fmt(){
-* Yields a string of specified FieldWidth and DecimalDigits containing 
-*     the given double.<p>
-* @param f double to be converted.
-* @param FieldWidth Maximum number of characters to be produced. If more
-*                   characters are produced, the field is filled with *.
-* @param DecimalDigits int number of points after the decimal point.
-* @return String String of exactly FieldWidth characters.
-public String f( double f, int FieldWidth, int DecimalDigits) {
-    if(DecimalDigits>FieldWidth-2){
-        String s = fill("!", FieldWidth) ;
-        return s ;
-        }
-    String FormatString = "0." ;
-    for (int k = 0; k < DecimalDigits; k++){
-        FormatString = FormatString + "0" ;
-        }
-    while (FormatString.length() < FieldWidth){
-        FormatString = "#" + FormatString ;
-        }
-   DecimalFormat DF = new DecimalFormat(FormatString) ;
-   String s = DF.format(f) ;
-   if (s.length()< FieldWidth){
-       s = prepad(s, FieldWidth) ;
-       }
-   else if(s.length()>FieldWidth){
-       s = fill("*", FieldWidth) ;
-       }
-   return s ;
-   }
-* Yields a string of specified FieldWidth containing the given integer.<p>
-* @param i integer to be converted.
-* @param FieldWidth Maximum number of characters to be produced. If more
-*                   characters are produced, the field is filled with *.
-* @return String String of exactly FieldWidth characters.
-public String i( int i, int FieldWidth) {
-   String s = NF.format(i) ;
-   if (s.length()< FieldWidth){
-       s = prepad(s, FieldWidth) ;
-       }
-   else if(s.length()>FieldWidth){
-       s = "";
-       for(int k = 0; k<FieldWidth; k++){
-           s = s + "*" ;
-           }
-       }
-   return s ;
-   }
-* Yields a string containing the given integer.<p>
-* @param i integer to be converted.
-* @return String String representing i.
-public String i( int i) {
-   return NF.format(i) ;
-   }
-* Yields a string of Width specified characters.<p>
-* @param c String (usually a single character) to be repeated.
-* @param Width int number of times to repeat S.
-* @return String of Width characters.
-public String fill( String c, int Width){
-    String s = "" ;
-    for(int i = 0; i < Width; i++){
-        s = s + c ;
-        }
-    return s;
-    }
-* Prints a string of Width specified characters to a specified PrintStream.<p>
-* @param P PrintStream such as System.out.
-* @param c String (usually a single character) to be repeated.
-* @param Width int number of times to repeat S.
-public void bar(PrintStream P, String c, int Width){
-    String s = "" ;
-    for(int i = 0; i < Width; i++){
-        s = s + c ;
-        }
-    P.println(s) ;
-    return ;
-    }
-* Prints a string of Width specified characters to System.out.<p>
-* @param c String (usually a single character) to be repeated.
-* @param Width int number of times to repeat S.
-* @return String String of Width characters.
-public void bar(String c, int Width){
-    bar(System.out, c, Width) ;
-    return ;
-    }
-* Removes blanks anywhere in String.<p>
-* @param c String to be deblanked.
-* @return String String without any blanks.
-public String deblank(String c){
-    String s = "" ;
-    for (int i = 0; i < c.length(); i++){
-        if(c.charAt(i) != ' '){
-            s = s + c.charAt(i) ;
-            }
-        }
-    return s ;
-    }
-* Pads the front of a String, giving a String of a specified length.<p>
-* @param s String to be prepaded.
-* @param n Desired length of output string.
-* @return String Prepadded String.
-public String prepad(String s, int n){
-    int len = s.length() ;
-    if (len == n){ // String is already long enough.
-        return s ;
-        }
-    else if(len > n){
-        return fill("!", n) ;
-        }
-// Prepad
-    String OutString = "" ;
-    int Pads = n - len ;
-    for (int i = 0; i < Pads; i++){
-        OutString = OutString + " " ;
-        }
-// Original String
-    OutString = OutString + s ;
-    return OutString ;
-    }
-* Pads the end of a String, giving a String of a specified length.<p>
-* @param s String to be postpaded.
-* @param n Desired length of output string.
-* @return String Prepadded String.
-public String postpad(String s, int n){
-    int len = s.length() ;
-    if (len == n){ // String is already long enough.
-        return s ;
-        }
-    else if(len > n){
-        return fill("!", n) ;
-        }
-// Original String
-// Postpad
-    String OutString = "" ;
-    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){
-        OutString = OutString + s.charAt(i) ;
-        }
-// Postpad
-    while (OutString.length() <= n){
-        OutString = OutString + " " ;
-        }
-    return OutString ;
-    }
-*    Gives a convenient maximum size for a text area 
-*    specified in rows, columns.<p>
-*    @param font Font of text. 
-*    @param rows int giving number of rows of text. 
-*    @param columns int giving number of columns of text. 
-*    @return D Dimension of best size.
-public Dimension areaSize( Font font, int rows, int columns ){
-    double XFactor = 0.70 ;
-//    double YFactor = 1.42;
-    double YFactor = 1.65;
-    Integer X = new Integer( font.getSize() ) ;
-    double x = XFactor*X.doubleValue()*columns ;
-    Integer Y = new Integer( font.getSize() ) ;
-    double y = YFactor*Y.doubleValue()*rows ;
-    Dimension D = new Dimension(  (new Double(x)).intValue(),  
-                              (new Double(y)).intValue() ) ;
-    return D ;
-    }
-*    Gives a convenient maximum size for a text area
-*    specified as a dimension.<p>
-*    @param font Font of text. 
-*    @param d Dimnsion object giving number of rows and columns of text. 
-*    @return D Dimension of best size.
-public Dimension areaSize( Font font, Dimension d){
-    double XFactor = 0.70 ;
-    double YFactor = 1.42;
-    Integer X = new Integer( font.getSize() ) ;
-    double x = XFactor*X.doubleValue()*d.getWidth() ;
-    Integer Y = new Integer( font.getSize() ) ;
-    double y = YFactor*Y.doubleValue()*d.getHeight() ;
-    Dimension D = new Dimension(  (new Double(x)).intValue(),  
-                              (new Double(y)).intValue() ) ;
-    return D ;
-    }
-*    Removes the extension, including the ".", from a file name String.<p>
-*    If the Name doesn't contain a ".", the original Name is returned.
-*    @param Name String containing file name.
-*    @return String with extension and "." removed.
-public static String removeExtension( String Name){
-    boolean HasDot = false ;
-    for (int k = 0; k < Name.length() ; k++){
-        if(Name.charAt(k) == '.'){
-            HasDot = true ;
-            }
-        }
-    if(!HasDot) return Name ;
-    String NewName = "" ;
-    for (int k = Name.length()-1; k >= 0; k--){
-        if( Name.charAt(k) == '.'){
-            for (int j = 0; j < k ; j ++) {
-                NewName = NewName + Name.charAt(j) ;
-                }
-            break ;
-            }
-        }
-    if (NewName == "."){
-        NewName = "" ;
-        }    
-    return NewName ;
-    }
-*    gets the extension, including the ".", from a file name String.<p>
-*    If the Name doesn't contain a ".", the original Name is returned.
-*    From Sun JFileChooser tutorial
-*    @param s String containing file name with extension.
-*    @return String giving the extension.
-public static String getExtension( String s){
-        String ext = "";
-        int i = s.lastIndexOf('.');
-        if (i > 0 &&  i < s.length() - 1) {
-            ext = s.substring(i+1).toLowerCase();
-        }
-    return ext;
-    }
-*   Prints the name of the calling location 
-*            plus the current Thread to System.out.<p>
-*    @param Location String giving location of call.
-public void printThread( String Location){
-    Thread t = Thread.currentThread() ;
-    System.out.println("At " + Location + ", the current Thread is "
-             + t.getName() );
-    return;
-    }
-*    Test program.<p>
-public static void main( String[] args) {
-    Fmt F = new Fmt() ;
-    String Name = "XYX.txt.spa" ;
-    System.out.println(Name) ;
-    System.out.println(F.removeExtension(Name)) ;
-    System.out.println(F.removeExtension(F.removeExtension(Name))) ;
-    }
- }  // End of class
+package Utilities ;
+import java.text.* ;
+import java.text.Format.* ;
+import java.io.* ;
+import java.awt.*;
+* <b>Formating tools.</b><p>
+* <pre>
+*    F = new Fmt() ;
+*    System.out.println(F.i(2,10)) ;         // 10 digit integer field. 
+*    System.out.println(F.f(3.1415,10, 2)) ; // 10 digit F10.2 field.
+*    System.out.println(F.fill("-", 10)) ;    // 10 digits of "-".
+*    System.out.println(F.prepad(F.fill("-",10), 12) ; 
+*                                            // 2 digits of blank before fill.
+* </pre>
+public class Fmt{
+NumberFormat NF = NumberFormat.getInstance() ; // Provides commas in integers
+*  Simple constructor: Fmt F = new Fmt() ;
+public Fmt(){
+* Yields a string of specified FieldWidth and DecimalDigits containing 
+*     the given double.<p>
+* @param f double to be converted.
+* @param FieldWidth Maximum number of characters to be produced. If more
+*                   characters are produced, the field is filled with *.
+* @param DecimalDigits int number of points after the decimal point.
+* @return String String of exactly FieldWidth characters.
+public String f( double f, int FieldWidth, int DecimalDigits) {
+    if(DecimalDigits>FieldWidth-2){
+        String s = fill("!", FieldWidth) ;
+        return s ;
+        }
+    String FormatString = "0." ;
+    for (int k = 0; k < DecimalDigits; k++){
+        FormatString = FormatString + "0" ;
+        }
+    while (FormatString.length() < FieldWidth){
+        FormatString = "#" + FormatString ;
+        }
+   DecimalFormat DF = new DecimalFormat(FormatString) ;
+   String s = DF.format(f) ;
+   if (s.length()< FieldWidth){
+       s = prepad(s, FieldWidth) ;
+       }
+   else if(s.length()>FieldWidth){
+       s = fill("*", FieldWidth) ;
+       }
+   return s ;
+   }
+* Yields a string of specified FieldWidth containing the given integer.<p>
+* @param i integer to be converted.
+* @param FieldWidth Maximum number of characters to be produced. If more
+*                   characters are produced, the field is filled with *.
+* @return String String of exactly FieldWidth characters.
+public String i( int i, int FieldWidth) {
+   String s = NF.format(i) ;
+   if (s.length()< FieldWidth){
+       s = prepad(s, FieldWidth) ;
+       }
+   else if(s.length()>FieldWidth){
+       s = "";
+       for(int k = 0; k<FieldWidth; k++){
+           s = s + "*" ;
+           }
+       }
+   return s ;
+   }
+* Yields a string containing the given integer.<p>
+* @param i integer to be converted.
+* @return String String representing i.
+public String i( int i) {
+   return NF.format(i) ;
+   }
+* Yields a string of Width specified characters.<p>
+* @param c String (usually a single character) to be repeated.
+* @param Width int number of times to repeat S.
+* @return String of Width characters.
+public String fill( String c, int Width){
+    String s = "" ;
+    for(int i = 0; i < Width; i++){
+        s = s + c ;
+        }
+    return s;
+    }
+* Prints a string of Width specified characters to a specified PrintStream.<p>
+* @param P PrintStream such as System.out.
+* @param c String (usually a single character) to be repeated.
+* @param Width int number of times to repeat S.
+public void bar(PrintStream P, String c, int Width){
+    String s = "" ;
+    for(int i = 0; i < Width; i++){
+        s = s + c ;
+        }
+    P.println(s) ;
+    return ;
+    }
+* Prints a string of Width specified characters to System.out.<p>
+* @param c String (usually a single character) to be repeated.
+* @param Width int number of times to repeat S.
+* @return String String of Width characters.
+public void bar(String c, int Width){
+    bar(System.out, c, Width) ;
+    return ;
+    }
+* Removes blanks anywhere in String.<p>
+* @param c String to be deblanked.
+* @return String String without any blanks.
+public String deblank(String c){
+    String s = "" ;
+    for (int i = 0; i < c.length(); i++){
+        if(c.charAt(i) != ' '){
+            s = s + c.charAt(i) ;
+            }
+        }
+    return s ;
+    }
+* Pads the front of a String, giving a String of a specified length.<p>
+* @param s String to be prepaded.
+* @param n Desired length of output string.
+* @return String Prepadded String.
+public String prepad(String s, int n){
+    int len = s.length() ;
+    if (len == n){ // String is already long enough.
+        return s ;
+        }
+    else if(len > n){
+        return fill("!", n) ;
+        }
+// Prepad
+    String OutString = "" ;
+    int Pads = n - len ;
+    for (int i = 0; i < Pads; i++){
+        OutString = OutString + " " ;
+        }
+// Original String
+    OutString = OutString + s ;
+    return OutString ;
+    }
+* Pads the end of a String, giving a String of a specified length.<p>
+* @param s String to be postpaded.
+* @param n Desired length of output string.
+* @return String Prepadded String.
+public String postpad(String s, int n){
+    int len = s.length() ;
+    if (len == n){ // String is already long enough.
+        return s ;
+        }
+    else if(len > n){
+        return fill("!", n) ;
+        }
+// Original String
+// Postpad
+    String OutString = "" ;
+    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){
+        OutString = OutString + s.charAt(i) ;
+        }
+// Postpad
+    while (OutString.length() <= n){
+        OutString = OutString + " " ;
+        }
+    return OutString ;
+    }
+*    Gives a convenient maximum size for a text area 
+*    specified in rows, columns.<p>
+*    @param font Font of text. 
+*    @param rows int giving number of rows of text. 
+*    @param columns int giving number of columns of text. 
+*    @return D Dimension of best size.
+public Dimension areaSize( Font font, int rows, int columns ){
+    double XFactor = 0.70 ;
+//    double YFactor = 1.42;
+    double YFactor = 1.65;
+    Integer X = new Integer( font.getSize() ) ;
+    double x = XFactor*X.doubleValue()*columns ;
+    Integer Y = new Integer( font.getSize() ) ;
+    double y = YFactor*Y.doubleValue()*rows ;
+    Dimension D = new Dimension(  (new Double(x)).intValue(),  
+                              (new Double(y)).intValue() ) ;
+    return D ;
+    }
+*    Gives a convenient maximum size for a text area
+*    specified as a dimension.<p>
+*    @param font Font of text. 
+*    @param d Dimnsion object giving number of rows and columns of text. 
+*    @return D Dimension of best size.
+public Dimension areaSize( Font font, Dimension d){
+    double XFactor = 0.70 ;
+    double YFactor = 1.42;
+    Integer X = new Integer( font.getSize() ) ;
+    double x = XFactor*X.doubleValue()*d.getWidth() ;
+    Integer Y = new Integer( font.getSize() ) ;
+    double y = YFactor*Y.doubleValue()*d.getHeight() ;
+    Dimension D = new Dimension(  (new Double(x)).intValue(),  
+                              (new Double(y)).intValue() ) ;
+    return D ;
+    }
+*    Removes the extension, including the ".", from a file name String.<p>
+*    If the Name doesn't contain a ".", the original Name is returned.
+*    @param Name String containing file name.
+*    @return String with extension and "." removed.
+public static String removeExtension( String Name){
+    boolean HasDot = false ;
+    for (int k = 0; k < Name.length() ; k++){
+        if(Name.charAt(k) == '.'){
+            HasDot = true ;
+            }
+        }
+    if(!HasDot) return Name ;
+    String NewName = "" ;
+    for (int k = Name.length()-1; k >= 0; k--){
+        if( Name.charAt(k) == '.'){
+            for (int j = 0; j < k ; j ++) {
+                NewName = NewName + Name.charAt(j) ;
+                }
+            break ;
+            }
+        }
+    if (NewName == "."){
+        NewName = "" ;
+        }    
+    return NewName ;
+    }
+*    gets the extension, including the ".", from a file name String.<p>
+*    If the Name doesn't contain a ".", the original Name is returned.
+*    From Sun JFileChooser tutorial
+*    @param s String containing file name with extension.
+*    @return String giving the extension.
+public static String getExtension( String s){
+        String ext = "";
+        int i = s.lastIndexOf('.');
+        if (i > 0 &&  i < s.length() - 1) {
+            ext = s.substring(i+1).toLowerCase();
+        }
+    return ext;
+    }
+*   Prints the name of the calling location 
+*            plus the current Thread to System.out.<p>
+*    @param Location String giving location of call.
+public void printThread( String Location){
+    Thread t = Thread.currentThread() ;
+    System.out.println("At " + Location + ", the current Thread is "
+             + t.getName() );
+    return;
+    }
+*    Test program.<p>
+public static void main( String[] args) {
+    Fmt F = new Fmt() ;
+    String Name = "XYX.txt.spa" ;
+    System.out.println(Name) ;
+    System.out.println(F.removeExtension(Name)) ;
+    System.out.println(F.removeExtension(F.removeExtension(Name))) ;
+    }
+ }  // End of class

Modified: trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/Utilities/GetParentFrame.java
--- trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/Utilities/GetParentFrame.java	2005-06-01 19:40:37 UTC (rev 37)
+++ trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/Utilities/GetParentFrame.java	2005-06-01 20:02:04 UTC (rev 38)
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-package Utilities ;
-import java.awt.*;
-import javax.swing.*;
- * <b>Gets ultimate parent Frame of a component.</b><p>
- *
- *    From page 274 of Pure JFC Swing.<p>
- *
- */
-public class GetParentFrame{
- * Gets the ultimate parent Frame of a Component.<p> 
- *
- * @param comp a Component whose parent is sought.
- * @return a Frame Ultimate parent Frame of component.
- */
-static public Frame GetParentFrame(Component comp){
-    if (comp instanceof Frame) return (JFrame)comp ;
-    for (Component c = comp; c!= null; c = c.getParent() ){
-        if (c instanceof Frame){ 
-            return (Frame)c ;
-            }
-        }
-    return null ;
-    }
-//  end of class
+package Utilities ;
+import java.awt.*;
+import javax.swing.*;
+ * <b>Gets ultimate parent Frame of a component.</b><p>
+ *
+ *    From page 274 of Pure JFC Swing.<p>
+ *
+ */
+public class GetParentFrame{
+ * Gets the ultimate parent Frame of a Component.<p> 
+ *
+ * @param comp a Component whose parent is sought.
+ * @return a Frame Ultimate parent Frame of component.
+ */
+static public Frame GetParentFrame(Component comp){
+    if (comp instanceof Frame) return (JFrame)comp ;
+    for (Component c = comp; c!= null; c = c.getParent() ){
+        if (c instanceof Frame){ 
+            return (Frame)c ;
+            }
+        }
+    return null ;
+    }
+//  end of class

Modified: trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/Utilities/SuperContainer.java
--- trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/Utilities/SuperContainer.java	2005-06-01 19:40:37 UTC (rev 37)
+++ trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/Utilities/SuperContainer.java	2005-06-01 20:02:04 UTC (rev 38)
@@ -1,176 +1,176 @@
-package Utilities ;
-import java.awt.*;
-import java.applet.* ;
-import java.awt.event.*;
-import javax.swing.*;
-*   <b>Container object with JApplet, JFrame, and JDialog properties.<p></b>
-public class SuperContainer{
-Container InputContainer ;
-JRootPane RP ;
-Frame SuperFrame ;  // Frame of overall screen.
-boolean IsJApplet = false ;
-boolean IsJFrame =  false ;
-boolean IsJDialog = false ; 
-boolean IsWindow =  false ; 
-*   Container object with JApplet, JFrame, and JDialog properties. 
-*   @param InputContainer Container, either a JApplet, JFrame, or JDialog.
-public SuperContainer(Container InputContainer){
-    this.InputContainer = InputContainer ;
-    if(InputContainer instanceof JApplet){
-        IsJApplet = true ;
-        RP = ((JApplet) InputContainer).getRootPane() ;
-        }
-    else if(InputContainer instanceof JFrame){
-        IsJFrame = true ;
-        RP = ((JFrame) InputContainer).getRootPane() ;
-        }
-    else if(InputContainer instanceof JDialog){
-        RP = ((JDialog) InputContainer).getRootPane() ;
-        IsJDialog = true ;
-        }
-    else{
-        System.out.println("SuperContainer: Bad input type!") ;
-        }
-    IsWindow = IsJFrame | IsJDialog ;
-    SuperFrame = GetParentFrame.GetParentFrame(RP.getContentPane()) ;
-    }
-public Container getContentPane(){
-    return RP.getContentPane() ;
-    }
-public boolean isApplet(){
-    return IsJApplet ;
-    }
-public boolean isWindow(){
-    return IsWindow ;
-    }
-public void setResizable(boolean Resizable) {
-    if(IsJDialog){
-        ((Dialog)InputContainer).setResizable(Resizable) ;
-        }
-    else{
-        SuperFrame.setResizable(Resizable) ;
-        }
-    }
-public void setTitle(String Title) {
-    if(IsJFrame){
-        ((JFrame) InputContainer).setTitle(Title);
-        }
-    else if(IsJDialog){
-        ((JDialog) InputContainer).setTitle(Title);
-        }
-    return ;
-    }
-public void addWindowListener(WindowListener WL) {
-    if (IsWindow){
-        ((Window)InputContainer).addWindowListener(WL) ;
-        }
-    return ;
-    }
-public void setLocation( Point P ) {
-    if (IsWindow){
-        ((Window)InputContainer).setLocation(P) ;
-        }
-    return ;
-    }
-public void setSize( Dimension D ) {
-    if (IsWindow){
-        ((Window)InputContainer).setSize(D) ;
-        }
-    return ;
-    }
-public void setVisible(boolean Visible) {
-    ((Component)InputContainer).setVisible(Visible) ;
-    return ;
-    }
-public void dispose() {
-    if (IsWindow){
-        ((Window)InputContainer).dispose() ;
-        }
-    else{
-        // Restart  ?
-        }
-    return ;
-    }
-public Point getLocation() {
-    if (IsWindow){
-        return ((Window)InputContainer).getLocation() ;
-        }
-    else{
-        return null ;
-        }
-    }
-public void pack() {
-    if (IsWindow){
-        ((Window)InputContainer).pack() ;
-        }
-    return ;
-    }
-public Dimension getSize() {
-    if (IsWindow){
-        return ((Window)InputContainer).getSize() ;
-        }
-    else{
-        return null ;
-        }
-    }
-public void setIconImage(Image I) {
-    if (IsWindow){
-        SuperFrame.setIconImage(I) ;
-        }
-    }
-public Frame superFrame() {
-    return SuperFrame ;
-    }
-public void showStatus(String Status) {
-    if (!IsWindow){
-        ((Applet)InputContainer).getAppletContext().showStatus(Status) ;
-        }
-    }
-public Component getGlassPane() {
-    return RP.getGlassPane() ;
-    }
-public void setGlassPane(Component GP) {
-    RP.setGlassPane(GP) ;
-    }
-public JRootPane getRootPane() {
-    return RP.getRootPane() ;
-    }
-public void addMouseListener(MouseListener ML) {
-    RP.addMouseListener(ML);
-    }
+package Utilities ;
+import java.awt.*;
+import java.applet.* ;
+import java.awt.event.*;
+import javax.swing.*;
+*   <b>Container object with JApplet, JFrame, and JDialog properties.<p></b>
+public class SuperContainer{
+Container InputContainer ;
+JRootPane RP ;
+Frame SuperFrame ;  // Frame of overall screen.
+boolean IsJApplet = false ;
+boolean IsJFrame =  false ;
+boolean IsJDialog = false ; 
+boolean IsWindow =  false ; 
+*   Container object with JApplet, JFrame, and JDialog properties. 
+*   @param InputContainer Container, either a JApplet, JFrame, or JDialog.
+public SuperContainer(Container InputContainer){
+    this.InputContainer = InputContainer ;
+    if(InputContainer instanceof JApplet){
+        IsJApplet = true ;
+        RP = ((JApplet) InputContainer).getRootPane() ;
+        }
+    else if(InputContainer instanceof JFrame){
+        IsJFrame = true ;
+        RP = ((JFrame) InputContainer).getRootPane() ;
+        }
+    else if(InputContainer instanceof JDialog){
+        RP = ((JDialog) InputContainer).getRootPane() ;
+        IsJDialog = true ;
+        }
+    else{
+        System.out.println("SuperContainer: Bad input type!") ;
+        }
+    IsWindow = IsJFrame | IsJDialog ;
+    SuperFrame = GetParentFrame.GetParentFrame(RP.getContentPane()) ;
+    }
+public Container getContentPane(){
+    return RP.getContentPane() ;
+    }
+public boolean isApplet(){
+    return IsJApplet ;
+    }
+public boolean isWindow(){
+    return IsWindow ;
+    }
+public void setResizable(boolean Resizable) {
+    if(IsJDialog){
+        ((Dialog)InputContainer).setResizable(Resizable) ;
+        }
+    else{
+        SuperFrame.setResizable(Resizable) ;
+        }
+    }
+public void setTitle(String Title) {
+    if(IsJFrame){
+        ((JFrame) InputContainer).setTitle(Title);
+        }
+    else if(IsJDialog){
+        ((JDialog) InputContainer).setTitle(Title);
+        }
+    return ;
+    }
+public void addWindowListener(WindowListener WL) {
+    if (IsWindow){
+        ((Window)InputContainer).addWindowListener(WL) ;
+        }
+    return ;
+    }
+public void setLocation( Point P ) {
+    if (IsWindow){
+        ((Window)InputContainer).setLocation(P) ;
+        }
+    return ;
+    }
+public void setSize( Dimension D ) {
+    if (IsWindow){
+        ((Window)InputContainer).setSize(D) ;
+        }
+    return ;
+    }
+public void setVisible(boolean Visible) {
+    ((Component)InputContainer).setVisible(Visible) ;
+    return ;
+    }
+public void dispose() {
+    if (IsWindow){
+        ((Window)InputContainer).dispose() ;
+        }
+    else{
+        // Restart  ?
+        }
+    return ;
+    }
+public Point getLocation() {
+    if (IsWindow){
+        return ((Window)InputContainer).getLocation() ;
+        }
+    else{
+        return null ;
+        }
+    }
+public void pack() {
+    if (IsWindow){
+        ((Window)InputContainer).pack() ;
+        }
+    return ;
+    }
+public Dimension getSize() {
+    if (IsWindow){
+        return ((Window)InputContainer).getSize() ;
+        }
+    else{
+        return null ;
+        }
+    }
+public void setIconImage(Image I) {
+    if (IsWindow){
+        SuperFrame.setIconImage(I) ;
+        }
+    }
+public Frame superFrame() {
+    return SuperFrame ;
+    }
+public void showStatus(String Status) {
+    if (!IsWindow){
+        ((Applet)InputContainer).getAppletContext().showStatus(Status) ;
+        }
+    }
+public Component getGlassPane() {
+    return RP.getGlassPane() ;
+    }
+public void setGlassPane(Component GP) {
+    RP.setGlassPane(GP) ;
+    }
+public JRootPane getRootPane() {
+    return RP.getRootPane() ;
+    }
+public void addMouseListener(MouseListener ML) {
+    RP.addMouseListener(ML);
+    }

Modified: trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/Utilities/package.html
--- trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/Utilities/package.html	2005-06-01 19:40:37 UTC (rev 37)
+++ trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/Utilities/package.html	2005-06-01 20:02:04 UTC (rev 38)
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-<b>General java utilities.</B> 
+<b>General java utilities.</B> 

Modified: trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/GUI/FileChoices.java
--- trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/GUI/FileChoices.java	2005-06-01 19:40:37 UTC (rev 37)
+++ trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/GUI/FileChoices.java	2005-06-01 20:02:04 UTC (rev 38)
@@ -1,71 +1,71 @@
-package WLC2OSIS.GUI ;
-import WLC2OSIS.* ;
-import Utilities.* ;
-import java.awt.* ;
-import java.util.* ;
-import java.io.* ;
-import java.awt.event.* ;
-import javax.swing.*;
-import javax.swing.event.* ;
-import javax.swing.border.*;
- * <b>Gets the input and output files.</b><p>
- */
-public class FileChoices {
-public FileChoices(WLC2OSIS A){
-    this.A = A ;
-    }
-public String getInputFilename(String DefaultInputFilename){
-    FileChooser inchooser = new FileChooser() ;
-    inchooser.setSelectedFile(new File(DefaultInputFilename) ) ;
-    inchooser.setDialogTitle("Give the input file") ;
-    inchooser.setApproveButtonText("Set") ;
-    inchooser.setSize( new Dimension( 500, 400 ) ) ;
-    inchooser.setLocation(new Point(200, 200) );
-    inchooser.revalidate() ;
-    int returnValue = inchooser.showOpenDialog(A.OverallContainer) ;
-    if(returnValue==JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION){
-        String InputFilename = inchooser.getSelectedFile().getPath() ;
-        return InputFilename ;
-        }
-    else{
-        System.out.println("WLC2OSIS:FileChoices: Didn't choose the input file.") ;
-        System.exit(0) ;
-        return null ;}
-    }
-public String getOutputDirectory(String DefaultOutputDirectory){
-    FileChooser outchooser = new FileChooser() ; 
-    outchooser.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY) ;
-    File InitialDirectory = new File(DefaultOutputDirectory ) ;
-    outchooser.setSelectedFile(InitialDirectory) ;
-    outchooser.setDialogTitle("Set the output directory") ;
-    outchooser.setApproveButtonText("Set") ;
-    outchooser.setSize( new Dimension( 500, 400 ) ) ;
-    outchooser.setLocation(new Point(200, 200) );
-    outchooser.revalidate() ;
-    int returnValue = outchooser.showOpenDialog(A.OverallContainer) ;
-    if(returnValue==JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION){
-        String OutputDirectory = outchooser.getSelectedFile().getPath() ;
-        return OutputDirectory ;
-        }
-    else{
-        System.out.println("WLC2OSIS: Didn't choose the output directory.") ;
-        System.exit(0) ;
-        return null ;
-        }
-    }
+package WLC2OSIS.GUI ;
+import WLC2OSIS.* ;
+import Utilities.* ;
+import java.awt.* ;
+import java.util.* ;
+import java.io.* ;
+import java.awt.event.* ;
+import javax.swing.*;
+import javax.swing.event.* ;
+import javax.swing.border.*;
+ * <b>Gets the input and output files.</b><p>
+ */
+public class FileChoices {
+public FileChoices(WLC2OSIS A){
+    this.A = A ;
+    }
+public String getInputFilename(String DefaultInputFilename){
+    FileChooser inchooser = new FileChooser() ;
+    inchooser.setSelectedFile(new File(DefaultInputFilename) ) ;
+    inchooser.setDialogTitle("Give the input file") ;
+    inchooser.setApproveButtonText("Set") ;
+    inchooser.setSize( new Dimension( 500, 400 ) ) ;
+    inchooser.setLocation(new Point(200, 200) );
+    inchooser.revalidate() ;
+    int returnValue = inchooser.showOpenDialog(A.OverallContainer) ;
+    if(returnValue==JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION){
+        String InputFilename = inchooser.getSelectedFile().getPath() ;
+        return InputFilename ;
+        }
+    else{
+        System.out.println("WLC2OSIS:FileChoices: Didn't choose the input file.") ;
+        System.exit(0) ;
+        return null ;}
+    }
+public String getOutputDirectory(String DefaultOutputDirectory){
+    FileChooser outchooser = new FileChooser() ; 
+    outchooser.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY) ;
+    File InitialDirectory = new File(DefaultOutputDirectory ) ;
+    outchooser.setSelectedFile(InitialDirectory) ;
+    outchooser.setDialogTitle("Set the output directory") ;
+    outchooser.setApproveButtonText("Set") ;
+    outchooser.setSize( new Dimension( 500, 400 ) ) ;
+    outchooser.setLocation(new Point(200, 200) );
+    outchooser.revalidate() ;
+    int returnValue = outchooser.showOpenDialog(A.OverallContainer) ;
+    if(returnValue==JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION){
+        String OutputDirectory = outchooser.getSelectedFile().getPath() ;
+        return OutputDirectory ;
+        }
+    else{
+        System.out.println("WLC2OSIS: Didn't choose the output directory.") ;
+        System.exit(0) ;
+        return null ;
+        }
+    }

Modified: trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/GUI/Messages.java
--- trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/GUI/Messages.java	2005-06-01 19:40:37 UTC (rev 37)
+++ trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/GUI/Messages.java	2005-06-01 20:02:04 UTC (rev 38)
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
-package WLC2OSIS.GUI ;
-import WLC2OSIS.* ;
-import Utilities.* ;
-import java.awt.* ;
-import java.util.* ;
-import java.io.* ;
-import java.awt.event.* ;
-import javax.swing.*;
-import javax.swing.event.* ;
-import javax.swing.border.*;
- * <b>Outputs messages to operator.</b><p>
- */
-public class Messages {
-public Messages(WLC2OSIS A){
-    this.A = A ;
-    }
-public void initialMessage(){
-    String IntroMessage = "WLC2OSIS: Conversion of WHI text files to OSIS.\n\n"
-       + "Important messages will be written to command window.\n"
-       + "Please be ready to write them down.\n\n" ;
-    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(A.OverallContainer, IntroMessage) ;
-    }
-public void doneMessage(){
-    String DoneMessage = "The output file appears to have been written\n"
-    + "normally. Please examine the Java Console for possible errors.\n"
-    + "If any errors have occured please make a careful note of them.\n\n";
-    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(A.OverallContainer, DoneMessage) ;
-    }
+package WLC2OSIS.GUI ;
+import WLC2OSIS.* ;
+import Utilities.* ;
+import java.awt.* ;
+import java.util.* ;
+import java.io.* ;
+import java.awt.event.* ;
+import javax.swing.*;
+import javax.swing.event.* ;
+import javax.swing.border.*;
+ * <b>Outputs messages to operator.</b><p>
+ */
+public class Messages {
+public Messages(WLC2OSIS A){
+    this.A = A ;
+    }
+public void initialMessage(){
+    String IntroMessage = "WLC2OSIS: Conversion of WHI text files to OSIS.\n\n"
+       + "Important messages will be written to command window.\n"
+       + "Please be ready to write them down.\n\n" ;
+    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(A.OverallContainer, IntroMessage) ;
+    }
+public void doneMessage(){
+    String DoneMessage = "The output file appears to have been written\n"
+    + "normally. Please examine the Java Console for possible errors.\n"
+    + "If any errors have occured please make a careful note of them.\n\n";
+    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(A.OverallContainer, DoneMessage) ;
+    }

Modified: trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/GUI/package.html
--- trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/GUI/package.html	2005-06-01 19:40:37 UTC (rev 37)
+++ trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/GUI/package.html	2005-06-01 20:02:04 UTC (rev 38)
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-<b>Graphical user interface (GUI)</b>.
-<p align="right"> (<b><tt>BHS2XML/GUI/package.html</tt></b>)
-Crude graphical interfaces.
+<b>Graphical user interface (GUI)</b>.
+<p align="right"> (<b><tt>BHS2XML/GUI/package.html</tt></b>)
+Crude graphical interfaces.

Modified: trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Parse/Books.java
--- trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Parse/Books.java	2005-06-01 19:40:37 UTC (rev 37)
+++ trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Parse/Books.java	2005-06-01 20:02:04 UTC (rev 38)
@@ -1,73 +1,73 @@
-package WLC2OSIS.Parse ;
-import WLC2OSIS.* ;
-import WLC2OSIS.Translate.* ;
-//import WLC2OSIS.Utilities.* ;
- *  <b>Processes books.</b>
- *
- *  Special to WLC.
- */
-public class Books{
-Parser P ;
-public BookName[] BookNames ;
-BookName BookObject ;
-public Books(WLC2OSIS A, Parser P ) {
-    this.A = A ;
-    this.P = P ;
-    BookNames = BookName.setBookNames() ;
-    }    
-// Starts a book.  Enter with WLC BookCode
-public void start(String BookCode){
-    BookObject = BookName.getBookName(BookNames, BookCode) ;
-    P.Book = BookObject.name ;
-    P.BookAbbrev = BookObject.abbrev ;
-    P.TanachBookCount = P.TanachBookCount + 1 ;
-    P.BookVerseCount = 0;
-    P.BookChapterCount = 0 ;
-// Begin writing the book into the existing file
-    P.ChapterNumber = 0 ;
-    P.VerseNumber = 0 ;
-    P.WordNumber = 0 ;
-//     A.w.openTag("tanach", 0) ;
-    A.w.openTag("div type=\"book\" osisID=\"" + BookObject.abbrev + "\"", 1) ;
-/*    A.w.writeAttributedString("title", 2, "type=\"section\" subType=\"x-Section\" subtype=\"x-preverse\"",
-      BookObject.hebrewname);
-    A.w.writeAttributedString("title", 2, "type=\"main\" ",    	BookObject.hebrewname);*/
-    }
-// Ends a book.
-public void end(){
-    if (P.Book != null){
-        P.BookChapterCount = P.ChapterNumber ;
-        P.TanachChapterCount = P.TanachChapterCount + P.ChapterNumber ;
-        A.w.closeTag("div", 1) ;
-        System.out.println( BookObject.name + " has been written." ) ;
-        }
-    }
+package WLC2OSIS.Parse ;
+import WLC2OSIS.* ;
+import WLC2OSIS.Translate.* ;
+//import WLC2OSIS.Utilities.* ;
+ *  <b>Processes books.</b>
+ *
+ *  Special to WLC.
+ */
+public class Books{
+Parser P ;
+public BookName[] BookNames ;
+BookName BookObject ;
+public Books(WLC2OSIS A, Parser P ) {
+    this.A = A ;
+    this.P = P ;
+    BookNames = BookName.setBookNames() ;
+    }    
+// Starts a book.  Enter with WLC BookCode
+public void start(String BookCode){
+    BookObject = BookName.getBookName(BookNames, BookCode) ;
+    P.Book = BookObject.name ;
+    P.BookAbbrev = BookObject.abbrev ;
+    P.TanachBookCount = P.TanachBookCount + 1 ;
+    P.BookVerseCount = 0;
+    P.BookChapterCount = 0 ;
+// Begin writing the book into the existing file
+    P.ChapterNumber = 0 ;
+    P.VerseNumber = 0 ;
+    P.WordNumber = 0 ;
+//     A.w.openTag("tanach", 0) ;
+    A.w.openTag("div type=\"book\" osisID=\"" + BookObject.abbrev + "\"", 1) ;
+/*    A.w.writeAttributedString("title", 2, "type=\"section\" subType=\"x-Section\" subtype=\"x-preverse\"",
+      BookObject.hebrewname);
+    A.w.writeAttributedString("title", 2, "type=\"main\" ",    	BookObject.hebrewname);*/
+    }
+// Ends a book.
+public void end(){
+    if (P.Book != null){
+        P.BookChapterCount = P.ChapterNumber ;
+        P.TanachChapterCount = P.TanachChapterCount + P.ChapterNumber ;
+        A.w.closeTag("div", 1) ;
+        System.out.println( BookObject.name + " has been written." ) ;
+        }
+    }

Modified: trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Parse/Chapters.java
--- trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Parse/Chapters.java	2005-06-01 19:40:37 UTC (rev 37)
+++ trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Parse/Chapters.java	2005-06-01 20:02:04 UTC (rev 38)
@@ -1,48 +1,48 @@
-package WLC2OSIS.Parse ;
-import WLC2OSIS.* ;
- *  <b>Processes chapters.</b>
- */
-public class Chapters{
-Parser P ;
-public Chapters(WLC2OSIS A, Parser P ) {
-    this.A = A ;
-    this.P = P ;
-    }    
-// Starts a book.
-public void start(){
-    P.ChapterVerseCount = 0 ;
-    P.ChapterNumber = P.ChapterNumber + 1 ;
-    P.VerseNumber = 0 ;
-    P.WordNumber = 0 ;
-    String num = new Integer(P.ChapterNumber).toString();
-    A.w.openTag("chapter osisID=\"" + P.BookAbbrev + "." + num + "\"", 2) ;
-    }
-// Ends a book.
-public void end(){
-    if (P.ChapterNumber != 0){
-        P.ChapterVerseCount = P.VerseNumber ;
-        P.BookVerseCount = P.BookVerseCount + P.VerseNumber ;
-        P.TanachVerseCount = P.TanachVerseCount + P.VerseNumber ;
-    	A.w.closeTag("chapter", 2) ;
-        }
-    }
+package WLC2OSIS.Parse ;
+import WLC2OSIS.* ;
+ *  <b>Processes chapters.</b>
+ */
+public class Chapters{
+Parser P ;
+public Chapters(WLC2OSIS A, Parser P ) {
+    this.A = A ;
+    this.P = P ;
+    }    
+// Starts a book.
+public void start(){
+    P.ChapterVerseCount = 0 ;
+    P.ChapterNumber = P.ChapterNumber + 1 ;
+    P.VerseNumber = 0 ;
+    P.WordNumber = 0 ;
+    String num = new Integer(P.ChapterNumber).toString();
+    A.w.openTag("chapter osisID=\"" + P.BookAbbrev + "." + num + "\"", 2) ;
+    }
+// Ends a book.
+public void end(){
+    if (P.ChapterNumber != 0){
+        P.ChapterVerseCount = P.VerseNumber ;
+        P.BookVerseCount = P.BookVerseCount + P.VerseNumber ;
+        P.TanachVerseCount = P.TanachVerseCount + P.VerseNumber ;
+    	A.w.closeTag("chapter", 2) ;
+        }
+    }

Modified: trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Parse/Markers.java
--- trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Parse/Markers.java	2005-06-01 19:40:37 UTC (rev 37)
+++ trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Parse/Markers.java	2005-06-01 20:02:04 UTC (rev 38)
@@ -1,71 +1,71 @@
-package WLC2OSIS.Parse ;
-import WLC2OSIS.* ;
-import WLC2OSIS.Translate.H ;
-import java.io.* ;
- *  <b>Processes markers.</b> 
- *
- *  Before any marker is written, the TrailingMaqaf flag must be
- *  tested.  If a trailing maqaf word precedes the mark, it must be
- *  written before the marker.
- */
-public class Markers{
-Parser P ;
-public Markers(WLC2OSIS A, Parser P ) {
-    this.A = A ;
-    this.P = P ;
-    }    
-// Samek
-public void samek(){ //parasah setumah, closed paragraph == small space in line
-    testMaqafWord() ;
-//     A.w.writeMarker("samekh", 4) ;
-    A.w.appendText("   " + H.samekh + "   ") ;
-    P.MarkerWritten = true ;
-    }
-// Pe
-public void pe(){ // parasah petuhah, open paragraph == new line
-    testMaqafWord() ;
-//     A.w.writeMarker("pe", 4) ;
-    A.w.appendText(" " + H.pe + " " + "<p/>") ;
-    P.MarkerWritten = true ;
-    }
-// Line
-public void line(){
-    System.out.println("Markers: End-of-line encountered!") ;
-    }
- *  Tests for a preceding trailing maqaf word and writes it. 
- *
- *  Before any marker is written, the TrailingMaqaf flag must be
- *  tested.  If a trailing maqaf word precedes the mark, it must be
- *  written before the marker.
- *
- *  Apparemtly ONLY EOLs cause this test to be activated.
- */
-void testMaqafWord(){
-   if (P.w.TrailingMaqaf){
-//       System.out.print("Markers: Marker follows trailing maqaf at ") ;
-//           P.printPosition() ;
-       P.w.writeWord(P.w.MaqafWord, P.w.MaqafWordType) ;
-       P.w.TrailingMaqaf = false ;
-       }
-   }
+package WLC2OSIS.Parse ;
+import WLC2OSIS.* ;
+import WLC2OSIS.Translate.H ;
+import java.io.* ;
+ *  <b>Processes markers.</b> 
+ *
+ *  Before any marker is written, the TrailingMaqaf flag must be
+ *  tested.  If a trailing maqaf word precedes the mark, it must be
+ *  written before the marker.
+ */
+public class Markers{
+Parser P ;
+public Markers(WLC2OSIS A, Parser P ) {
+    this.A = A ;
+    this.P = P ;
+    }    
+// Samek
+public void samek(){ //parasah setumah, closed paragraph == small space in line
+    testMaqafWord() ;
+//     A.w.writeMarker("samekh", 4) ;
+    A.w.appendText("   " + H.samekh + "   ") ;
+    P.MarkerWritten = true ;
+    }
+// Pe
+public void pe(){ // parasah petuhah, open paragraph == new line
+    testMaqafWord() ;
+//     A.w.writeMarker("pe", 4) ;
+    A.w.appendText(" " + H.pe + " " + "<p/>") ;
+    P.MarkerWritten = true ;
+    }
+// Line
+public void line(){
+    System.out.println("Markers: End-of-line encountered!") ;
+    }
+ *  Tests for a preceding trailing maqaf word and writes it. 
+ *
+ *  Before any marker is written, the TrailingMaqaf flag must be
+ *  tested.  If a trailing maqaf word precedes the mark, it must be
+ *  written before the marker.
+ *
+ *  Apparemtly ONLY EOLs cause this test to be activated.
+ */
+void testMaqafWord(){
+   if (P.w.TrailingMaqaf){
+//       System.out.print("Markers: Marker follows trailing maqaf at ") ;
+//           P.printPosition() ;
+       P.w.writeWord(P.w.MaqafWord, P.w.MaqafWordType) ;
+       P.w.TrailingMaqaf = false ;
+       }
+   }

Modified: trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Parse/Parser.java
--- trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Parse/Parser.java	2005-06-01 19:40:37 UTC (rev 37)
+++ trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Parse/Parser.java	2005-06-01 20:02:04 UTC (rev 38)
@@ -1,216 +1,216 @@
-package WLC2OSIS.Parse ;
-import WLC2OSIS.* ;
-import WLC2OSIS.Translate.* ;
-import WLC2OSIS.Utilities.* ;
- *  <b>Parser dispatches tokens to  Books, Chapters, Markers, Tanach,
- *     Verses, and Words start/end methods, special to WLC. </b>
- *
- *  Extensively modified for WLC.
- */
-public class Parser{
-Tokenizer t ;
-//  Working classes
-public Books b ;
-Chapters c ;
-Verses v ;
-public Words w ;
-Translate T ;
-Markers m ;
-public WKQ wkq ;
-// Current state
-public boolean MarkerWritten ;  // Indicates a marker has been written
-                                // between two words.
-// String BookName ;
-String Book ;
-String BookAbbrev ;
-int Chapter ;
-int Verse ;
-String LastBookCode = "" ;
-int LastChapter = -1 ;
-int LastVerse = -1 ;
-// Assorted counts
-public int ChapterVerseCount ;
-public int BookVerseCount ;
-public int BookChapterCount ;
-public int TanachVerseCount ;
-public int TanachChapterCount ;
-public int TanachBookCount ;
-int ChapterNumber ;
-int VerseNumber ;
-int WordNumber ;
-public Parser(WLC2OSIS A) {
-    this.A = A ;
-    T = new Translate(A, this) ;
-// Set up the tokenizer
-    t = new Tokenizer(A) ;
-// Set up the Tanach, Books, Chapters, Verses, Words, and Markers classes.
-    b = new Books(A, this) ;
-    c = new Chapters(A, this) ;
-    v = new Verses(A, this) ;
-    w = new Words(A, this) ;
-    m = new Markers(A, this) ;
-    wkq = new WKQ(this) ;
-    new MC() ;
-    Note.setNotes();
-    }    
-// Gets the next token as a String.
-// EOF is indicated by a return of EOF.
-public void parse(){
-    String s ;
-    boolean PreviousEOL = true ;
-    System.out.println("\n") ;
-    A.w = new XMLWriter(A.OutputDirectory, "WLC_OSIS") ;
-     // Write the header
-    Header.writeHeader(A, A.w) ;
-    for (int k = 0; k < A.InputChars.length ; k++){
-        s = t.nextToken() ;
-        if(s.compareTo(t.EOF) == 0){
-            break ;
-            }
-//  Process a line identifier
-        if (PreviousEOL){
-            int ColonIndex = s.indexOf(':') ;
-            if(ColonIndex <=0 ){
-                System.out.println("Parser: Incorrect line identifier: " + s + " !") ;
-                break ;
-                }
-            PreviousEOL= false ;
-// Parse the identifier
-            String BookCode = s.substring(0,2) ;
-            int Chapter = Integer.parseInt( s.substring(2, ColonIndex) ) ;
-            int Verse = Integer.parseInt( s.substring(ColonIndex+1) ) ;
-// Change in Book, start a book.
-            if(BookCode.compareTo(LastBookCode) != 0){
-                v.end() ;
-                c.end() ;
-                b.end() ;
-                b.start(BookCode) ;
-                c.start() ;
-                v.start() ;
-                LastBookCode = BookCode ;
-                LastChapter = 1 ;
-                LastVerse = 1 ;
-                }
-// Change in Chapter, start a Chapter.
-            if(Chapter != LastChapter){
-                v.end() ;
-                c.end() ;
-                c.start() ;
-                v.start() ;
-                LastChapter = Chapter ;
-                LastVerse = 1 ;
-                }
-// Change in Verse, start a Verse.
-            if(Verse != LastVerse){
-                v.end() ;
-                v.start() ;
-                LastVerse = Verse ;
-                }
-            }
-//   Process a word.
-        else{
-            if(s.compareTo(t.EOL) == 0){
-                PreviousEOL = true ;
-                }
-            else{
-                if (s.length() > 1){
-                     w.process(s) ;
-                     }
-                else{
-// Look for 1 letter words.
-                    if( s.compareTo("P")==0){
-                        m.pe();
-                        }
-                    else if( s.compareTo("S")==0){
-                        m.samek() ;
-                        }
-                    else if( s.compareTo("?")==0){
-                        m.line() ;       
-                        }
-                    else{  // It's a word
-                        w.process(s) ;
-                        }
-                     }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    v.end() ;
-    c.end() ;
-    b.end() ;   
-     // Write the footer
-    Header.writeFooter(A, A.w) ;
-    A.w.close();
-    return ;
-    }
-// Counts the number of occurences of a character in a String.
-public int countChar(String W, char c){
-   int Count = 0 ;
-   for(int k=0; k < W.length(); k++){
-       if(W.charAt(k)==c){
-           Count++ ;
-           }
-       }
-   return Count ;
-   }
-// Prints a verse identification.
-public void printPosition(){
-    System.out.print(" at " + Book + " " + A.F.i(ChapterNumber,3) + ":" 
-        + A.F.i(VerseNumber,2) 
-            + "." + A.F.i(WordNumber,2) + "\n") ;
-    }
+package WLC2OSIS.Parse ;
+import WLC2OSIS.* ;
+import WLC2OSIS.Translate.* ;
+import WLC2OSIS.Utilities.* ;
+ *  <b>Parser dispatches tokens to  Books, Chapters, Markers, Tanach,
+ *     Verses, and Words start/end methods, special to WLC. </b>
+ *
+ *  Extensively modified for WLC.
+ */
+public class Parser{
+Tokenizer t ;
+//  Working classes
+public Books b ;
+Chapters c ;
+Verses v ;
+public Words w ;
+Translate T ;
+Markers m ;
+public WKQ wkq ;
+// Current state
+public boolean MarkerWritten ;  // Indicates a marker has been written
+                                // between two words.
+// String BookName ;
+String Book ;
+String BookAbbrev ;
+int Chapter ;
+int Verse ;
+String LastBookCode = "" ;
+int LastChapter = -1 ;
+int LastVerse = -1 ;
+// Assorted counts
+public int ChapterVerseCount ;
+public int BookVerseCount ;
+public int BookChapterCount ;
+public int TanachVerseCount ;
+public int TanachChapterCount ;
+public int TanachBookCount ;
+int ChapterNumber ;
+int VerseNumber ;
+int WordNumber ;
+public Parser(WLC2OSIS A) {
+    this.A = A ;
+    T = new Translate(A, this) ;
+// Set up the tokenizer
+    t = new Tokenizer(A) ;
+// Set up the Tanach, Books, Chapters, Verses, Words, and Markers classes.
+    b = new Books(A, this) ;
+    c = new Chapters(A, this) ;
+    v = new Verses(A, this) ;
+    w = new Words(A, this) ;
+    m = new Markers(A, this) ;
+    wkq = new WKQ(this) ;
+    new MC() ;
+    Note.setNotes();
+    }    
+// Gets the next token as a String.
+// EOF is indicated by a return of EOF.
+public void parse(){
+    String s ;
+    boolean PreviousEOL = true ;
+    System.out.println("\n") ;
+    A.w = new XMLWriter(A.OutputDirectory, "WLC_OSIS") ;
+     // Write the header
+    Header.writeHeader(A, A.w) ;
+    for (int k = 0; k < A.InputChars.length ; k++){
+        s = t.nextToken() ;
+        if(s.compareTo(t.EOF) == 0){
+            break ;
+            }
+//  Process a line identifier
+        if (PreviousEOL){
+            int ColonIndex = s.indexOf(':') ;
+            if(ColonIndex <=0 ){
+                System.out.println("Parser: Incorrect line identifier: " + s + " !") ;
+                break ;
+                }
+            PreviousEOL= false ;
+// Parse the identifier
+            String BookCode = s.substring(0,2) ;
+            int Chapter = Integer.parseInt( s.substring(2, ColonIndex) ) ;
+            int Verse = Integer.parseInt( s.substring(ColonIndex+1) ) ;
+// Change in Book, start a book.
+            if(BookCode.compareTo(LastBookCode) != 0){
+                v.end() ;
+                c.end() ;
+                b.end() ;
+                b.start(BookCode) ;
+                c.start() ;
+                v.start() ;
+                LastBookCode = BookCode ;
+                LastChapter = 1 ;
+                LastVerse = 1 ;
+                }
+// Change in Chapter, start a Chapter.
+            if(Chapter != LastChapter){
+                v.end() ;
+                c.end() ;
+                c.start() ;
+                v.start() ;
+                LastChapter = Chapter ;
+                LastVerse = 1 ;
+                }
+// Change in Verse, start a Verse.
+            if(Verse != LastVerse){
+                v.end() ;
+                v.start() ;
+                LastVerse = Verse ;
+                }
+            }
+//   Process a word.
+        else{
+            if(s.compareTo(t.EOL) == 0){
+                PreviousEOL = true ;
+                }
+            else{
+                if (s.length() > 1){
+                     w.process(s) ;
+                     }
+                else{
+// Look for 1 letter words.
+                    if( s.compareTo("P")==0){
+                        m.pe();
+                        }
+                    else if( s.compareTo("S")==0){
+                        m.samek() ;
+                        }
+                    else if( s.compareTo("?")==0){
+                        m.line() ;       
+                        }
+                    else{  // It's a word
+                        w.process(s) ;
+                        }
+                     }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    v.end() ;
+    c.end() ;
+    b.end() ;   
+     // Write the footer
+    Header.writeFooter(A, A.w) ;
+    A.w.close();
+    return ;
+    }
+// Counts the number of occurences of a character in a String.
+public int countChar(String W, char c){
+   int Count = 0 ;
+   for(int k=0; k < W.length(); k++){
+       if(W.charAt(k)==c){
+           Count++ ;
+           }
+       }
+   return Count ;
+   }
+// Prints a verse identification.
+public void printPosition(){
+    System.out.print(" at " + Book + " " + A.F.i(ChapterNumber,3) + ":" 
+        + A.F.i(VerseNumber,2) 
+            + "." + A.F.i(WordNumber,2) + "\n") ;
+    }

Modified: trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Parse/Tokenizer.java
--- trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Parse/Tokenizer.java	2005-06-01 19:40:37 UTC (rev 37)
+++ trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Parse/Tokenizer.java	2005-06-01 20:02:04 UTC (rev 38)
@@ -1,87 +1,87 @@
-package WLC2OSIS.Parse ;
-import WLC2OSIS.* ;
-import java.io.* ;
-import javax.swing.* ;
-import java.awt.* ;
- *  <b>Tokenizer based on standard Java tokenizer, special to WLC.</b>
- *
- *  Special to WLC.
- */
-public class Tokenizer{
-public final String EOF = "***EOF***" ;
-public final String EOL = "***EOL***" ;
-CharArrayReader car ;
-StreamTokenizer st ;
-public Tokenizer(WLC2OSIS A ) {
-    this.A = A ;
-// Set up the tokenizer
-    car = new CharArrayReader(A.InputChars) ;    
-    st = new StreamTokenizer( car) ;
-    st.resetSyntax() ;
-    st.wordChars(33, 126 ) ; // All printables are word characters
-    st.ordinaryChar(63) ; // ? is a special symbol, the EOL marker.
-    st.eolIsSignificant(true) ;
-    }    
-// Gets the next token as a String.
-// EOF is indicated by a return of EOF.
-// EOL is indicated by a return of EOL.
-public String nextToken(){
-        int TokenType = 0 ;
-        boolean Found = false ;     // Found a word token or EOF ;
-        String Value = "" ; // The returned String.
-        do{
-            try{
-                TokenType = st.nextToken() ;
-                }
-            catch (IOException e) {
-                System.out.println("Tokenizer: IOException in tokenization: " + e) ;
-                }
-            if (TokenType==StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD){
-                Value = st.sval ;
-                Found = true ;
-                }
-            else if(TokenType==StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF){
-                Value = EOF ;
-                Found = true ;
-                }
-            else if(TokenType==StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL){
-                Value = EOL ;
-                Found = true ;
-                }
-            if (TokenType==63){ // EOL marker
-                Value = "?" ;
-                Found = true ;
-                }
-            }while(!Found) ;
-        return Value ;
-        }
-// Does a pushBack on the StreamTokenizer, st.
-public void pushBack(){
-        st.pushBack() ;
-        }
+package WLC2OSIS.Parse ;
+import WLC2OSIS.* ;
+import java.io.* ;
+import javax.swing.* ;
+import java.awt.* ;
+ *  <b>Tokenizer based on standard Java tokenizer, special to WLC.</b>
+ *
+ *  Special to WLC.
+ */
+public class Tokenizer{
+public final String EOF = "***EOF***" ;
+public final String EOL = "***EOL***" ;
+CharArrayReader car ;
+StreamTokenizer st ;
+public Tokenizer(WLC2OSIS A ) {
+    this.A = A ;
+// Set up the tokenizer
+    car = new CharArrayReader(A.InputChars) ;    
+    st = new StreamTokenizer( car) ;
+    st.resetSyntax() ;
+    st.wordChars(33, 126 ) ; // All printables are word characters
+    st.ordinaryChar(63) ; // ? is a special symbol, the EOL marker.
+    st.eolIsSignificant(true) ;
+    }    
+// Gets the next token as a String.
+// EOF is indicated by a return of EOF.
+// EOL is indicated by a return of EOL.
+public String nextToken(){
+        int TokenType = 0 ;
+        boolean Found = false ;     // Found a word token or EOF ;
+        String Value = "" ; // The returned String.
+        do{
+            try{
+                TokenType = st.nextToken() ;
+                }
+            catch (IOException e) {
+                System.out.println("Tokenizer: IOException in tokenization: " + e) ;
+                }
+            if (TokenType==StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD){
+                Value = st.sval ;
+                Found = true ;
+                }
+            else if(TokenType==StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF){
+                Value = EOF ;
+                Found = true ;
+                }
+            else if(TokenType==StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL){
+                Value = EOL ;
+                Found = true ;
+                }
+            if (TokenType==63){ // EOL marker
+                Value = "?" ;
+                Found = true ;
+                }
+            }while(!Found) ;
+        return Value ;
+        }
+// Does a pushBack on the StreamTokenizer, st.
+public void pushBack(){
+        st.pushBack() ;
+        }

Modified: trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Parse/Verses.java
--- trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Parse/Verses.java	2005-06-01 19:40:37 UTC (rev 37)
+++ trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Parse/Verses.java	2005-06-01 20:02:04 UTC (rev 38)
@@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
-package WLC2OSIS.Parse ;
-import WLC2OSIS.* ;
- *  <b>Processes verses.</b>
- */
-public class Verses{
-Parser P ;
-public Verses(WLC2OSIS A, Parser P ) {
-    this.A = A ;
-    this.P = P ;
-    }    
-// Starts a book.
-public void start(){
-    P.VerseNumber = P.VerseNumber + 1 ;
-    P.WordNumber = 0 ;
-    String chapternum = new Integer(P.ChapterNumber).toString();
-    String versenum =   new Integer(P.VerseNumber).toString();
-    A.w.openTag("verse osisID=\""+P.BookAbbrev+"."+chapternum+"."+versenum+"\"", 3) ;
-    }
-// Ends a book.
-public void end(){
-    if( P.VerseNumber != 0){
-    	A.w.closeTag("verse", 3) ;
-        }
-    }
+package WLC2OSIS.Parse ;
+import WLC2OSIS.* ;
+ *  <b>Processes verses.</b>
+ */
+public class Verses{
+Parser P ;
+public Verses(WLC2OSIS A, Parser P ) {
+    this.A = A ;
+    this.P = P ;
+    }    
+// Starts a book.
+public void start(){
+    P.VerseNumber = P.VerseNumber + 1 ;
+    P.WordNumber = 0 ;
+    String chapternum = new Integer(P.ChapterNumber).toString();
+    String versenum =   new Integer(P.VerseNumber).toString();
+    A.w.openTag("verse osisID=\""+P.BookAbbrev+"."+chapternum+"."+versenum+"\"", 3) ;
+    }
+// Ends a book.
+public void end(){
+    if( P.VerseNumber != 0){
+    	A.w.closeTag("verse", 3) ;
+        }
+    }

Modified: trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Parse/Words.java
--- trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Parse/Words.java	2005-06-01 19:40:37 UTC (rev 37)
+++ trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Parse/Words.java	2005-06-01 20:02:04 UTC (rev 38)
@@ -1,134 +1,134 @@
-package WLC2OSIS.Parse ;
-import WLC2OSIS.* ;
-import WLC2OSIS.Translate.H ;
-import WLC2OSIS.Utilities.* ;
- *  <b>Processes words, sending them to the Translate class
- *  after their word, qere, ketiv properties have been determined.</b>
- */
-public class Words{
-Parser P ;
-boolean TrailingMaqaf ;
-String MaqafWord ;
-String MaqafWordType ;
-public Words(WLC2OSIS A, Parser P ) {
-    this.A = A ;
-    this.P = P ;
-    }    
-// Processes a word,
-public void process(String W){
-// Process WKQ 
-        P.wkq.process(W) ;
-//    System.out.println(P.Book + " " + A.F.i(P.ChapterNumber,2) + ":" 
-//        + A.F.i(P.VerseNumber,2) 
-//        + "." + A.F.i(P.WordNumber,2) + "                " + W) ;
-    }
-// Translates and writes a word (simple, ketib, qere) with exception markers.
-// All returns leave P.MarkerWritten = false ;
-public void write(String W, String Type) {
-   String Word = P.T.translate(W) ;
-// Check for any KQ markers which should NOT be here!
-    int asteriskcount = P.countChar(W, '*') ;
-    if (asteriskcount > 0){
-        System.out.print("Words.write: Unexpected KQ character * ") ;
-        P.printPosition() ;
-        System.out.println("Word: " + W) ;
-        }
-// Look for a case in which there's been trailing maqaf
-// without an intervening marker.
-   if(TrailingMaqaf & !P.MarkerWritten ){
-       if(MaqafWordType.charAt(0)== Type.charAt(0) ){
-           Word = MaqafWord+Word ;  // Combine them.
-           }
-       else{
-//           System.out.print("Words: Mismatched types for combining "
-//               + MaqafWordType + ", " + Type + " at " ) ;
-//           P.printPosition() ;
-           writeWord(MaqafWord, MaqafWordType) ;
-           TrailingMaqaf = false ;
-           }
-       }
-// Check for a trailing maqaf.
-// Don't write the word here.
-   TrailingMaqaf = false ;
-   if( Word.charAt(Word.length()-1) == H.maqaf){
-       TrailingMaqaf = true ;
-       MaqafWord = Word ;
-       MaqafWordType = Type ;
-       P.MarkerWritten = false ;
-       return ;
-       }
-   writeWord(Word, Type) ;
-   } 
-public void writeWord(String Word, String Type) {
-// Check for any exception markers ]x 
-   String Out = "" ;
-   for (int k=0 ; k < Word.length() ; k++){
-       char c = Word.charAt(k) ;
-       if(c == ']'){
-           k++ ;
-           char ExceptionValue = Word.charAt(k) ;
-           Out = Out + "<x>" + ExceptionValue +"</x>" ;
-	   System.out.println("Exception occured");
-           }
-       else{
-           Out = Out + c ;
-           }
-       }
-    if (Type.charAt(0) == 'w') {
-        A.w.appendText(Out + " ") ;
-    }
-    else if (Type.charAt(0) == 'k') {
-        A.w.appendText("["+ Out + " " + H.kaf + "] ") ;
-    }
-    else if (Type.charAt(0) == 'q') {
-        A.w.appendText("(" + Out + " " + H.qof+ ") ") ;
-    }
-    else {
-        System.out.println("Warning: unknown word type!");
-	P.printPosition();
-    }
-    P.MarkerWritten = false ;
-    }
+package WLC2OSIS.Parse ;
+import WLC2OSIS.* ;
+import WLC2OSIS.Translate.H ;
+import WLC2OSIS.Utilities.* ;
+ *  <b>Processes words, sending them to the Translate class
+ *  after their word, qere, ketiv properties have been determined.</b>
+ */
+public class Words{
+Parser P ;
+boolean TrailingMaqaf ;
+String MaqafWord ;
+String MaqafWordType ;
+public Words(WLC2OSIS A, Parser P ) {
+    this.A = A ;
+    this.P = P ;
+    }    
+// Processes a word,
+public void process(String W){
+// Process WKQ 
+        P.wkq.process(W) ;
+//    System.out.println(P.Book + " " + A.F.i(P.ChapterNumber,2) + ":" 
+//        + A.F.i(P.VerseNumber,2) 
+//        + "." + A.F.i(P.WordNumber,2) + "                " + W) ;
+    }
+// Translates and writes a word (simple, ketib, qere) with exception markers.
+// All returns leave P.MarkerWritten = false ;
+public void write(String W, String Type) {
+   String Word = P.T.translate(W) ;
+// Check for any KQ markers which should NOT be here!
+    int asteriskcount = P.countChar(W, '*') ;
+    if (asteriskcount > 0){
+        System.out.print("Words.write: Unexpected KQ character * ") ;
+        P.printPosition() ;
+        System.out.println("Word: " + W) ;
+        }
+// Look for a case in which there's been trailing maqaf
+// without an intervening marker.
+   if(TrailingMaqaf & !P.MarkerWritten ){
+       if(MaqafWordType.charAt(0)== Type.charAt(0) ){
+           Word = MaqafWord+Word ;  // Combine them.
+           }
+       else{
+//           System.out.print("Words: Mismatched types for combining "
+//               + MaqafWordType + ", " + Type + " at " ) ;
+//           P.printPosition() ;
+           writeWord(MaqafWord, MaqafWordType) ;
+           TrailingMaqaf = false ;
+           }
+       }
+// Check for a trailing maqaf.
+// Don't write the word here.
+   TrailingMaqaf = false ;
+   if( Word.charAt(Word.length()-1) == H.maqaf){
+       TrailingMaqaf = true ;
+       MaqafWord = Word ;
+       MaqafWordType = Type ;
+       P.MarkerWritten = false ;
+       return ;
+       }
+   writeWord(Word, Type) ;
+   } 
+public void writeWord(String Word, String Type) {
+// Check for any exception markers ]x 
+   String Out = "" ;
+   for (int k=0 ; k < Word.length() ; k++){
+       char c = Word.charAt(k) ;
+       if(c == ']'){
+           k++ ;
+           char ExceptionValue = Word.charAt(k) ;
+           Out = Out + "<x>" + ExceptionValue +"</x>" ;
+	   System.out.println("Exception occured");
+           }
+       else{
+           Out = Out + c ;
+           }
+       }
+    if (Type.charAt(0) == 'w') {
+        A.w.appendText("<seg>" + Out + "</seg> ") ;
+    }
+    else if (Type.charAt(0) == 'k') {
+        A.w.appendText("[<seg>" + Out + "</seg> " + H.kaf + "] ") ;
+    }
+    else if (Type.charAt(0) == 'q') {
+        A.w.appendText("(<seg>" + Out + "</seg> " + H.qof+ ") ") ;
+    }
+    else {
+        System.out.println("Warning: unknown word type!");
+	P.printPosition();
+    }
+    P.MarkerWritten = false ;
+    }

Modified: trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Parse/package.html
--- trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Parse/package.html	2005-06-01 19:40:37 UTC (rev 37)
+++ trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Parse/package.html	2005-06-01 20:02:04 UTC (rev 38)
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-<b>Parsing classes</b>.
-<p align="right"> (<b><tt>BHS2XML/Parse/package.html</tt></b>)
-Only the Parse and Tokenizer classes are specific to the WLC.
+<b>Parsing classes</b>.
+<p align="right"> (<b><tt>BHS2XML/Parse/package.html</tt></b>)
+Only the Parse and Tokenizer classes are specific to the WLC.

Modified: trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Translate/BookName.java
--- trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Translate/BookName.java	2005-06-01 19:40:37 UTC (rev 37)
+++ trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Translate/BookName.java	2005-06-01 20:02:04 UTC (rev 38)
@@ -1,146 +1,146 @@
-package WLC2OSIS.Translate ;
-import WLC2OSIS.* ;
-import WLC2OSIS.Translate.* ;
-import Utilities.* ;
-import java.io.*;
- *  <b>Object containing alternative book names, abbreviations, 
- *     and numbers.</b><p>
- *
- *  Special to WLC.
- */
-public class BookName{
-public int wlcnumber = 0 ;      // Book number in WLC text.
-public String wlcname = ""  ;   // Book name in WLC text.
-public int number = 0 ;         // Book number.
-public String name = "" ;       // Book name in OSIS.
-public String abbrev = ""  ;    // Book abreviation in OSIS.
-public String hebrewname = "" ;
-// Full definition
-public BookName( int wlcnumber, String wlcname, 
-             int number, String name, String abbrev,  
-             String hebrewname) {
-    this.wlcnumber = wlcnumber ;
-    this.wlcname = wlcname ;
-    this.number = number ;
-    this.name = name ;
-    this.abbrev = abbrev ;
-    this.hebrewname = hebrewname ;
-    }
-// Provides an array of BookNames
-public static BookName[] setBookNames() {
-    BookName[] BookNames = new BookName[40] ;
-    BookNames[ 1] = new BookName(1, "gn", 
-                                 1, "Genesis", "Gen", H.Gen ) ;
-    BookNames[ 2] = new BookName(2, "ex", 
-                                 2, "Exodus", "Exod", H.Exod) ;
-    BookNames[ 3] = new BookName(3, "lv", 
-                                 3, "Leviticus", "Lev", H.Lev) ;
-    BookNames[ 4] = new BookName(4, "nu", 
-                                 4, "Numbers", "Num", H.Num) ;
-    BookNames[ 5] = new BookName(5, "dt", 
-                                 5, "Deuteronomy", "Deut", H.Deut) ;
-    BookNames[ 6] = new BookName(6, "js", 
-                                 6, "Joshua", "Josh", H.Josh) ;
-    BookNames[ 7] = new BookName(7, "ju",  
-                                 7, "Judges", "Judg", H.Judg) ;
-    BookNames[ 8] = new BookName(8, "1s", 
-                                 8, "1 Samuel", "1Sam", H.Sam1) ;
-    BookNames[ 9] = new BookName(9, "2s",  
-                                 9, "2 Samuel", "2Sam", H.Sam2) ;
-    BookNames[10] = new BookName(10, "1k", 
-                                 10, "1 Kings", "1Kgs", H.Kgs1) ;
-    BookNames[11] = new BookName(11, "2k", 
-                                 11, "2 Kings", "2Kgs", H.Kgs2) ;
-    BookNames[12] = new BookName(12, "is", 
-                                 12, "Isaiah", "Isa", H.Isa) ;
-    BookNames[13] = new BookName(13, "je", 
-                                 13, "Jeremiah", "Jer", H.Jer) ;
-    BookNames[14] = new BookName(14, "ek", 
-                                 14, "Ezekiel", "Ezek", H.Ezek) ;
-    BookNames[15] = new BookName(15, "ho",
-                                 15, "Hosea", "Hos", H.Hos) ;
-    BookNames[16] = new BookName(16, "jl",  
-                                 16, "Joel", "Joel", H.Joel) ;
-    BookNames[17] = new BookName(17, "am",  
-                                 17, "Amos", "Amos", H.Amos) ;
-    BookNames[18] = new BookName(18, "ob", 
-                                 18, "Obadiah", "Obad", H.Obad) ;
-    BookNames[19] = new BookName(19, "jn", 
-                                 19, "Jonah", "Jonah", H.Jonah) ;
-    BookNames[20] = new BookName(20, "mi",  
-                                 20, "Micah", "Mic", H.Micah) ;
-    BookNames[21] = new BookName(21, "na", 
-                                 21, "Nahum", "Nah", H.Nahum) ;
-    BookNames[22] = new BookName(22, "hb", 
-                                 22, "Habakkuk", "Hab", H.Hab) ;
-    BookNames[23] = new BookName(23, "zp", 
-                                 23, "Zephaniah", "Zeph", H.Zeph) ;
-    BookNames[24] = new BookName(24, "hg",  
-                                 24, "Haggai", "Hag", H.Hag) ;
-    BookNames[25] = new BookName(25, "zc",  
-                                 25, "Zechariah", "Zech", H.Zech) ;
-    BookNames[26] = new BookName(26, "ma",  
-                                 26, "Malachi", "Mal", H.Mal) ;
-    BookNames[27] = new BookName(27, "ps", 
-                                 27, "Psalms", "Ps", H.Ps) ;
-    BookNames[28] = new BookName(28, "jb",  
-                                 29, "Job", "Job", H.Job) ;
-    BookNames[29] = new BookName(29, "pr",  
-                                 28, "Proverbs", "Prov", H.Prov) ;
-    BookNames[30] = new BookName(30, "ru", 
-                                 31, "Ruth", "Ruth", H.Ruth) ;
-    BookNames[31] = new BookName(31, "ca",  
-                                 30, "The Song of Songs", "Song", H.Song) ;
-    BookNames[32] = new BookName(32, "ec", 
-                                 33, "Ecclesiastes", "Eccl", H.Eccl) ;
-    BookNames[33] = new BookName(33, "lm",  
-                                 32, "Lamentations", "Lam", H.Lam) ;
-    BookNames[34] = new BookName(34, "es", 
-                                 34, "Esther", "Esth", H.Esth) ;
-    BookNames[35] = new BookName(35, "da", 
-                                 35, "Daniel", "Dan", H.Dan) ;
-    BookNames[36] = new BookName(36, "er",
-                                 36, "Ezra", "Ezra", H.Ezra) ;
-    BookNames[37] = new BookName(37, "ne",
-                                 37, "Nehemiah", "Neh", H.Neh) ;
-    BookNames[38] = new BookName(38, "1c", 
-                                 38, "1 Chronicles", "1Chr", H.Chr1) ;
-    BookNames[39] = new BookName(39, "2c", 
-                                 39, "2 Chronicles", "2Chr", H.Chr2) ;
-    return BookNames ;
-    }
-// Returns a BookName object given a 2 letter book code.
-public static BookName getBookName(BookName[] BookNames, String BookCode) {
-    for (int k =1; k < BookNames.length; k++) {
-        if( BookCode.compareTo(BookNames[k].wlcname)==0){
-            return BookNames[k] ;
-            }
-        }
-    System.out.println("BookName: No book found for code " + BookCode + " !") ;
-    return null ;
-    }
+package WLC2OSIS.Translate ;
+import WLC2OSIS.* ;
+import WLC2OSIS.Translate.* ;
+import Utilities.* ;
+import java.io.*;
+ *  <b>Object containing alternative book names, abbreviations, 
+ *     and numbers.</b><p>
+ *
+ *  Special to WLC.
+ */
+public class BookName{
+public int wlcnumber = 0 ;      // Book number in WLC text.
+public String wlcname = ""  ;   // Book name in WLC text.
+public int number = 0 ;         // Book number.
+public String name = "" ;       // Book name in OSIS.
+public String abbrev = ""  ;    // Book abreviation in OSIS.
+public String hebrewname = "" ;
+// Full definition
+public BookName( int wlcnumber, String wlcname, 
+             int number, String name, String abbrev,  
+             String hebrewname) {
+    this.wlcnumber = wlcnumber ;
+    this.wlcname = wlcname ;
+    this.number = number ;
+    this.name = name ;
+    this.abbrev = abbrev ;
+    this.hebrewname = hebrewname ;
+    }
+// Provides an array of BookNames
+public static BookName[] setBookNames() {
+    BookName[] BookNames = new BookName[40] ;
+    BookNames[ 1] = new BookName(1, "gn", 
+                                 1, "Genesis", "Gen", H.Gen ) ;
+    BookNames[ 2] = new BookName(2, "ex", 
+                                 2, "Exodus", "Exod", H.Exod) ;
+    BookNames[ 3] = new BookName(3, "lv", 
+                                 3, "Leviticus", "Lev", H.Lev) ;
+    BookNames[ 4] = new BookName(4, "nu", 
+                                 4, "Numbers", "Num", H.Num) ;
+    BookNames[ 5] = new BookName(5, "dt", 
+                                 5, "Deuteronomy", "Deut", H.Deut) ;
+    BookNames[ 6] = new BookName(6, "js", 
+                                 6, "Joshua", "Josh", H.Josh) ;
+    BookNames[ 7] = new BookName(7, "ju",  
+                                 7, "Judges", "Judg", H.Judg) ;
+    BookNames[ 8] = new BookName(8, "1s", 
+                                 8, "1 Samuel", "1Sam", H.Sam1) ;
+    BookNames[ 9] = new BookName(9, "2s",  
+                                 9, "2 Samuel", "2Sam", H.Sam2) ;
+    BookNames[10] = new BookName(10, "1k", 
+                                 10, "1 Kings", "1Kgs", H.Kgs1) ;
+    BookNames[11] = new BookName(11, "2k", 
+                                 11, "2 Kings", "2Kgs", H.Kgs2) ;
+    BookNames[12] = new BookName(12, "is", 
+                                 12, "Isaiah", "Isa", H.Isa) ;
+    BookNames[13] = new BookName(13, "je", 
+                                 13, "Jeremiah", "Jer", H.Jer) ;
+    BookNames[14] = new BookName(14, "ek", 
+                                 14, "Ezekiel", "Ezek", H.Ezek) ;
+    BookNames[15] = new BookName(15, "ho",
+                                 15, "Hosea", "Hos", H.Hos) ;
+    BookNames[16] = new BookName(16, "jl",  
+                                 16, "Joel", "Joel", H.Joel) ;
+    BookNames[17] = new BookName(17, "am",  
+                                 17, "Amos", "Amos", H.Amos) ;
+    BookNames[18] = new BookName(18, "ob", 
+                                 18, "Obadiah", "Obad", H.Obad) ;
+    BookNames[19] = new BookName(19, "jn", 
+                                 19, "Jonah", "Jonah", H.Jonah) ;
+    BookNames[20] = new BookName(20, "mi",  
+                                 20, "Micah", "Mic", H.Micah) ;
+    BookNames[21] = new BookName(21, "na", 
+                                 21, "Nahum", "Nah", H.Nahum) ;
+    BookNames[22] = new BookName(22, "hb", 
+                                 22, "Habakkuk", "Hab", H.Hab) ;
+    BookNames[23] = new BookName(23, "zp", 
+                                 23, "Zephaniah", "Zeph", H.Zeph) ;
+    BookNames[24] = new BookName(24, "hg",  
+                                 24, "Haggai", "Hag", H.Hag) ;
+    BookNames[25] = new BookName(25, "zc",  
+                                 25, "Zechariah", "Zech", H.Zech) ;
+    BookNames[26] = new BookName(26, "ma",  
+                                 26, "Malachi", "Mal", H.Mal) ;
+    BookNames[27] = new BookName(27, "ps", 
+                                 27, "Psalms", "Ps", H.Ps) ;
+    BookNames[28] = new BookName(28, "jb",  
+                                 29, "Job", "Job", H.Job) ;
+    BookNames[29] = new BookName(29, "pr",  
+                                 28, "Proverbs", "Prov", H.Prov) ;
+    BookNames[30] = new BookName(30, "ru", 
+                                 31, "Ruth", "Ruth", H.Ruth) ;
+    BookNames[31] = new BookName(31, "ca",  
+                                 30, "The Song of Songs", "Song", H.Song) ;
+    BookNames[32] = new BookName(32, "ec", 
+                                 33, "Ecclesiastes", "Eccl", H.Eccl) ;
+    BookNames[33] = new BookName(33, "lm",  
+                                 32, "Lamentations", "Lam", H.Lam) ;
+    BookNames[34] = new BookName(34, "es", 
+                                 34, "Esther", "Esth", H.Esth) ;
+    BookNames[35] = new BookName(35, "da", 
+                                 35, "Daniel", "Dan", H.Dan) ;
+    BookNames[36] = new BookName(36, "er",
+                                 36, "Ezra", "Ezra", H.Ezra) ;
+    BookNames[37] = new BookName(37, "ne",
+                                 37, "Nehemiah", "Neh", H.Neh) ;
+    BookNames[38] = new BookName(38, "1c", 
+                                 38, "1 Chronicles", "1Chr", H.Chr1) ;
+    BookNames[39] = new BookName(39, "2c", 
+                                 39, "2 Chronicles", "2Chr", H.Chr2) ;
+    return BookNames ;
+    }
+// Returns a BookName object given a 2 letter book code.
+public static BookName getBookName(BookName[] BookNames, String BookCode) {
+    for (int k =1; k < BookNames.length; k++) {
+        if( BookCode.compareTo(BookNames[k].wlcname)==0){
+            return BookNames[k] ;
+            }
+        }
+    System.out.println("BookName: No book found for code " + BookCode + " !") ;
+    return null ;
+    }

Modified: trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Translate/H.java
--- trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Translate/H.java	2005-06-01 19:40:37 UTC (rev 37)
+++ trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Translate/H.java	2005-06-01 20:02:04 UTC (rev 38)
@@ -1,196 +1,196 @@
-package WLC2OSIS.Translate ;
- *  <b>Unicode Hebrew characters</b><p>
- *
- *  From Unicode Hebrew, Version 4.0.
- */
-public class H{
-// Letters = Consonants
-public static final char alef =        '\u05d0' ;
-public static final char bet =         '\u05d1' ;
-public static final char gimel =       '\u05d2' ;
-public static final char dalet =       '\u05d3' ;
-public static final char he =          '\u05d4' ;
-public static final char vav =         '\u05d5' ;
-public static final char zayin =       '\u05d6' ;
-public static final char het =         '\u05d7' ;
-public static final char tet =         '\u05d8' ;
-public static final char yod =         '\u05d9' ;
-public static final char finalkaf =    '\u05dA' ;
-public static final char kaf =         '\u05dB' ;
-public static final char lamed =       '\u05dC' ;
-public static final char finalmem =    '\u05dD' ;
-public static final char mem =         '\u05dE' ;
-public static final char finalnun =    '\u05dF' ;
-public static final char nun =         '\u05e0' ;
-public static final char samekh =      '\u05e1' ;
-public static final char ayin =        '\u05e2' ;
-public static final char finalpe =     '\u05e3' ;
-public static final char pe =          '\u05e4' ;
-public static final char finaltsadi =  '\u05e5' ;
-public static final char tsadi =       '\u05e6' ;
-public static final char qof =         '\u05e7' ;
-public static final char resh =        '\u05e8' ;
-public static final char shin =        '\u05e9' ;
-public static final char tav =         '\u05eA' ;
-// Points and punctuation
-public static final char sheva =       '\u05b0' ;
-public static final char hatafsegol  = '\u05b1' ;
-public static final char hatafpatah =  '\u05b2' ;
-public static final char hatafqamats = '\u05b3' ;
-public static final char hiriq =       '\u05b4' ;
-public static final char tsere  =      '\u05b5' ;
-public static final char segol =       '\u05b6' ;
-public static final char patah  =      '\u05b7' ;
-public static final char qamats =      '\u05b8' ;
-public static final char holam  =      '\u05b9' ;
-public static final char reserved  =   '\u05ba' ;
-public static final char qubuts =      '\u05bb' ;
-public static final char dagesh  =     '\u05bc' ;
-public static final char meteg =       '\u05bd' ;
-public static final char maqaf  =      '\u05be' ;
-public static final char rafe =        '\u05bf' ;
-public static final char paseq  =      '\u05c0' ;
-public static final char shindot =     '\u05c1' ;
-public static final char sindot  =     '\u05c2' ;
-public static final char sofpasuq =    '\u05c3' ;
-public static final char upperdot  =   '\u05c4' ;
-public static final char masoranumberdot  =   '\u0307' ;
-// Accents
-public static final char etnachta  =   '\u0591' ;
-public static final char accentsegol = '\u0592' ;
-public static final char shalshelet  = '\u0593' ;
-public static final char zaqefqatan  = '\u0594' ;
-public static final char zaqefgadol  = '\u0595' ;
-public static final char tipeha  =     '\u0596' ;
-public static final char revia  =      '\u0597' ;
-public static final char zarqa  =      '\u0598' ;
-public static final char pashta  =     '\u0599' ;
-public static final char yetiv  =      '\u059a' ;
-public static final char tevir  =      '\u059b' ;
-public static final char geresh  =     '\u059c' ;
-public static final char gereshmuqdam= '\u059d' ;
-public static final char gershayim  =  '\u059e' ;
-public static final char qarneypara  = '\u059f' ;
-public static final char telishagedola='\u05a0' ;
-public static final char pazer  =      '\u05a1' ;
-public static final char reserved2  =  '\u05a2' ;
-public static final char munah  =      '\u05a3' ;
-public static final char mahapakh  =   '\u05a4' ;
-public static final char merkha  =     '\u05a5' ;
-public static final char merkhakefula= '\u05a6' ;
-public static final char darga  =      '\u05a7' ;
-public static final char qadma  =      '\u05a8' ;
-public static final char telishaqetana='\u05a9' ;
-public static final char yerahbenyomo= '\u05aa' ;
-public static final char ole  =        '\u05ab' ;
-public static final char iluy  =       '\u05ac' ;
-public static final char dehi  =       '\u05ad' ;
-public static final char zinor  =      '\u05ae' ;
-public static final char masoracircle= '\u05af' ;
-// Yiddish ligatures for completeness
-public static final char doublevav =      '\u05f0' ;
-public static final char vavyod =         '\u05f1' ;
-public static final char doubleyod =       '\u05f2' ;
-// Additional punctuation
-public static final char punctgeresh =      '\u05f3' ;
-public static final char punctgershayim =   '\u05f4' ;
-// Letters = Consonants as Strings have initial capital letter in name.
-public static final String Alef =        "\u05d0" ;
-public static final String Bet =         "\u05d1" ;
-public static final String Gimel =       "\u05d2" ;
-public static final String Dalet =       "\u05d3" ;
-public static final String He =          "\u05d4" ;
-public static final String Vav =         "\u05d5" ;
-public static final String Zayin =       "\u05d6" ;
-public static final String Het =         "\u05d7" ;
-public static final String Tet =         "\u05d8" ;
-public static final String Yod =         "\u05d9" ;
-public static final String Finalkaf =    "\u05dA" ;
-public static final String Kaf =         "\u05dB" ;
-public static final String Lamed =       "\u05dC" ;
-public static final String Finalmem =    "\u05dD" ;
-public static final String Mem =         "\u05dE" ;
-public static final String Finalnun =    "\u05dF" ;
-public static final String Nun =         "\u05e0" ;
-public static final String Invertednun = "\uf300" ;
-public static final String Samekh =      "\u05e1" ;
-public static final String Ayin =        "\u05e2" ;
-public static final String Finalpe =     "\u05e3" ;
-public static final String Pe =          "\u05e4" ;
-public static final String Finaltsadi =  "\u05e5" ;
-public static final String Tsadi =       "\u05e6" ;
-public static final String Qof =         "\u05e7" ;
-public static final String Resh =        "\u05e8" ;
-public static final String Shin =        "\u05e9" ;
-public static final String Tav =         "\u05eA" ;
-// Book names in Hebrew
-public static final String Tnk = Tav+Nun+Character.toString(punctgershayim)+Finalkaf  ;
-public static final String Gen = Bet+Resh+Alef+Shin+Yod+Tav ;
-public static final String Exod = Shin+Mem+Vav+Tav ;
-public static final String Lev = Vav+Yod+Qof+Resh+Alef ;
-public static final String Num = Bet+Mem+Dalet+Bet+Dalet ;
-public static final String Deut = Dalet+Bet+Resh+Yod+Finalmem ;
-public static final String Josh = Yod+He+Vav+Shin+Ayin ;
-public static final String Judg = Shin+Vav+Pe+Tet+Yod+Finalmem ;
-public static final String Sam1 = Shin+Mem+Vav+Alef+Lamed+" "+Alef ;
-public static final String Sam2 = Shin+Mem+Vav+Alef+Lamed+" "+Bet ;
-public static final String Kgs1 = Mem+Lamed+Kaf+Yod+Finalmem+" "+Alef ;
-public static final String Kgs2 = Mem+Lamed+Kaf+Yod+Finalmem+" "+Bet ;
-public static final String Isa = Yod+Shin+Ayin+He ;
-public static final String Jer = Yod+Resh+Mem+Yod+He ;
-public static final String Ezek = Yod+Het+Zayin+Qof+Alef+Lamed ;
-public static final String Hos = He+Vav+Shin+Ayin ;
-public static final String Joel = Yod+Vav+Alef+Lamed ;
-public static final String Amos = Ayin+Mem+Vav+Samekh ;
-public static final String Obad = Ayin+Bet+Dalet+Yod+He ;
-public static final String Jonah = Yod+Vav+Nun+He ;
-public static final String Micah = Mem+Yod+Kaf+He ;
-public static final String Nahum = Nun+Het+Vav+Finalmem ;
-public static final String Hab = Het+Bet+Qof+Vav+Qof ;
-public static final String Zeph = Tsadi+Pe+Nun+Yod+He ;
-public static final String Hag = Het+Gimel+Yod ;
-public static final String Zech = Zayin+Kaf+Resh+Yod+He ;
-public static final String Mal = Mem+Lamed+Alef+Kaf+Yod ;
-public static final String Ps = Tav+He+Yod+Lamed+Yod+Finalmem ;
-public static final String Job = Alef+Yod+Vav+Bet ;
-public static final String Prov = Mem+Shin+Lamed+Yod ;
-public static final String Ruth = Resh+Vav+Tav ;
-public static final String Song = Shin+Yod+Resh+" "+He+Shin+Yod+Resh+Yod+Finalmem ;
-public static final String Eccl = Qof+He+Lamed+Tav ;
-public static final String Lam = Alef+Yod+Kaf+He ;
-public static final String Esth = Alef+Samekh+Tav+Resh ;
-public static final String Dan = Dalet+Nun+Yod+Alef+Lamed ;
-public static final String Ezra = Ayin+Zayin+Resh+Alef ;
-public static final String Neh= Nun+Het+Mem+Yod+He ;
-public static final String Chr1 = Dalet+Bet+Resh+Yod+" "+He+Yod+Mem+Yod+Finalmem+" "+Alef ;
-public static final String Chr2 = Dalet+Bet+Resh+Yod+" "+He+Yod+Mem+Yod+Finalmem+" "+Bet ;
+package WLC2OSIS.Translate ;
+ *  <b>Unicode Hebrew characters</b><p>
+ *
+ *  From Unicode Hebrew, Version 4.0.
+ */
+public class H{
+// Letters = Consonants
+public static final char alef =        '\u05d0' ;
+public static final char bet =         '\u05d1' ;
+public static final char gimel =       '\u05d2' ;
+public static final char dalet =       '\u05d3' ;
+public static final char he =          '\u05d4' ;
+public static final char vav =         '\u05d5' ;
+public static final char zayin =       '\u05d6' ;
+public static final char het =         '\u05d7' ;
+public static final char tet =         '\u05d8' ;
+public static final char yod =         '\u05d9' ;
+public static final char finalkaf =    '\u05dA' ;
+public static final char kaf =         '\u05dB' ;
+public static final char lamed =       '\u05dC' ;
+public static final char finalmem =    '\u05dD' ;
+public static final char mem =         '\u05dE' ;
+public static final char finalnun =    '\u05dF' ;
+public static final char nun =         '\u05e0' ;
+public static final char samekh =      '\u05e1' ;
+public static final char ayin =        '\u05e2' ;
+public static final char finalpe =     '\u05e3' ;
+public static final char pe =          '\u05e4' ;
+public static final char finaltsadi =  '\u05e5' ;
+public static final char tsadi =       '\u05e6' ;
+public static final char qof =         '\u05e7' ;
+public static final char resh =        '\u05e8' ;
+public static final char shin =        '\u05e9' ;
+public static final char tav =         '\u05eA' ;
+// Points and punctuation
+public static final char sheva =       '\u05b0' ;
+public static final char hatafsegol  = '\u05b1' ;
+public static final char hatafpatah =  '\u05b2' ;
+public static final char hatafqamats = '\u05b3' ;
+public static final char hiriq =       '\u05b4' ;
+public static final char tsere  =      '\u05b5' ;
+public static final char segol =       '\u05b6' ;
+public static final char patah  =      '\u05b7' ;
+public static final char qamats =      '\u05b8' ;
+public static final char holam  =      '\u05b9' ;
+public static final char reserved  =   '\u05ba' ;
+public static final char qubuts =      '\u05bb' ;
+public static final char dagesh  =     '\u05bc' ;
+public static final char meteg =       '\u05bd' ;
+public static final char maqaf  =      '\u05be' ;
+public static final char rafe =        '\u05bf' ;
+public static final char paseq  =      '\u05c0' ;
+public static final char shindot =     '\u05c1' ;
+public static final char sindot  =     '\u05c2' ;
+public static final char sofpasuq =    '\u05c3' ;
+public static final char upperdot  =   '\u05c4' ;
+public static final char masoranumberdot  =   '\u0307' ;
+// Accents
+public static final char etnachta  =   '\u0591' ;
+public static final char accentsegol = '\u0592' ;
+public static final char shalshelet  = '\u0593' ;
+public static final char zaqefqatan  = '\u0594' ;
+public static final char zaqefgadol  = '\u0595' ;
+public static final char tipeha  =     '\u0596' ;
+public static final char revia  =      '\u0597' ;
+public static final char zarqa  =      '\u0598' ;
+public static final char pashta  =     '\u0599' ;
+public static final char yetiv  =      '\u059a' ;
+public static final char tevir  =      '\u059b' ;
+public static final char geresh  =     '\u059c' ;
+public static final char gereshmuqdam= '\u059d' ;
+public static final char gershayim  =  '\u059e' ;
+public static final char qarneypara  = '\u059f' ;
+public static final char telishagedola='\u05a0' ;
+public static final char pazer  =      '\u05a1' ;
+public static final char reserved2  =  '\u05a2' ;
+public static final char munah  =      '\u05a3' ;
+public static final char mahapakh  =   '\u05a4' ;
+public static final char merkha  =     '\u05a5' ;
+public static final char merkhakefula= '\u05a6' ;
+public static final char darga  =      '\u05a7' ;
+public static final char qadma  =      '\u05a8' ;
+public static final char telishaqetana='\u05a9' ;
+public static final char yerahbenyomo= '\u05aa' ;
+public static final char ole  =        '\u05ab' ;
+public static final char iluy  =       '\u05ac' ;
+public static final char dehi  =       '\u05ad' ;
+public static final char zinor  =      '\u05ae' ;
+public static final char masoracircle= '\u05af' ;
+// Yiddish ligatures for completeness
+public static final char doublevav =      '\u05f0' ;
+public static final char vavyod =         '\u05f1' ;
+public static final char doubleyod =       '\u05f2' ;
+// Additional punctuation
+public static final char punctgeresh =      '\u05f3' ;
+public static final char punctgershayim =   '\u05f4' ;
+// Letters = Consonants as Strings have initial capital letter in name.
+public static final String Alef =        "\u05d0" ;
+public static final String Bet =         "\u05d1" ;
+public static final String Gimel =       "\u05d2" ;
+public static final String Dalet =       "\u05d3" ;
+public static final String He =          "\u05d4" ;
+public static final String Vav =         "\u05d5" ;
+public static final String Zayin =       "\u05d6" ;
+public static final String Het =         "\u05d7" ;
+public static final String Tet =         "\u05d8" ;
+public static final String Yod =         "\u05d9" ;
+public static final String Finalkaf =    "\u05dA" ;
+public static final String Kaf =         "\u05dB" ;
+public static final String Lamed =       "\u05dC" ;
+public static final String Finalmem =    "\u05dD" ;
+public static final String Mem =         "\u05dE" ;
+public static final String Finalnun =    "\u05dF" ;
+public static final String Nun =         "\u05e0" ;
+public static final String Invertednun = "\uf300" ;
+public static final String Samekh =      "\u05e1" ;
+public static final String Ayin =        "\u05e2" ;
+public static final String Finalpe =     "\u05e3" ;
+public static final String Pe =          "\u05e4" ;
+public static final String Finaltsadi =  "\u05e5" ;
+public static final String Tsadi =       "\u05e6" ;
+public static final String Qof =         "\u05e7" ;
+public static final String Resh =        "\u05e8" ;
+public static final String Shin =        "\u05e9" ;
+public static final String Tav =         "\u05eA" ;
+// Book names in Hebrew
+public static final String Tnk = Tav+Nun+Character.toString(punctgershayim)+Finalkaf  ;
+public static final String Gen = Bet+Resh+Alef+Shin+Yod+Tav ;
+public static final String Exod = Shin+Mem+Vav+Tav ;
+public static final String Lev = Vav+Yod+Qof+Resh+Alef ;
+public static final String Num = Bet+Mem+Dalet+Bet+Dalet ;
+public static final String Deut = Dalet+Bet+Resh+Yod+Finalmem ;
+public static final String Josh = Yod+He+Vav+Shin+Ayin ;
+public static final String Judg = Shin+Vav+Pe+Tet+Yod+Finalmem ;
+public static final String Sam1 = Shin+Mem+Vav+Alef+Lamed+" "+Alef ;
+public static final String Sam2 = Shin+Mem+Vav+Alef+Lamed+" "+Bet ;
+public static final String Kgs1 = Mem+Lamed+Kaf+Yod+Finalmem+" "+Alef ;
+public static final String Kgs2 = Mem+Lamed+Kaf+Yod+Finalmem+" "+Bet ;
+public static final String Isa = Yod+Shin+Ayin+He ;
+public static final String Jer = Yod+Resh+Mem+Yod+He ;
+public static final String Ezek = Yod+Het+Zayin+Qof+Alef+Lamed ;
+public static final String Hos = He+Vav+Shin+Ayin ;
+public static final String Joel = Yod+Vav+Alef+Lamed ;
+public static final String Amos = Ayin+Mem+Vav+Samekh ;
+public static final String Obad = Ayin+Bet+Dalet+Yod+He ;
+public static final String Jonah = Yod+Vav+Nun+He ;
+public static final String Micah = Mem+Yod+Kaf+He ;
+public static final String Nahum = Nun+Het+Vav+Finalmem ;
+public static final String Hab = Het+Bet+Qof+Vav+Qof ;
+public static final String Zeph = Tsadi+Pe+Nun+Yod+He ;
+public static final String Hag = Het+Gimel+Yod ;
+public static final String Zech = Zayin+Kaf+Resh+Yod+He ;
+public static final String Mal = Mem+Lamed+Alef+Kaf+Yod ;
+public static final String Ps = Tav+He+Yod+Lamed+Yod+Finalmem ;
+public static final String Job = Alef+Yod+Vav+Bet ;
+public static final String Prov = Mem+Shin+Lamed+Yod ;
+public static final String Ruth = Resh+Vav+Tav ;
+public static final String Song = Shin+Yod+Resh+" "+He+Shin+Yod+Resh+Yod+Finalmem ;
+public static final String Eccl = Qof+He+Lamed+Tav ;
+public static final String Lam = Alef+Yod+Kaf+He ;
+public static final String Esth = Alef+Samekh+Tav+Resh ;
+public static final String Dan = Dalet+Nun+Yod+Alef+Lamed ;
+public static final String Ezra = Ayin+Zayin+Resh+Alef ;
+public static final String Neh= Nun+Het+Mem+Yod+He ;
+public static final String Chr1 = Dalet+Bet+Resh+Yod+" "+He+Yod+Mem+Yod+Finalmem+" "+Alef ;
+public static final String Chr2 = Dalet+Bet+Resh+Yod+" "+He+Yod+Mem+Yod+Finalmem+" "+Bet ;

Modified: trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Translate/Header.java
--- trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Translate/Header.java	2005-06-01 19:40:37 UTC (rev 37)
+++ trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Translate/Header.java	2005-06-01 20:02:04 UTC (rev 38)
@@ -1,69 +1,69 @@
-package WLC2OSIS.Translate ;
-import WLC2OSIS.* ;
-import WLC2OSIS.Translate.* ;
-import WLC2OSIS.Utilities.* ;
-// import java.util.Date ;
-// import java.text.SimpleDateFormat ;
- *  <b>Header information for Tanach.</b><p>
- */
-public class Header{
-// static SimpleDateFormat DateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yyyy") ;
-// static String DateTime ;
-public Header(){
-    }
-// Writes the Notes to the XML file.
-public static void writeHeader(WLC2OSIS A, XMLWriter w) {
-//     Date DT = new Date() ;
-//     DateTime = DateFormat.format(DT) ;
-    A.w.openTag("osisText osisIDWork=\"WLC\" osisRefWork=\"bible\" xml:lang=\"he\"", 0) ;
-    A.w.openTag("header", 0) ;
-    A.w.openTag("work osisWork=\"WLC\"", 1) ;
-    A.w.writeString("title", 2, "Westminster Leningrad Codex");
-    A.w.writeAttributedString("contributor", 2, "role=\"encoder\"", "Martin Gruner");
-    A.w.writeAttributedString("type", 2, "type=\"OSIS\"", "Bible");
-    A.w.writeAttributedString("identifier", 2, "type=\"OSIS\"", "Bible.he.WLC.2004");
-    A.w.writeAttributedString("rights", 2, "type=\"x-copyright\"", 
-    	"The WLC is maintained by the Westminster Hebrew Institute, Philadelphia, PA (http://whi.wts.edu/WHI)");
-    A.w.writeString("scope", 2, "Hebrew Bible, Old Testament");
-    A.w.writeString("refSystem", 2, "MT");
-    A.w.closeTag("work", 1);
-    A.w.closeTag("header", 0);
-//     A.w.writeString("hebrewname", 1, H.Tnk) ;
-//     A.w.writeString("title", 1, A.Title) ;
-//     A.w.writeString("shortdescription", 1, A.ShortDescription)  ;
-//     for (int i =0; i < A.Description.length; i++){
-//         A.w.writeString("description", 1, A.Description[i]) ;
-//         }
-//     //A.w.writeString("date", 1, A.Date) ;
-//     A.w.writeString("transcriptiondate", 1, DateTime) ;
-//     A.w.writeString("copyright", 1, "\u00A9 C. V. Kimball 2004") ;
-//     A.w.writeString("filename", 1, A.InputFilename) ;
-//     A.w.closeTag("header", 0) ;
-    }
-public static void writeFooter(WLC2OSIS A, XMLWriter w) {
-    A.w.closeTag("osisText", 0);
-    }
+package WLC2OSIS.Translate ;
+import WLC2OSIS.* ;
+import WLC2OSIS.Translate.* ;
+import WLC2OSIS.Utilities.* ;
+// import java.util.Date ;
+// import java.text.SimpleDateFormat ;
+ *  <b>Header information for Tanach.</b><p>
+ */
+public class Header{
+// static SimpleDateFormat DateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yyyy") ;
+// static String DateTime ;
+public Header(){
+    }
+// Writes the Notes to the XML file.
+public static void writeHeader(WLC2OSIS A, XMLWriter w) {
+//     Date DT = new Date() ;
+//     DateTime = DateFormat.format(DT) ;
+    A.w.openTag("osisText osisIDWork=\"WLC\" osisRefWork=\"bible\" xml:lang=\"he\"", 0) ;
+    A.w.openTag("header", 0) ;
+    A.w.openTag("work osisWork=\"WLC\"", 1) ;
+    A.w.writeString("title", 2, "Westminster Leningrad Codex");
+    A.w.writeAttributedString("contributor", 2, "role=\"encoder\"", "Martin Gruner");
+    A.w.writeAttributedString("type", 2, "type=\"OSIS\"", "Bible");
+    A.w.writeAttributedString("identifier", 2, "type=\"OSIS\"", "Bible.he.WLC.2004");
+    A.w.writeAttributedString("rights", 2, "type=\"x-copyright\"", 
+    	"The WLC is maintained by the Westminster Hebrew Institute, Philadelphia, PA (http://whi.wts.edu/WHI)");
+    A.w.writeString("scope", 2, "Hebrew Bible, Old Testament");
+    A.w.writeString("refSystem", 2, "MT");
+    A.w.closeTag("work", 1);
+    A.w.closeTag("header", 0);
+//     A.w.writeString("hebrewname", 1, H.Tnk) ;
+//     A.w.writeString("title", 1, A.Title) ;
+//     A.w.writeString("shortdescription", 1, A.ShortDescription)  ;
+//     for (int i =0; i < A.Description.length; i++){
+//         A.w.writeString("description", 1, A.Description[i]) ;
+//         }
+//     //A.w.writeString("date", 1, A.Date) ;
+//     A.w.writeString("transcriptiondate", 1, DateTime) ;
+//     A.w.writeString("copyright", 1, "\u00A9 C. V. Kimball 2004") ;
+//     A.w.writeString("filename", 1, A.InputFilename) ;
+//     A.w.closeTag("header", 0) ;
+    }
+public static void writeFooter(WLC2OSIS A, XMLWriter w) {
+    A.w.closeTag("osisText", 0);
+    }

Modified: trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Translate/MC.java
--- trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Translate/MC.java	2005-06-01 19:40:37 UTC (rev 37)
+++ trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Translate/MC.java	2005-06-01 20:02:04 UTC (rev 38)
@@ -1,242 +1,242 @@
-package WLC2OSIS.Translate ;
-import WLC2OSIS.Utilities.* ;
-import Utilities.* ;
-import java.io.*;
- *  <b>MC ASCII decoding constants</b>.<p/>
- */
-public class MC{
-/** Array of MCOs indexed by the lowest 7 bits of the  character value. */
-static MCO[] Characters = new MCO[128] ;
-/** Array of MCOs indexed by integers from 0 to 99 */
-static MCO[] Numbers =  new MCO[100] ;
-// static initializer
-static {
-// Set Unknown to all types.
-    for (int k=0; k < 128; k++){
-        Characters[k] = new MCO("Unknown", MCO.Unknown, "Unspecified", "Unspecified", 0 ) ;
-        }
-    for (int k=0; k < 100; k++){
-        Numbers[k] = new MCO("Unknown", MCO.Unknown, "Unspecified", "Unspecified", 0 ) ;    
-        }
-// Set the Characters table
-    for (int k=0; k < 128; k++){
-// Set the Consonants.
-        if(k == (int) ')') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("alef", MCO.Consonant, H.alef, H.alef, 0 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) 'B') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("bet",  MCO.Consonant, H.bet, H.bet, 0 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) 'G') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("gimel", MCO.Consonant, H.gimel, H.gimel, 0 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) 'D') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("dalet", MCO.Consonant, H.dalet, H.dalet, 0 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) 'H') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("he", MCO.Consonant, H.he, H.he, 0 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) 'W') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("vav", MCO.Consonant, H.vav, H.vav, 0 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) 'Z') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("zayin", MCO.Consonant, H.zayin, H.zayin, 0 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) 'X') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("het", MCO.Consonant, H.het, H.het, 0 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) '+') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("tet", MCO.Consonant, H.tet, H.tet, 0 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) 'Y') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("yod", MCO.Consonant, H.yod, H.yod, 0 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) 'K') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("kaf", MCO.Consonant, H.kaf, H.finalkaf, 0 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) 'L') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("lamed", MCO.Consonant, H.lamed, H.lamed, 0 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) 'M') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("mem", MCO.Consonant, H.mem, H.finalmem, 0 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) 'N') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("nun", MCO.Consonant, H.nun, H.finalnun, 0 );
-        if(k == (int) 'S') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("samekh", MCO.Consonant, H.samekh, H.samekh, 0 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) 'P') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("pe", MCO.Consonant, H.pe, H.finalpe, 0 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) '(') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("ayin", MCO.Consonant, H.ayin, H.ayin, 0 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) 'C') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("tsadi", MCO.Consonant, H.tsadi, H.finaltsadi, 0 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) 'Q') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("qof", MCO.Consonant, H.qof, H.qof, 0 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) 'R') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("resh", MCO.Consonant, H.resh, H.resh, 0 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) '$'){
-            MCO m = new MCO("shindot", MCO.Mark, H.shindot, H.shindot, 1 ) ;
-            Characters[k] = 
-                new MCO("shin", MCO.ConsonantMark, H.shin, H.shin, 0, m) ;
-            }
-        if(k == (int) '&') {
-            MCO m = new MCO("sindot", MCO.Mark, H.sindot, H.sindot, 2 ) ;
-            Characters[k] = 
-                new MCO("shin", MCO.ConsonantMark, H.shin, H.shin, 0, m) ;
-            }
-        if(k == (int) '#') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("shin", MCO.Consonant, H.shin, H.shin, 0 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) 'T') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("tav", MCO.Consonant, H.tav, H.tav, 0 ) ;
-// Set the dagesh.
-        if(k == (int) '.') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("dagesh", MCO.Mark, H.dagesh, H.dagesh, 3 ) ;
-// Set the rafe.
-        if(k == (int) ',') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("rafe", MCO.Mark, H.rafe, H.rafe, 4 ) ;
-// Set the maqaf.
-        if(k == (int) '-') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("maqef", MCO.Punctuation, H.maqaf, H.maqaf, 16 ) ;
-// Set the morphological division indicator.
-        if(k == (int) '/') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("morphological divider", MCO.MorphologicalDivision, ' ', ' ', 15 ) ;
-// Set the vowels
-// : is the hataf indicator
-        if(k == (int) ':') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("sheva", MCO.Sheva, H.sheva, H.sheva, 7 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) 'O') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("holam", MCO.Mark, H.holam, H.holam, 5 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) 'I') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("hiriq", MCO.Mark, H.hiriq, H.hiriq, 7 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) 'U') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("qubuts", MCO.Mark, H.qubuts, H.qubuts, 7 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) '"') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("tsere", MCO.Mark, H.tsere, H.tsere, 7 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) 'A') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("patah", MCO.Vowel, H.patah, H.hatafpatah, 7 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) 'F') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("qamatz",  MCO.Vowel, H.qamats, H.hatafqamats, 7 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) 'E') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("segol", MCO.Vowel, H.segol, H.hatafsegol, 7 ) ;
-// Set the accents as digits in the Characters table.
-        if(k == (int) '0') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("0", MCO.Number, '0', '0', 0 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) '1') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("1", MCO.Number, '1', '1', 0 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) '2') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("0", MCO.Number, '2', '2', 0 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) '3') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("3", MCO.Number, '3', '3', 0 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) '4') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("4", MCO.Number, '4', '4', 0 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) '5') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("5", MCO.Number, '5', '5', 0 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) '6') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("6", MCO.Number, '6', '6', 0 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) '7') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("7", MCO.Number, '7', '7', 0 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) '8') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("8", MCO.Number, '8', '8', 0 ) ;
-        if(k == (int) '9') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("9", MCO.Number, '9', '9', 0 ) ;
-// Note
-        if(k == (int) ']') Characters[k] = 
-            new MCO("Note", MCO.Note, ' ', ' ', 14 ) ;
-         }
-// Set the accents (From Grove's supplement.)
-//    The same Unicode character may apply to several MCW accent codes.
-        Numbers[0] = new MCO("sof pasuq", MCO.Punctuation, H.sofpasuq, H.sofpasuq, 16 ) ;
-        Numbers[1] = new MCO("accentsegol", MCO.Mark, H.accentsegol, H.accentsegol, 11 ) ;
-        Numbers[2] = new MCO("zinor", MCO.Mark, H.zinor, H.zinor, 13 ) ;
-        Numbers[3] = new MCO("pashta", MCO.Mark, H.pashta, H.pashta, 13 ) ;
-        Numbers[4] = new MCO("telishaqetana", MCO.Mark, H.telishaqetana, H.telishaqetana, 13 ) ;
-        Numbers[5] = new MCO("blank+paseq", MCO.Punctuation, " " + H.paseq, " " + H.paseq, 16 ) ;
-        Numbers[10] = new MCO("yetiv", MCO.PrepositiveMark, H.yetiv, H.yetiv, 10 ) ;
-        Numbers[13] = new MCO("dehi", MCO.PrepositiveMark, H.dehi, H.dehi, 10 ) ;
-        Numbers[11] = new MCO("gereshmuqdam", MCO.PrepositiveMark, H.gereshmuqdam, H.gereshmuqdam, 11 ) ;
-        Numbers[14] = new MCO("telishagedola", MCO.PrepositiveMark, H.telishagedola, H.telishagedola, 11 ) ;
-        Numbers[24] = new MCO("telishaqetana", MCO.Mark, H.telishaqetana, H.telishaqetana, 13 ) ;
-        Numbers[33] = new MCO("pashta", MCO.Mark, H.pashta, H.pashta, 13 ) ; 
-        Numbers[44] = new MCO("telishagedola", MCO.Mark, H.telishagedola, H.telishagedola, 11 ) ;
-        Numbers[52] = new MCO("lowpunctum",  MCO.Mark,'\u0323', '\u0323' ,  9 ) ;
-        Numbers[53] = new MCO("highpunctum", MCO.Mark, '\u05c4', '\u05c4', 12 ) ;
-        Numbers[60] = new MCO("ole", MCO.Mark, H.ole, H.ole, 11 ) ;
-        Numbers[61] = new MCO("geresh", MCO.Mark, H.geresh, H.geresh, 11 ) ;
-        Numbers[62] = new MCO("gershayim", MCO.Mark, H.gershayim, H.gershayim, 11 ) ;
-        Numbers[63] = new MCO("qadma", MCO.Mark, H.qadma, H.qadma, 11 ) ;
-        Numbers[64] = new MCO("iluy", MCO.Mark, H.iluy, H.iluy,11 ) ;
-        Numbers[65] = new MCO("shalshelet", MCO.Mark, H.shalshelet, H.shalshelet, 11 ) ;
-        Numbers[80] = new MCO("zaqefqatan", MCO.Mark, H.zaqefqatan, H.zaqefqatan, 11 ) ;
-        Numbers[81] = new MCO("revia", MCO.Mark, H.revia, H.revia, 11 ) ;
-        Numbers[82] = new MCO("zarqa", MCO.Mark, H.zarqa, H.zarqa, 11 ) ;
-        Numbers[83] = new MCO("pazer", MCO.Mark, H.pazer, H.pazer, 11 ) ;
-        Numbers[84] = new MCO("qarneypara", MCO.Mark, H.qarneypara, H.qarneypara, 11 ) ;
-        Numbers[85] = new MCO("zaqefgadol", MCO.Mark, H.zaqefgadol, H.zaqefgadol, 11 ) ; 
-        String ZWJMeteg = Character.toString('\u200D')+ Character.toString(H.meteg) ;
-        Numbers[35] = new MCO("centermeteg", MCO.Mark, ZWJMeteg, ZWJMeteg, 8 ) ;      
-        Numbers[70] = new MCO("mahapakh", MCO.Mark, H.mahapakh, H.mahapakh, 7 ) ;      
-        Numbers[71] = new MCO("merka", MCO.Mark, H.merkha, H.merkha, 7 ) ;      
-        Numbers[72] = new MCO("merkhakefula", MCO.Mark, H.merkhakefula, H.merkhakefula, 7 ) ;      
-        Numbers[73] = new MCO("tipeha", MCO.Mark, H.tipeha, H.tipeha, 7 ) ;      
-        Numbers[74] = new MCO("munah", MCO.Mark, H.munah, H.munah, 7 ) ;      
-        Numbers[75] = new MCO("leftmeteg", MCO.Mark, H.meteg, H.meteg, 8 ) ;      
-        Numbers[91] = new MCO("tevir", MCO.Mark, H.tevir, H.tevir, 7 ) ;      
-        Numbers[92] = new MCO("etnachta", MCO.Mark, H.etnachta, H.etnachta, 7 ) ;      
-        Numbers[93] = new MCO("yerahbenyomo", MCO.Mark, H.yerahbenyomo, H.yerahbenyomo, 7 ) ;      
-        Numbers[94] = new MCO("darga", MCO.Mark, H.darga, H.darga, 7 ) ;      
-        Numbers[95] = new MCO("rightmeteg", MCO.Mark, H.meteg, H.meteg, 6 ) ;  
-// Place the Characters results into the UnicodeChars array.
-       UnicodeChar.setUnicodeChars(Characters, Numbers) ;
-    }
-*  Returns an MCO from a character.
-public static MCO getMCO(char c){
-    int k = (int) c ;
-    return Characters[k] ;
-    } 
-*  Returns an MCO from an integer.
-public static MCO getMCO(int k){
-    return Numbers[k] ;
-    } 
+package WLC2OSIS.Translate ;
+import WLC2OSIS.Utilities.* ;
+import Utilities.* ;
+import java.io.*;
+ *  <b>MC ASCII decoding constants</b>.<p/>
+ */
+public class MC{
+/** Array of MCOs indexed by the lowest 7 bits of the  character value. */
+static MCO[] Characters = new MCO[128] ;
+/** Array of MCOs indexed by integers from 0 to 99 */
+static MCO[] Numbers =  new MCO[100] ;
+// static initializer
+static {
+// Set Unknown to all types.
+    for (int k=0; k < 128; k++){
+        Characters[k] = new MCO("Unknown", MCO.Unknown, "Unspecified", "Unspecified", 0 ) ;
+        }
+    for (int k=0; k < 100; k++){
+        Numbers[k] = new MCO("Unknown", MCO.Unknown, "Unspecified", "Unspecified", 0 ) ;    
+        }
+// Set the Characters table
+    for (int k=0; k < 128; k++){
+// Set the Consonants.
+        if(k == (int) ')') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("alef", MCO.Consonant, H.alef, H.alef, 0 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) 'B') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("bet",  MCO.Consonant, H.bet, H.bet, 0 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) 'G') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("gimel", MCO.Consonant, H.gimel, H.gimel, 0 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) 'D') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("dalet", MCO.Consonant, H.dalet, H.dalet, 0 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) 'H') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("he", MCO.Consonant, H.he, H.he, 0 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) 'W') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("vav", MCO.Consonant, H.vav, H.vav, 0 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) 'Z') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("zayin", MCO.Consonant, H.zayin, H.zayin, 0 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) 'X') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("het", MCO.Consonant, H.het, H.het, 0 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) '+') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("tet", MCO.Consonant, H.tet, H.tet, 0 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) 'Y') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("yod", MCO.Consonant, H.yod, H.yod, 0 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) 'K') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("kaf", MCO.Consonant, H.kaf, H.finalkaf, 0 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) 'L') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("lamed", MCO.Consonant, H.lamed, H.lamed, 0 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) 'M') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("mem", MCO.Consonant, H.mem, H.finalmem, 0 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) 'N') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("nun", MCO.Consonant, H.nun, H.finalnun, 0 );
+        if(k == (int) 'S') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("samekh", MCO.Consonant, H.samekh, H.samekh, 0 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) 'P') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("pe", MCO.Consonant, H.pe, H.finalpe, 0 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) '(') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("ayin", MCO.Consonant, H.ayin, H.ayin, 0 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) 'C') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("tsadi", MCO.Consonant, H.tsadi, H.finaltsadi, 0 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) 'Q') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("qof", MCO.Consonant, H.qof, H.qof, 0 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) 'R') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("resh", MCO.Consonant, H.resh, H.resh, 0 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) '$'){
+            MCO m = new MCO("shindot", MCO.Mark, H.shindot, H.shindot, 1 ) ;
+            Characters[k] = 
+                new MCO("shin", MCO.ConsonantMark, H.shin, H.shin, 0, m) ;
+            }
+        if(k == (int) '&') {
+            MCO m = new MCO("sindot", MCO.Mark, H.sindot, H.sindot, 2 ) ;
+            Characters[k] = 
+                new MCO("shin", MCO.ConsonantMark, H.shin, H.shin, 0, m) ;
+            }
+        if(k == (int) '#') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("shin", MCO.Consonant, H.shin, H.shin, 0 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) 'T') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("tav", MCO.Consonant, H.tav, H.tav, 0 ) ;
+// Set the dagesh.
+        if(k == (int) '.') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("dagesh", MCO.Mark, H.dagesh, H.dagesh, 3 ) ;
+// Set the rafe.
+        if(k == (int) ',') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("rafe", MCO.Mark, H.rafe, H.rafe, 4 ) ;
+// Set the maqaf.
+        if(k == (int) '-') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("maqef", MCO.Punctuation, H.maqaf, H.maqaf, 16 ) ;
+// Set the morphological division indicator.
+        if(k == (int) '/') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("morphological divider", MCO.MorphologicalDivision, ' ', ' ', 15 ) ;
+// Set the vowels
+// : is the hataf indicator
+        if(k == (int) ':') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("sheva", MCO.Sheva, H.sheva, H.sheva, 7 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) 'O') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("holam", MCO.Mark, H.holam, H.holam, 5 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) 'I') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("hiriq", MCO.Mark, H.hiriq, H.hiriq, 7 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) 'U') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("qubuts", MCO.Mark, H.qubuts, H.qubuts, 7 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) '"') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("tsere", MCO.Mark, H.tsere, H.tsere, 7 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) 'A') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("patah", MCO.Vowel, H.patah, H.hatafpatah, 7 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) 'F') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("qamatz",  MCO.Vowel, H.qamats, H.hatafqamats, 7 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) 'E') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("segol", MCO.Vowel, H.segol, H.hatafsegol, 7 ) ;
+// Set the accents as digits in the Characters table.
+        if(k == (int) '0') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("0", MCO.Number, '0', '0', 0 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) '1') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("1", MCO.Number, '1', '1', 0 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) '2') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("0", MCO.Number, '2', '2', 0 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) '3') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("3", MCO.Number, '3', '3', 0 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) '4') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("4", MCO.Number, '4', '4', 0 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) '5') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("5", MCO.Number, '5', '5', 0 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) '6') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("6", MCO.Number, '6', '6', 0 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) '7') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("7", MCO.Number, '7', '7', 0 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) '8') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("8", MCO.Number, '8', '8', 0 ) ;
+        if(k == (int) '9') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("9", MCO.Number, '9', '9', 0 ) ;
+// Note
+        if(k == (int) ']') Characters[k] = 
+            new MCO("Note", MCO.Note, ' ', ' ', 14 ) ;
+         }
+// Set the accents (From Grove's supplement.)
+//    The same Unicode character may apply to several MCW accent codes.
+        Numbers[0] = new MCO("sof pasuq", MCO.Punctuation, H.sofpasuq, H.sofpasuq, 16 ) ;
+        Numbers[1] = new MCO("accentsegol", MCO.Mark, H.accentsegol, H.accentsegol, 11 ) ;
+        Numbers[2] = new MCO("zinor", MCO.Mark, H.zinor, H.zinor, 13 ) ;
+        Numbers[3] = new MCO("pashta", MCO.Mark, H.pashta, H.pashta, 13 ) ;
+        Numbers[4] = new MCO("telishaqetana", MCO.Mark, H.telishaqetana, H.telishaqetana, 13 ) ;
+        Numbers[5] = new MCO("blank+paseq", MCO.Punctuation, " " + H.paseq, " " + H.paseq, 16 ) ;
+        Numbers[10] = new MCO("yetiv", MCO.PrepositiveMark, H.yetiv, H.yetiv, 10 ) ;
+        Numbers[13] = new MCO("dehi", MCO.PrepositiveMark, H.dehi, H.dehi, 10 ) ;
+        Numbers[11] = new MCO("gereshmuqdam", MCO.PrepositiveMark, H.gereshmuqdam, H.gereshmuqdam, 11 ) ;
+        Numbers[14] = new MCO("telishagedola", MCO.PrepositiveMark, H.telishagedola, H.telishagedola, 11 ) ;
+        Numbers[24] = new MCO("telishaqetana", MCO.Mark, H.telishaqetana, H.telishaqetana, 13 ) ;
+        Numbers[33] = new MCO("pashta", MCO.Mark, H.pashta, H.pashta, 13 ) ; 
+        Numbers[44] = new MCO("telishagedola", MCO.Mark, H.telishagedola, H.telishagedola, 11 ) ;
+        Numbers[52] = new MCO("lowpunctum",  MCO.Mark,'\u0323', '\u0323' ,  9 ) ;
+        Numbers[53] = new MCO("highpunctum", MCO.Mark, '\u05c4', '\u05c4', 12 ) ;
+        Numbers[60] = new MCO("ole", MCO.Mark, H.ole, H.ole, 11 ) ;
+        Numbers[61] = new MCO("geresh", MCO.Mark, H.geresh, H.geresh, 11 ) ;
+        Numbers[62] = new MCO("gershayim", MCO.Mark, H.gershayim, H.gershayim, 11 ) ;
+        Numbers[63] = new MCO("qadma", MCO.Mark, H.qadma, H.qadma, 11 ) ;
+        Numbers[64] = new MCO("iluy", MCO.Mark, H.iluy, H.iluy,11 ) ;
+        Numbers[65] = new MCO("shalshelet", MCO.Mark, H.shalshelet, H.shalshelet, 11 ) ;
+        Numbers[80] = new MCO("zaqefqatan", MCO.Mark, H.zaqefqatan, H.zaqefqatan, 11 ) ;
+        Numbers[81] = new MCO("revia", MCO.Mark, H.revia, H.revia, 11 ) ;
+        Numbers[82] = new MCO("zarqa", MCO.Mark, H.zarqa, H.zarqa, 11 ) ;
+        Numbers[83] = new MCO("pazer", MCO.Mark, H.pazer, H.pazer, 11 ) ;
+        Numbers[84] = new MCO("qarneypara", MCO.Mark, H.qarneypara, H.qarneypara, 11 ) ;
+        Numbers[85] = new MCO("zaqefgadol", MCO.Mark, H.zaqefgadol, H.zaqefgadol, 11 ) ; 
+        String ZWJMeteg = Character.toString('\u200D')+ Character.toString(H.meteg) ;
+        Numbers[35] = new MCO("centermeteg", MCO.Mark, ZWJMeteg, ZWJMeteg, 8 ) ;      
+        Numbers[70] = new MCO("mahapakh", MCO.Mark, H.mahapakh, H.mahapakh, 7 ) ;      
+        Numbers[71] = new MCO("merka", MCO.Mark, H.merkha, H.merkha, 7 ) ;      
+        Numbers[72] = new MCO("merkhakefula", MCO.Mark, H.merkhakefula, H.merkhakefula, 7 ) ;      
+        Numbers[73] = new MCO("tipeha", MCO.Mark, H.tipeha, H.tipeha, 7 ) ;      
+        Numbers[74] = new MCO("munah", MCO.Mark, H.munah, H.munah, 7 ) ;      
+        Numbers[75] = new MCO("leftmeteg", MCO.Mark, H.meteg, H.meteg, 8 ) ;      
+        Numbers[91] = new MCO("tevir", MCO.Mark, H.tevir, H.tevir, 7 ) ;      
+        Numbers[92] = new MCO("etnachta", MCO.Mark, H.etnachta, H.etnachta, 7 ) ;      
+        Numbers[93] = new MCO("yerahbenyomo", MCO.Mark, H.yerahbenyomo, H.yerahbenyomo, 7 ) ;      
+        Numbers[94] = new MCO("darga", MCO.Mark, H.darga, H.darga, 7 ) ;      
+        Numbers[95] = new MCO("rightmeteg", MCO.Mark, H.meteg, H.meteg, 6 ) ;  
+// Place the Characters results into the UnicodeChars array.
+       UnicodeChar.setUnicodeChars(Characters, Numbers) ;
+    }
+*  Returns an MCO from a character.
+public static MCO getMCO(char c){
+    int k = (int) c ;
+    return Characters[k] ;
+    } 
+*  Returns an MCO from an integer.
+public static MCO getMCO(int k){
+    return Numbers[k] ;
+    } 

Modified: trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Translate/MCO.java
--- trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Translate/MCO.java	2005-06-01 19:40:37 UTC (rev 37)
+++ trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Translate/MCO.java	2005-06-01 20:02:04 UTC (rev 38)
@@ -1,108 +1,108 @@
-package WLC2OSIS.Translate ;
- *  <b>Object representing characters with Name, Type, Group, and Unicode Hebrew
- *  initial and final values.</b><p>
- */
-public class MCO implements Cloneable{
-// Definition of MCO
-/** Name of this object */
-public String Name = "" ;
-/** Type of character, an integer. */
-public int Type = 0 ;
-/** Type of the object, changes during processing. */
-public String Value = "" ;
-/** The a final value Unicode character corresponding to the MC character 
- *  at this position in the CharValue[] CharValues. */
-public String FinalValue = ""  ;
-/** Order group */
-public int Group = 0 ;
-/** Included MCO used for ConsonantMark Type only.*/
-public MCO Object = null ;
-// Definition of Types
-/** No known MC character correponds to this index. */
-public static final int Unknown =  0 ;
-/** MC character correponding to this index is a Consonant. */
-public static final int Consonant = 1 ;
-/** MC character correponding to this index is a Vowel. */
-public static final int Vowel = 2 ;
-/** MC character correponding to this index is a Mark */ 
-public static final int Mark = 3 ;
-/** MC character correponding to this index is a MorphologicalDivision */ 
-public static final int MorphologicalDivision = 4 ;
-/** MC character correponding to this index is a Punctuation */ 
-public static final int Punctuation = 5 ;
-// The following types > 5 require expansion or re-ordering
-/** MC character correponding to this index is a PrepositiveMark */ 
-public static final int PrepositiveMark  = 6 ;
-/** MC character correponding to this index is a ConsonantMark */ 
-public static final int ConsonantMark  = 7;
-/** MC character correponding to this index is a Number */ 
-public static final int Number  = 8;
-/** MC character correponding to this index is a Sheva */ 
-public static final int Sheva  = 9 ;
-/** MC character correponding to this index is a Note */ 
-public static final int Note = 10 ;
- * Generate from full specification.
- */
-public MCO( String Name, int Type, String Value, String FinalValue, int Group ) {
-    this.Name = Name ;
-    this.Type = Type ;
-    this.Value = Value ;
-    this.FinalValue = FinalValue ;
-    this.Group = Group ;
-    this.Object = Object ;
-    }
- * Generate from Value, FinalValue as char with Object.
- */
-public MCO( String Name, int Type, char Value, char FinalValue, int Group,
-          MCO Object ) {
-    this.Name = Name ;
-    this.Type = Type ;
-    this.Value = Character.toString(Value) ;
-    this.FinalValue = Character.toString(FinalValue) ;
-    this.Group = Group ;
-    this.Object = Object ;
-    }
- * Generate from Value, FinalValue as char without Object.
- */
-public MCO( String Name, int Type, char Value, char FinalValue, int Group ) {
-    this.Name = Name ;
-    this.Type = Type ;
-    this.Value = Character.toString(Value) ;
-    this.FinalValue = Character.toString(FinalValue) ;
-    this.Group = Group ;
-    this.Object = null ;
-    }
-public void print(){
-   System.out.print(Name + " + ") ; 
-   }
-public Object clone(){
-   MCO M = new MCO(  Name, Type,  Value,  FinalValue, Group ) ;
-   M.Object = Object ;
-   return M ; 
-   }
+package WLC2OSIS.Translate ;
+ *  <b>Object representing characters with Name, Type, Group, and Unicode Hebrew
+ *  initial and final values.</b><p>
+ */
+public class MCO implements Cloneable{
+// Definition of MCO
+/** Name of this object */
+public String Name = "" ;
+/** Type of character, an integer. */
+public int Type = 0 ;
+/** Type of the object, changes during processing. */
+public String Value = "" ;
+/** The a final value Unicode character corresponding to the MC character 
+ *  at this position in the CharValue[] CharValues. */
+public String FinalValue = ""  ;
+/** Order group */
+public int Group = 0 ;
+/** Included MCO used for ConsonantMark Type only.*/
+public MCO Object = null ;
+// Definition of Types
+/** No known MC character correponds to this index. */
+public static final int Unknown =  0 ;
+/** MC character correponding to this index is a Consonant. */
+public static final int Consonant = 1 ;
+/** MC character correponding to this index is a Vowel. */
+public static final int Vowel = 2 ;
+/** MC character correponding to this index is a Mark */ 
+public static final int Mark = 3 ;
+/** MC character correponding to this index is a MorphologicalDivision */ 
+public static final int MorphologicalDivision = 4 ;
+/** MC character correponding to this index is a Punctuation */ 
+public static final int Punctuation = 5 ;
+// The following types > 5 require expansion or re-ordering
+/** MC character correponding to this index is a PrepositiveMark */ 
+public static final int PrepositiveMark  = 6 ;
+/** MC character correponding to this index is a ConsonantMark */ 
+public static final int ConsonantMark  = 7;
+/** MC character correponding to this index is a Number */ 
+public static final int Number  = 8;
+/** MC character correponding to this index is a Sheva */ 
+public static final int Sheva  = 9 ;
+/** MC character correponding to this index is a Note */ 
+public static final int Note = 10 ;
+ * Generate from full specification.
+ */
+public MCO( String Name, int Type, String Value, String FinalValue, int Group ) {
+    this.Name = Name ;
+    this.Type = Type ;
+    this.Value = Value ;
+    this.FinalValue = FinalValue ;
+    this.Group = Group ;
+    this.Object = Object ;
+    }
+ * Generate from Value, FinalValue as char with Object.
+ */
+public MCO( String Name, int Type, char Value, char FinalValue, int Group,
+          MCO Object ) {
+    this.Name = Name ;
+    this.Type = Type ;
+    this.Value = Character.toString(Value) ;
+    this.FinalValue = Character.toString(FinalValue) ;
+    this.Group = Group ;
+    this.Object = Object ;
+    }
+ * Generate from Value, FinalValue as char without Object.
+ */
+public MCO( String Name, int Type, char Value, char FinalValue, int Group ) {
+    this.Name = Name ;
+    this.Type = Type ;
+    this.Value = Character.toString(Value) ;
+    this.FinalValue = Character.toString(FinalValue) ;
+    this.Group = Group ;
+    this.Object = null ;
+    }
+public void print(){
+   System.out.print(Name + " + ") ; 
+   }
+public Object clone(){
+   MCO M = new MCO(  Name, Type,  Value,  FinalValue, Group ) ;
+   M.Object = Object ;
+   return M ; 
+   }

Modified: trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Translate/Note.java
--- trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Translate/Note.java	2005-06-01 19:40:37 UTC (rev 37)
+++ trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Translate/Note.java	2005-06-01 20:02:04 UTC (rev 38)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
                           + "there might be a question of the validity of the form "
                           + "and we keep the same form as BHS.") ;
     Notes.put("2", "We have puted a sop pasuq where L and BHC omit it. "
-                          + "(The puted sof pasuq often is missing from the text.)" ) ;
+                          + "(The added sof pasuq often is missing from the text.)" ) ;
     Notes.put("3", "We read or understand L differently than BHS (1983 Edition). "
                           + "Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.") ;
     Notes.put("4", "Puncta Extraordaria -- "
@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@
     Notes.put("8", "Inverted nun in the text.") ;
     Notes.put("9", "BHS has abandoned L and we concur. " 
                           + "All of these occurrences are ketib/qere problems.") ;
-    Notes.put("a", "Adaptations to a Qere which L and BHS, by their design, "
+    Notes.put("a", "Adaptations to a qere which L and BHS, by their design, "
                            + "do not indicate.") ;
     Notes.put("m", "Miscellaneous notes to the text and occasions "
                            + "where more than one bracket category applies.") ;
     Notes.put("q", "We have abandoned or puted a ketib/qere relative to BHS. "
                            + "In doing this we agree with L against BHS.") ;
-    Notes.put("y", "Yathir readings in L which we have designated as Qeres "
-                           + "when both Dothan and BHS list a Qere.") ;
+    Notes.put("y", "Yathir readings in L which we have designated as qeres "
+                           + "when both Dothan and BHS list a qere.") ;
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Translate/Translate.java
--- trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Translate/Translate.java	2005-06-01 19:40:37 UTC (rev 37)
+++ trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Translate/Translate.java	2005-06-01 20:02:04 UTC (rev 38)
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@
         Type = M.Type ;
 //  Only Notes require special treatment
         if (Type == MCO.Note){
-            S = S + "<note type=\"textual\">"+ Note.Notes.get( M.Value)+ "</note>";
+            S = S + "<note type=\"textual\" xml:lang=\"en\">"+ Note.Notes.get( M.Value)+ "</note>";
     // MG              DISABLE MORPH DIVISION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Modified: trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Translate/UnicodeChar.java
--- trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Translate/UnicodeChar.java	2005-06-01 19:40:37 UTC (rev 37)
+++ trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Translate/UnicodeChar.java	2005-06-01 20:02:04 UTC (rev 38)
@@ -1,391 +1,391 @@
-package WLC2OSIS.Translate ;
-import WLC2OSIS.* ;
-import WLC2OSIS.Utilities.* ;
- *  <b>Object describing Unicode Hebrew characters and their relation
- *     to the MC characters.</b><p>
- *
- *   The static array UnicodeChars describes Hebrew Unicode characters
- *   and gives their relationship to the MCW letter code.
- */
-public class UnicodeChar{
-/** Starting index for block of Hebrew Unicode characters.*/
-public static final int UnicodeStart = 0x00000590 ;
-/** Ending index for block of Hebrew Unicode characters.*/
-public static final int UnicodeEnd = 0x00000600 ;
-/** Size of block of Hebrew Unicode characters.*/
-public static final int N = (UnicodeEnd - UnicodeStart) ;
-// Object contents 
-/** Unicode name WITHOUT the word HEBREW or its type. 
- *  Capital followed by lower case. 
- */
-public String Name = "" ; // Unicode name WITHOUT the word HEBREW or
-                          // its type. Capital followed by lower case.
-/** Unicode type: Accent, Point, Punctuation, Letter, or Ligature. */
-public String Type = "&#160;" ; 
- /** Unicode character value. */                         
-public char Value= ' ' ;  // Unicode character value.
-/** List of equivalent characters represented by this Unicode character.*/
-public String Equivalents = "" ; // List of equivalents
-/** Notes provided by the Unicode group.*/
- public String Notes = "" ;       //  Additional notes.   
-/** MCW characters corresponding to this Unicode character.*/
-public String MCCode = "" ;
-/** Combining group value. */
-public String Group = "" ;
-/** Array of all Hebrew Unicode characters, 0...N. */
-public static UnicodeChar[] UnicodeChars = new UnicodeChar[N] ;
-/** Number of special Unicode characters */
-public static final int Special = 6;
-/** Array of special, non-Hebrew characters */
-public static UnicodeChar[] SpecialChars = new UnicodeChar[Special] ;
- * Creates a UnicodeChar object from the given arguments.
- */
-UnicodeChar( char Value, String Name, String Type, String Equivalents, String Notes){
-    this.Value = Value ;
-    this.Name = Name ;
-    this.Type = Type ;
-    this.Equivalents = Equivalents ;
-    this.Notes = Notes ;
-    }
- * Sets the array  of UnicodeChar[], UnicodeChars, from the
- * Characters array.
- *
- * @param Characters MCO[] array of MCO object whose 
- *      index is the value of the corresponding MCW character. 
- */
-public static void setUnicodeChars( MCO[] Characters, MCO[] Numbers ) {
-    for (char k =0; k < N; k++){
-        UnicodeChars[k] = new UnicodeChar( '?',  "Undefined", "Unspecified", "&#160;" ,  "&#160;") ;
-        }
-    for (char k =0; k < Special; k++){
-        SpecialChars[k] = new UnicodeChar( '?',  "Undefined", "Unspecified", "&#160;" ,  "&#160;") ;
-        }
-// Verify the H assignment and enter into table
-    enterChar(0x0591, H.etnachta,  "Etnachta", "Accent") ;
-    enterChar(0x0592, H.accentsegol,     "Segol", "Accent" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x0593, H.shalshelet,"Shalshelet", "Accent" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x0594, H.zaqefqatan,  "Zaqef Qatan", "Accent" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x0595, H.zaqefgadol,  "Zaqef Gadol", "Accent" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x0596, H.tipeha,  "Tipeha", "Accent", "Tarha",  "&#160;" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x0597, H.revia,  "Revia", "Accent" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x0598, H.zarqa,  "Zarqa", "Accent", 
-              "Tsinorit, Zinorit, Tsinor, Zinor",
-              "This character is to be used when Zarqa or Tsinor are placed above, and also for Tsinorit."
-               ) ;
-    enterChar(0x0599, H.pashta,  "Pashta", "Accent" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x059a, H.yetiv,  "Yetiv", "Accent" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x059b, H.tevir,  "Tevir", "Accent" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x059c, H.geresh,  "Geresh", "Accent" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x059d, H.gereshmuqdam,  "Geresh Muqdam", "Accent" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x059e, H.gershayim,  "Gereshayim", "Accent" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x059f, H.qarneypara,  "Qarney Para", "Accent" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05a0, H.telishagedola,  "Telisha Gedola", "Accent") ;
-    enterChar(0x05a1, H.pazer,  "Pazer", "Accent" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05a3, H.munah,  "Munah", "Accent" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05a4, H.mahapakh,  "Mahapakh", "Accent" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05a5, H.merkha,  "Merkha", "Accent",
-             "Yored", "&#160;") ;
-    enterChar(0x05a6, H.merkhakefula,  "Merkha Kefula", "Accent") ;
-    enterChar(0x05a7, H.darga,  "Darga", "Accent") ;
-    enterChar(0x05a8, H.qadma,  "Qadma", "Accent" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05a9, H.telishaqetana,  "Telisha Qetana", "Accent" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05aa, H.yerahbenyomo,  "Yerah Ben Yomo", "Accent",
-             "Galgal", "&#160;" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05ab, H.ole,  "Ole", "Accent" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05ac, H.iluy,  "Iluy", "Accent" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05ad, H.dehi,  "Dehi", "Accent" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05ae, H.zinor,  "Zinor", "Accent",
-             "Tsinor, Zarqa",
-             "This character is to be used when Zarqa or Tsinor are placed above left." ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05af, H.masoracircle,  "Masora Circle", "Mark" ) ;
-    enterMCCodeAndGroup(0x05af, "Not used", "12") ;
-    enterChar(0x05b0, H.sheva,  "Sheva", "Point") ;
-    enterChar(0x05b1, H.hatafsegol,  "Hataf Segol", "Point" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05b2, H.hatafpatah,  "Hataf Patah", "Point" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05b3, H.hatafqamats,  "Hataf Qamats", "Point" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05b4, H.hiriq,  "Hiriq", "Point" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05b5, H.tsere,  "Tsere", "Point" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05b6, H.segol,  "Segol", "Point" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05b7, H.patah,  "Patah", "Point", 
-               "&#160;",
-               "Furtive patah is not a distinct character.") ;
-    enterChar(0x05b8, H.qamats,  "Qamats", "Point" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05b9, H.holam,  "Holam", "Point") ; 
-    enterChar(0x05bb, H.qubuts,  "Qubuts", "Point" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05bc, H.dagesh,  "Dagesh", "Point",
-        "Mapiq, Shuriq", "Falls within base letter." ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05bd, H.meteg,  "Meteg", "Point",
-        "Siluq",
-        "Maybe used as a Hebrew accent sof pasuq."
-        + "Left (75), center (35), and right (95) metegs are separately grouped"
-        + " to produce correct positioning." 
-        + " The center meteg is preceded by a ZWJ, u200D, for positioning." ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05be, H.maqaf,  "Maqaf", "Point") ;
-    enterChar(0x05bf, H.rafe,  "Rafe", "Point" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05c0, H.paseq,  "Paseq", "Punctuation",
-        "Legarmeh", 
-        "May be treated as spacing punctuation, not as a point. "
-        + "Each Paseq is preceded by a Space, \\u0020, for positioning." ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05c1, H.shindot,  "Shin Dot", "Point") ;
-    enterChar(0x05c2, H.sindot,  "Sin Dot", "Point" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05c3, H.sofpasuq,  "Sof Pasuq", "Point",
-        "&#160;", "May be used as a Hebrew punctuation colon.") ;
-    enterChar(0x05c4, H.upperdot,  "Upper Dot", "Mark" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05d0, H.alef,  "Alef", "Letter" , "Aleph", "&#160;") ;
-    enterChar(0x05d1, H.bet,  "Bet", "Letter" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05d2, H.gimel,  "Gimel", "Letter" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05d3, H.dalet,  "Dalet", "Letter" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05d4, H.he,  "He", "Letter" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05d5, H.vav,  "Vav", "Letter" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05d6, H.zayin,  "Zayin", "Letter" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05d7, H.het,  "Het", "Letter" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05d8, H.tet,  "Tet", "Letter" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05d9, H.yod,  "Yod", "Letter" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05da, H.finalkaf,  "Final Kaf", "Letter" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05db, H.kaf,  "Kaf", "Letter" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05dc, H.lamed,  "Lamed", "Letter" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05dd, H.finalmem,  "Final Mem", "Letter" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05de, H.mem,  "Mem", "Letter" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05df, H.finalnun,  "Final Nun", "Letter" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05e0, H.nun,  "Nun", "Letter" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05e1, H.samekh,  "Samekh", "Letter" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05e2, H.ayin,  "Ayin", "Letter" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05e3, H.finalpe,  "Final Pe", "Letter" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05e4, H.pe,  "Pe", "Letter" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05e5, H.finaltsadi,  "Final Tsadi", "Letter") ;
-    enterChar(0x05e6, H.tsadi,  "Tsadi", "Letter") ;
-    enterChar(0x05e7, H.qof,  "Qof", "Letter" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05e8, H.resh,  "Resh", "Letter" ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05e9, H.shin,  "Shin", "Letter"  ) ;
-    enterChar(0x05ea, H.tav,  "Tav", "Letter" ) ;
-//    enterChar(0x05f0, H.doublevav,  "Yiddish Double Vav", "Ligature" ) ;
-//    enterChar(0x05f1, H.vavyod,  "Yiddish Vav Yod", "Ligature" ) ;
-//    enterChar(0x05f2, H.doubleyod,  "Yiddish Double Yod", "Ligature" ) ;
-//    enterChar(0x05f3, H.punctgeresh,  "Geresh", "Punctuation",
-//               "&#160;", "Punctuation, not an accent.") ;
-//    enterChar(0x05f4, H.punctgershayim,  "Gershayim", "Punctuation",
-//               "&#160;", "Punctuation, not an accent.") ;
-//  Set the MCO[] Characters into the UnicodeChar array.
-    for(int k=0; k < 128; k++){
-        MCO m = Characters[k];
-        if(m.Type!=MCO.Unknown){
-            char test = (m.Value).charAt(0)  ;
-// Try to find the Value in the UnicodeChars array,
-            boolean FoundValue = false;
-            int j ;
-            for (j = 0; j < N; j++){
-                if(test == UnicodeChars[j].Value ){
-                    FoundValue = true ;
-                    break ;
-                    }
-                }
-            if(FoundValue){
-                if((char)k=='&'){
-                    }
-                else{
-                    UnicodeChars[j].MCCode = new Character((char)k).toString() ;
-                    UnicodeChars[j].Group = new Integer(m.Group).toString() ;
-                    }
-                }
-//  Try to find it as a final character
-            test = (m.FinalValue).charAt(0)  ;
-            FoundValue = false ;
-            for (j = 0; j < N; j++){
-                if(test == UnicodeChars[j].Value ){
-                    FoundValue = true ;
-                    break ;
-                    }
-                }
-            if(FoundValue){
-                if((char)k=='&'){
-                    }
-                else{
-                    UnicodeChars[j].MCCode = new Character((char)k).toString() ;
-                    UnicodeChars[j].Group = new Integer(m.Group).toString() ;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-//  Set the MCO[] Numbers into the UnicodeChar array.
-    for(int k=0; k < 100; k++){
-        MCO m = Numbers[k];
-        if(m.Type!=MCO.Unknown){
-            char test = (m.Value).charAt(0)  ;
-// Try to find the Value in the UnicodeChars array,
-            boolean FoundValue = false;
-            int j ;
-            for (j = 0; j < N; j++){
-                if(test == UnicodeChars[j].Value ){
-                    FoundValue = true ;
-                    break ;
-                    }
-                }
-            if(FoundValue){
-                if (UnicodeChars[j].MCCode.compareTo("") == 0){
-                    UnicodeChars[j].MCCode = new Integer(k).toString() ;
-                    }
-                else{
-                    UnicodeChars[j].MCCode = UnicodeChars[j].MCCode 
-                           + ", " + new Integer(k).toString() ;
-                    }
-                UnicodeChars[j].Group = new Integer(m.Group).toString() ;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-// Special characters
-    enterMCCodeAndGroup(0x05bd, "35, 75, 95", "8, 8, 6") ;
-    enterMCCodeAndGroup(0x05c0, "5", "16") ;
-    enterMCCodeAndGroup(0x05c1, "Not used", "1") ;
-    enterMCCodeAndGroup(0x05c2, "Not used", "2") ;
-    UnicodeChars[33].MCCode = ":E" ;
-    UnicodeChars[33].Group = "7" ;
-    UnicodeChars[34].MCCode = ":A" ;
-    UnicodeChars[34].Group = "7" ;
-    UnicodeChars[35].MCCode = ":F" ;
-    UnicodeChars[35].Group = "7" ;
-    UnicodeChars[89].MCCode = "&amp;, $" ;
-    UnicodeChars[89].Group = "0" ;
-// Special, non-Hebrew characters
-    SpecialChars[0] = new UnicodeChar( '\u0020', "Space", 
-         "Space" , "&#160;",   "Paseq is a Space + Paseq.") ;
-    SpecialChars[0].Group = "&#160;" ;
-    SpecialChars[0].MCCode = "Not used";
-    SpecialChars[1] = new UnicodeChar( '/', "Slash", 
-         "Morphological divider." , "&#160;", "Morphological divider." ) ;
-    SpecialChars[1].Group = "&#160;" ;
-    SpecialChars[1].MCCode = "/";
-    SpecialChars[2] = new UnicodeChar( '\u0307', "Masora or Number dot", 
-         "PrepositiveMark" , "&#160;",   "Upper punctum. MC code 53, is translated "
-         + "as an Upper Dot, \\u05c4, not as this character. "
-         + "This mark is not currently positioned properly by Internet Explorer.") ;
-    SpecialChars[2].Group = "12" ;
-    SpecialChars[2].MCCode = "(53)";
-    SpecialChars[3] = new UnicodeChar( '\u0323', "Combining dot below", 
-         "PrepositiveMark" , "&#160;",   "Lower punctum. "
-         + "This mark is not currently positioned properly by Internet Explorer.") ;
-    SpecialChars[3].Group = "12" ;
-    SpecialChars[3].MCCode = "52";
-    SpecialChars[4] = new UnicodeChar( '\u200D', "Zero width joiner (ZWJ)", 
-         "General punct." , "&#160;",   "Center meteg is a ZWJ + meteg.") ;
-    SpecialChars[4].Group = "&#160;" ;
-    SpecialChars[4].MCCode = "Not used";
-    SpecialChars[5] = new UnicodeChar( '\uf300', "Inverted nun", 
-         "General punct." , "&#160;",   "Not part of the current Unicode standard. "
-             + "Displays acceptably in either SBL Hebrew or Ezra SIL fonts.") ;
-    SpecialChars[5].Group = "&#160;" ;
-    SpecialChars[5].MCCode = "Not used";
-    return ;
-    }
-* Enters a Unicode character into the array UnicodeChars.
-static void enterChar(int value,  char c, String Name, String Type, 
-        String Equivalents, String Notes) {
-    if ( c != (char) value ){
-      System.out.println("UnicodeChars:  Error in character table!") ;
-      System.out.println("Character: " + c + "   Value: " + value ) ;
-      }
-    UnicodeChars[value-UnicodeStart] 
-        = new UnicodeChar( (char)value, Name, Type, Equivalents, Notes) ;
-    }
-* Enters a Unicode character into the array UnicodeChars.
-static void enterChar(int value,  char c, String Name, String Type) {
-    if ( c != (char) value ){
-      System.out.println("UnicodeChars:  Error in character table!") ;
-      System.out.println("Character: " + c + "   Value: " + value ) ;
-      }
-    UnicodeChars[value-UnicodeStart] 
-        = new UnicodeChar( (char)value, Name, Type, "", "") ;
-    }
-* Enters the MCCode and Group number for a UnicodeChar.
-static void  enterMCCodeAndGroup(int k, String MCCode, String Group ){
-    UnicodeChars[k-UnicodeStart].MCCode = MCCode ;
-    UnicodeChars[k-UnicodeStart].Group = Group ; 
-    }
-// Writes the Unicode characters as an XML file.
-// ** This belongs in UnicodeChars ***
-public static void writeUnicodeChars(XMLWriter w) {
-    w.openTag("coding", 0) ;
-    for (int k=0; k < N ; k++){
-        int i = (int) UnicodeChars[k].Value ;
-        String h = Integer.toHexString(i) ;
-        w.openTag("char", 1) ;
-        w.writeString("value", 2, new Character(UnicodeChars[k].Value).toString() ) ;
-        w.writeString("hexvalue", 2, h ) ;
-        w.writeString("name", 2, UnicodeChars[k].Name) ;
-        w.writeString("mccode", 2, UnicodeChars[k].MCCode) ;
-        w.writeString("type", 2, UnicodeChars[k].Type) ;
-        w.writeString("equivalents", 2, UnicodeChars[k].Equivalents) ;
-        w.writeString("notes", 2, UnicodeChars[k].Notes) ;
-        w.writeString("group", 2, UnicodeChars[k].Group) ;
-        w.closeTag("char", 1) ;
-        }
-    for (int k=0; k < Special ; k++){
-        int i = (int) SpecialChars[k].Value ;
-        String h = Integer.toHexString(i) ;
-        w.openTag("specialchar", 1) ;
-        w.writeString("value", 2, new Character(SpecialChars[k].Value).toString() ) ;
-        w.writeString("hexvalue", 2, h ) ;
-        w.writeString("name", 2, SpecialChars[k].Name) ;
-        w.writeString("mccode", 2, SpecialChars[k].MCCode) ;
-        w.writeString("type", 2, SpecialChars[k].Type) ;
-        w.writeString("equivalents", 2, SpecialChars[k].Equivalents) ;
-        w.writeString("notes", 2, SpecialChars[k].Notes) ;
-        w.writeString("group", 2, SpecialChars[k].Group) ;
-        w.closeTag("specialchar", 1) ;
-        }
-     w.closeTag("coding", 0) ;
-     }
+package WLC2OSIS.Translate ;
+import WLC2OSIS.* ;
+import WLC2OSIS.Utilities.* ;
+ *  <b>Object describing Unicode Hebrew characters and their relation
+ *     to the MC characters.</b><p>
+ *
+ *   The static array UnicodeChars describes Hebrew Unicode characters
+ *   and gives their relationship to the MCW letter code.
+ */
+public class UnicodeChar{
+/** Starting index for block of Hebrew Unicode characters.*/
+public static final int UnicodeStart = 0x00000590 ;
+/** Ending index for block of Hebrew Unicode characters.*/
+public static final int UnicodeEnd = 0x00000600 ;
+/** Size of block of Hebrew Unicode characters.*/
+public static final int N = (UnicodeEnd - UnicodeStart) ;
+// Object contents 
+/** Unicode name WITHOUT the word HEBREW or its type. 
+ *  Capital followed by lower case. 
+ */
+public String Name = "" ; // Unicode name WITHOUT the word HEBREW or
+                          // its type. Capital followed by lower case.
+/** Unicode type: Accent, Point, Punctuation, Letter, or Ligature. */
+public String Type = "&#160;" ; 
+ /** Unicode character value. */                         
+public char Value= ' ' ;  // Unicode character value.
+/** List of equivalent characters represented by this Unicode character.*/
+public String Equivalents = "" ; // List of equivalents
+/** Notes provided by the Unicode group.*/
+ public String Notes = "" ;       //  Additional notes.   
+/** MCW characters corresponding to this Unicode character.*/
+public String MCCode = "" ;
+/** Combining group value. */
+public String Group = "" ;
+/** Array of all Hebrew Unicode characters, 0...N. */
+public static UnicodeChar[] UnicodeChars = new UnicodeChar[N] ;
+/** Number of special Unicode characters */
+public static final int Special = 6;
+/** Array of special, non-Hebrew characters */
+public static UnicodeChar[] SpecialChars = new UnicodeChar[Special] ;
+ * Creates a UnicodeChar object from the given arguments.
+ */
+UnicodeChar( char Value, String Name, String Type, String Equivalents, String Notes){
+    this.Value = Value ;
+    this.Name = Name ;
+    this.Type = Type ;
+    this.Equivalents = Equivalents ;
+    this.Notes = Notes ;
+    }
+ * Sets the array  of UnicodeChar[], UnicodeChars, from the
+ * Characters array.
+ *
+ * @param Characters MCO[] array of MCO object whose 
+ *      index is the value of the corresponding MCW character. 
+ */
+public static void setUnicodeChars( MCO[] Characters, MCO[] Numbers ) {
+    for (char k =0; k < N; k++){
+        UnicodeChars[k] = new UnicodeChar( '?',  "Undefined", "Unspecified", "&#160;" ,  "&#160;") ;
+        }
+    for (char k =0; k < Special; k++){
+        SpecialChars[k] = new UnicodeChar( '?',  "Undefined", "Unspecified", "&#160;" ,  "&#160;") ;
+        }
+// Verify the H assignment and enter into table
+    enterChar(0x0591, H.etnachta,  "Etnachta", "Accent") ;
+    enterChar(0x0592, H.accentsegol,     "Segol", "Accent" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x0593, H.shalshelet,"Shalshelet", "Accent" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x0594, H.zaqefqatan,  "Zaqef Qatan", "Accent" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x0595, H.zaqefgadol,  "Zaqef Gadol", "Accent" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x0596, H.tipeha,  "Tipeha", "Accent", "Tarha",  "&#160;" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x0597, H.revia,  "Revia", "Accent" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x0598, H.zarqa,  "Zarqa", "Accent", 
+              "Tsinorit, Zinorit, Tsinor, Zinor",
+              "This character is to be used when Zarqa or Tsinor are placed above, and also for Tsinorit."
+               ) ;
+    enterChar(0x0599, H.pashta,  "Pashta", "Accent" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x059a, H.yetiv,  "Yetiv", "Accent" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x059b, H.tevir,  "Tevir", "Accent" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x059c, H.geresh,  "Geresh", "Accent" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x059d, H.gereshmuqdam,  "Geresh Muqdam", "Accent" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x059e, H.gershayim,  "Gereshayim", "Accent" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x059f, H.qarneypara,  "Qarney Para", "Accent" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05a0, H.telishagedola,  "Telisha Gedola", "Accent") ;
+    enterChar(0x05a1, H.pazer,  "Pazer", "Accent" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05a3, H.munah,  "Munah", "Accent" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05a4, H.mahapakh,  "Mahapakh", "Accent" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05a5, H.merkha,  "Merkha", "Accent",
+             "Yored", "&#160;") ;
+    enterChar(0x05a6, H.merkhakefula,  "Merkha Kefula", "Accent") ;
+    enterChar(0x05a7, H.darga,  "Darga", "Accent") ;
+    enterChar(0x05a8, H.qadma,  "Qadma", "Accent" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05a9, H.telishaqetana,  "Telisha Qetana", "Accent" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05aa, H.yerahbenyomo,  "Yerah Ben Yomo", "Accent",
+             "Galgal", "&#160;" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05ab, H.ole,  "Ole", "Accent" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05ac, H.iluy,  "Iluy", "Accent" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05ad, H.dehi,  "Dehi", "Accent" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05ae, H.zinor,  "Zinor", "Accent",
+             "Tsinor, Zarqa",
+             "This character is to be used when Zarqa or Tsinor are placed above left." ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05af, H.masoracircle,  "Masora Circle", "Mark" ) ;
+    enterMCCodeAndGroup(0x05af, "Not used", "12") ;
+    enterChar(0x05b0, H.sheva,  "Sheva", "Point") ;
+    enterChar(0x05b1, H.hatafsegol,  "Hataf Segol", "Point" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05b2, H.hatafpatah,  "Hataf Patah", "Point" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05b3, H.hatafqamats,  "Hataf Qamats", "Point" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05b4, H.hiriq,  "Hiriq", "Point" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05b5, H.tsere,  "Tsere", "Point" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05b6, H.segol,  "Segol", "Point" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05b7, H.patah,  "Patah", "Point", 
+               "&#160;",
+               "Furtive patah is not a distinct character.") ;
+    enterChar(0x05b8, H.qamats,  "Qamats", "Point" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05b9, H.holam,  "Holam", "Point") ; 
+    enterChar(0x05bb, H.qubuts,  "Qubuts", "Point" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05bc, H.dagesh,  "Dagesh", "Point",
+        "Mapiq, Shuriq", "Falls within base letter." ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05bd, H.meteg,  "Meteg", "Point",
+        "Siluq",
+        "Maybe used as a Hebrew accent sof pasuq."
+        + "Left (75), center (35), and right (95) metegs are separately grouped"
+        + " to produce correct positioning." 
+        + " The center meteg is preceded by a ZWJ, u200D, for positioning." ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05be, H.maqaf,  "Maqaf", "Point") ;
+    enterChar(0x05bf, H.rafe,  "Rafe", "Point" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05c0, H.paseq,  "Paseq", "Punctuation",
+        "Legarmeh", 
+        "May be treated as spacing punctuation, not as a point. "
+        + "Each Paseq is preceded by a Space, \\u0020, for positioning." ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05c1, H.shindot,  "Shin Dot", "Point") ;
+    enterChar(0x05c2, H.sindot,  "Sin Dot", "Point" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05c3, H.sofpasuq,  "Sof Pasuq", "Point",
+        "&#160;", "May be used as a Hebrew punctuation colon.") ;
+    enterChar(0x05c4, H.upperdot,  "Upper Dot", "Mark" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05d0, H.alef,  "Alef", "Letter" , "Aleph", "&#160;") ;
+    enterChar(0x05d1, H.bet,  "Bet", "Letter" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05d2, H.gimel,  "Gimel", "Letter" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05d3, H.dalet,  "Dalet", "Letter" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05d4, H.he,  "He", "Letter" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05d5, H.vav,  "Vav", "Letter" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05d6, H.zayin,  "Zayin", "Letter" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05d7, H.het,  "Het", "Letter" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05d8, H.tet,  "Tet", "Letter" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05d9, H.yod,  "Yod", "Letter" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05da, H.finalkaf,  "Final Kaf", "Letter" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05db, H.kaf,  "Kaf", "Letter" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05dc, H.lamed,  "Lamed", "Letter" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05dd, H.finalmem,  "Final Mem", "Letter" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05de, H.mem,  "Mem", "Letter" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05df, H.finalnun,  "Final Nun", "Letter" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05e0, H.nun,  "Nun", "Letter" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05e1, H.samekh,  "Samekh", "Letter" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05e2, H.ayin,  "Ayin", "Letter" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05e3, H.finalpe,  "Final Pe", "Letter" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05e4, H.pe,  "Pe", "Letter" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05e5, H.finaltsadi,  "Final Tsadi", "Letter") ;
+    enterChar(0x05e6, H.tsadi,  "Tsadi", "Letter") ;
+    enterChar(0x05e7, H.qof,  "Qof", "Letter" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05e8, H.resh,  "Resh", "Letter" ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05e9, H.shin,  "Shin", "Letter"  ) ;
+    enterChar(0x05ea, H.tav,  "Tav", "Letter" ) ;
+//    enterChar(0x05f0, H.doublevav,  "Yiddish Double Vav", "Ligature" ) ;
+//    enterChar(0x05f1, H.vavyod,  "Yiddish Vav Yod", "Ligature" ) ;
+//    enterChar(0x05f2, H.doubleyod,  "Yiddish Double Yod", "Ligature" ) ;
+//    enterChar(0x05f3, H.punctgeresh,  "Geresh", "Punctuation",
+//               "&#160;", "Punctuation, not an accent.") ;
+//    enterChar(0x05f4, H.punctgershayim,  "Gershayim", "Punctuation",
+//               "&#160;", "Punctuation, not an accent.") ;
+//  Set the MCO[] Characters into the UnicodeChar array.
+    for(int k=0; k < 128; k++){
+        MCO m = Characters[k];
+        if(m.Type!=MCO.Unknown){
+            char test = (m.Value).charAt(0)  ;
+// Try to find the Value in the UnicodeChars array,
+            boolean FoundValue = false;
+            int j ;
+            for (j = 0; j < N; j++){
+                if(test == UnicodeChars[j].Value ){
+                    FoundValue = true ;
+                    break ;
+                    }
+                }
+            if(FoundValue){
+                if((char)k=='&'){
+                    }
+                else{
+                    UnicodeChars[j].MCCode = new Character((char)k).toString() ;
+                    UnicodeChars[j].Group = new Integer(m.Group).toString() ;
+                    }
+                }
+//  Try to find it as a final character
+            test = (m.FinalValue).charAt(0)  ;
+            FoundValue = false ;
+            for (j = 0; j < N; j++){
+                if(test == UnicodeChars[j].Value ){
+                    FoundValue = true ;
+                    break ;
+                    }
+                }
+            if(FoundValue){
+                if((char)k=='&'){
+                    }
+                else{
+                    UnicodeChars[j].MCCode = new Character((char)k).toString() ;
+                    UnicodeChars[j].Group = new Integer(m.Group).toString() ;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+//  Set the MCO[] Numbers into the UnicodeChar array.
+    for(int k=0; k < 100; k++){
+        MCO m = Numbers[k];
+        if(m.Type!=MCO.Unknown){
+            char test = (m.Value).charAt(0)  ;
+// Try to find the Value in the UnicodeChars array,
+            boolean FoundValue = false;
+            int j ;
+            for (j = 0; j < N; j++){
+                if(test == UnicodeChars[j].Value ){
+                    FoundValue = true ;
+                    break ;
+                    }
+                }
+            if(FoundValue){
+                if (UnicodeChars[j].MCCode.compareTo("") == 0){
+                    UnicodeChars[j].MCCode = new Integer(k).toString() ;
+                    }
+                else{
+                    UnicodeChars[j].MCCode = UnicodeChars[j].MCCode 
+                           + ", " + new Integer(k).toString() ;
+                    }
+                UnicodeChars[j].Group = new Integer(m.Group).toString() ;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+// Special characters
+    enterMCCodeAndGroup(0x05bd, "35, 75, 95", "8, 8, 6") ;
+    enterMCCodeAndGroup(0x05c0, "5", "16") ;
+    enterMCCodeAndGroup(0x05c1, "Not used", "1") ;
+    enterMCCodeAndGroup(0x05c2, "Not used", "2") ;
+    UnicodeChars[33].MCCode = ":E" ;
+    UnicodeChars[33].Group = "7" ;
+    UnicodeChars[34].MCCode = ":A" ;
+    UnicodeChars[34].Group = "7" ;
+    UnicodeChars[35].MCCode = ":F" ;
+    UnicodeChars[35].Group = "7" ;
+    UnicodeChars[89].MCCode = "&amp;, $" ;
+    UnicodeChars[89].Group = "0" ;
+// Special, non-Hebrew characters
+    SpecialChars[0] = new UnicodeChar( '\u0020', "Space", 
+         "Space" , "&#160;",   "Paseq is a Space + Paseq.") ;
+    SpecialChars[0].Group = "&#160;" ;
+    SpecialChars[0].MCCode = "Not used";
+    SpecialChars[1] = new UnicodeChar( '/', "Slash", 
+         "Morphological divider." , "&#160;", "Morphological divider." ) ;
+    SpecialChars[1].Group = "&#160;" ;
+    SpecialChars[1].MCCode = "/";
+    SpecialChars[2] = new UnicodeChar( '\u0307', "Masora or Number dot", 
+         "PrepositiveMark" , "&#160;",   "Upper punctum. MC code 53, is translated "
+         + "as an Upper Dot, \\u05c4, not as this character. "
+         + "This mark is not currently positioned properly by Internet Explorer.") ;
+    SpecialChars[2].Group = "12" ;
+    SpecialChars[2].MCCode = "(53)";
+    SpecialChars[3] = new UnicodeChar( '\u0323', "Combining dot below", 
+         "PrepositiveMark" , "&#160;",   "Lower punctum. "
+         + "This mark is not currently positioned properly by Internet Explorer.") ;
+    SpecialChars[3].Group = "12" ;
+    SpecialChars[3].MCCode = "52";
+    SpecialChars[4] = new UnicodeChar( '\u200D', "Zero width joiner (ZWJ)", 
+         "General punct." , "&#160;",   "Center meteg is a ZWJ + meteg.") ;
+    SpecialChars[4].Group = "&#160;" ;
+    SpecialChars[4].MCCode = "Not used";
+    SpecialChars[5] = new UnicodeChar( '\uf300', "Inverted nun", 
+         "General punct." , "&#160;",   "Not part of the current Unicode standard. "
+             + "Displays acceptably in either SBL Hebrew or Ezra SIL fonts.") ;
+    SpecialChars[5].Group = "&#160;" ;
+    SpecialChars[5].MCCode = "Not used";
+    return ;
+    }
+* Enters a Unicode character into the array UnicodeChars.
+static void enterChar(int value,  char c, String Name, String Type, 
+        String Equivalents, String Notes) {
+    if ( c != (char) value ){
+      System.out.println("UnicodeChars:  Error in character table!") ;
+      System.out.println("Character: " + c + "   Value: " + value ) ;
+      }
+    UnicodeChars[value-UnicodeStart] 
+        = new UnicodeChar( (char)value, Name, Type, Equivalents, Notes) ;
+    }
+* Enters a Unicode character into the array UnicodeChars.
+static void enterChar(int value,  char c, String Name, String Type) {
+    if ( c != (char) value ){
+      System.out.println("UnicodeChars:  Error in character table!") ;
+      System.out.println("Character: " + c + "   Value: " + value ) ;
+      }
+    UnicodeChars[value-UnicodeStart] 
+        = new UnicodeChar( (char)value, Name, Type, "", "") ;
+    }
+* Enters the MCCode and Group number for a UnicodeChar.
+static void  enterMCCodeAndGroup(int k, String MCCode, String Group ){
+    UnicodeChars[k-UnicodeStart].MCCode = MCCode ;
+    UnicodeChars[k-UnicodeStart].Group = Group ; 
+    }
+// Writes the Unicode characters as an XML file.
+// ** This belongs in UnicodeChars ***
+public static void writeUnicodeChars(XMLWriter w) {
+    w.openTag("coding", 0) ;
+    for (int k=0; k < N ; k++){
+        int i = (int) UnicodeChars[k].Value ;
+        String h = Integer.toHexString(i) ;
+        w.openTag("char", 1) ;
+        w.writeString("value", 2, new Character(UnicodeChars[k].Value).toString() ) ;
+        w.writeString("hexvalue", 2, h ) ;
+        w.writeString("name", 2, UnicodeChars[k].Name) ;
+        w.writeString("mccode", 2, UnicodeChars[k].MCCode) ;
+        w.writeString("type", 2, UnicodeChars[k].Type) ;
+        w.writeString("equivalents", 2, UnicodeChars[k].Equivalents) ;
+        w.writeString("notes", 2, UnicodeChars[k].Notes) ;
+        w.writeString("group", 2, UnicodeChars[k].Group) ;
+        w.closeTag("char", 1) ;
+        }
+    for (int k=0; k < Special ; k++){
+        int i = (int) SpecialChars[k].Value ;
+        String h = Integer.toHexString(i) ;
+        w.openTag("specialchar", 1) ;
+        w.writeString("value", 2, new Character(SpecialChars[k].Value).toString() ) ;
+        w.writeString("hexvalue", 2, h ) ;
+        w.writeString("name", 2, SpecialChars[k].Name) ;
+        w.writeString("mccode", 2, SpecialChars[k].MCCode) ;
+        w.writeString("type", 2, SpecialChars[k].Type) ;
+        w.writeString("equivalents", 2, SpecialChars[k].Equivalents) ;
+        w.writeString("notes", 2, SpecialChars[k].Notes) ;
+        w.writeString("group", 2, SpecialChars[k].Group) ;
+        w.closeTag("specialchar", 1) ;
+        }
+     w.closeTag("coding", 0) ;
+     }

Modified: trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Translate/WKQ.java
--- trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Translate/WKQ.java	2005-06-01 19:40:37 UTC (rev 37)
+++ trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Translate/WKQ.java	2005-06-01 20:02:04 UTC (rev 38)
@@ -1,102 +1,102 @@
-package WLC2OSIS.Translate;
-import WLC2OSIS.* ;
-import WLC2OSIS.Parse.* ;
-import WLC2OSIS.Utilities.* ;
- *  <b>Processes usual and Ketib/Qere words.</b><p>
- *
- *  Modified for WLC **qq and *kk null qere and null ketib entries.
- */
-public class WKQ{
-Parser P ;
-String Ketib;
-int KCount ;
-boolean KStarted ;
-String Qere ;
-int QCount ;
-boolean QStarted ;
-public WKQ( Parser P ) {
-    this.P = P ;
-    }    
- *  Processes MCW words, writing them using the Word.write(Word, Type) method.
- *
- *  @param W String containing MCW word of any type.
- */
-public void process(String W) {
-    int asteriskcount = P.countChar(W, '*') ;
-    int FirstAsterisk = W.indexOf('*') ;
-    int LastAsterisk = W.lastIndexOf("*") ;
-// Process a non-KQ
-    if (asteriskcount == 0){
-        P.w.write(W, "w") ;
-        }
-// Look for a KQ that starts with a non-KQ string in the word
-// usually abc*xyz. Write abc as a nonKQ word, the process *wxyz.
-    if (FirstAsterisk > 0 && P.countChar(W,'*') >= 1 ){
-        String NonKQ = W.substring(0, FirstAsterisk) ;
-        P.w.write(NonKQ, "w") ;
-        W = W.substring(FirstAsterisk, W.length() ) ;
-        process(W) ; // Could be either K or Q
-        }
-//  One word has two K,Q sections. *xyz**abc, **xyz*abc, *xyz*abc, **xyz**abc
-//  Process the two parts separately.
-    else if(P.countChar(W,'*') >= 2 & LastAsterisk > 1 ){
-        int Split = W.indexOf('*', 2) ;
-        String Part1 = W.substring(0, Split) ;
-        String Part2 = W.substring(Split, W.length()) ;
-        process(Part1) ;
-        process(Part2) ;
-        }
-// W has ONLY a leading asterisk or two leading asterisks
-    else{
-        if(W.charAt(0) == '*'){
-            if(W.charAt(1) != '*'){
-// Ketib
-//        Do nothing if a null K
-                if (W.compareTo("*kk") != 0){
-                    P.w.write(W.substring(1, W.length() ), "k") ;
-                    } 
-                }
-            else{
-// Qere
-//       Check for a null Q
-                if (W.compareTo("**qq") != 0){
-                    P.w.write(W.substring(2, W.length() ), "q") ;
-                    }
-                } 
-            }
-         }
-     return ;
-     }   
+package WLC2OSIS.Translate;
+import WLC2OSIS.* ;
+import WLC2OSIS.Parse.* ;
+import WLC2OSIS.Utilities.* ;
+ *  <b>Processes usual and Ketib/Qere words.</b><p>
+ *
+ *  Modified for WLC **qq and *kk null qere and null ketib entries.
+ */
+public class WKQ{
+Parser P ;
+String Ketib;
+int KCount ;
+boolean KStarted ;
+String Qere ;
+int QCount ;
+boolean QStarted ;
+public WKQ( Parser P ) {
+    this.P = P ;
+    }    
+ *  Processes MCW words, writing them using the Word.write(Word, Type) method.
+ *
+ *  @param W String containing MCW word of any type.
+ */
+public void process(String W) {
+    int asteriskcount = P.countChar(W, '*') ;
+    int FirstAsterisk = W.indexOf('*') ;
+    int LastAsterisk = W.lastIndexOf("*") ;
+// Process a non-KQ
+    if (asteriskcount == 0){
+        P.w.write(W, "w") ;
+        }
+// Look for a KQ that starts with a non-KQ string in the word
+// usually abc*xyz. Write abc as a nonKQ word, the process *wxyz.
+    if (FirstAsterisk > 0 && P.countChar(W,'*') >= 1 ){
+        String NonKQ = W.substring(0, FirstAsterisk) ;
+        P.w.write(NonKQ, "w") ;
+        W = W.substring(FirstAsterisk, W.length() ) ;
+        process(W) ; // Could be either K or Q
+        }
+//  One word has two K,Q sections. *xyz**abc, **xyz*abc, *xyz*abc, **xyz**abc
+//  Process the two parts separately.
+    else if(P.countChar(W,'*') >= 2 & LastAsterisk > 1 ){
+        int Split = W.indexOf('*', 2) ;
+        String Part1 = W.substring(0, Split) ;
+        String Part2 = W.substring(Split, W.length()) ;
+        process(Part1) ;
+        process(Part2) ;
+        }
+// W has ONLY a leading asterisk or two leading asterisks
+    else{
+        if(W.charAt(0) == '*'){
+            if(W.charAt(1) != '*'){
+// Ketib
+//        Do nothing if a null K
+                if (W.compareTo("*kk") != 0){
+                    P.w.write(W.substring(1, W.length() ), "k") ;
+                    } 
+                }
+            else{
+// Qere
+//       Check for a null Q
+                if (W.compareTo("**qq") != 0){
+                    P.w.write(W.substring(2, W.length() ), "q") ;
+                    }
+                } 
+            }
+         }
+     return ;
+     }   

Modified: trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Translate/package.html
--- trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Translate/package.html	2005-06-01 19:40:37 UTC (rev 37)
+++ trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Translate/package.html	2005-06-01 20:02:04 UTC (rev 38)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-<b>Classes to translate from the ASCII MC format to Unicode<b>.
-<p align="right"> (BHS2XML/Translate/package.html)
-Only the BookName and Note classes are specific to the WLC.</BODY>
+<b>Classes to translate from the ASCII MC format to Unicode<b>.
+<p align="right"> (BHS2XML/Translate/package.html)
+Only the BookName and Note classes are specific to the WLC.</BODY>

Modified: trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Utilities/FileRead.java
--- trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Utilities/FileRead.java	2005-06-01 19:40:37 UTC (rev 37)
+++ trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Utilities/FileRead.java	2005-06-01 20:02:04 UTC (rev 38)
@@ -1,106 +1,106 @@
-package WLC2OSIS.Utilities ;
-import WLC2OSIS.* ;
-import Utilities.FileChooser ;
-//import Utilities.Message ;
-import java.io.* ;
-import javax.swing.* ;
-import java.awt.* ;
- *  <b>Reads the input file.</b>
- */
-public class FileRead{
-int InputLength ; 
-public byte[] InputBuffer ;
-File F ;
-FileInputStream FIS ;
-boolean Error ;
-public FileRead(WLC2OSIS A ) {
-    this.A = A ;
-    InputBuffer = new byte[A.InputBufferSize] ;
-    Error = false ;
-    }    
-// Reads the specified file, forming the char[] InputChars and StringBuffer Input.
-public void read(String Filename){
-    Error = true ;
-// Open the file
-    F = new File(Filename) ;
-    try{
-        FIS = new FileInputStream(F);
-        if (FIS.available() > InputBuffer.length){
-            System.out.println(
-                "The input file length, " + FIS.available() 
-                    + " bytes,\nis too long for the internal buffer of "
-                        + InputBuffer.length + " bytes.") ;
-            return ;
-            }
-        }
-    catch(IOException e){
-        System.out.println(
-            "FileRead.read: Error in opening FileInputStream.\n\n"
-            + F.getPath() + "\n\n"
-            + e.toString() + "\nNo further action taken.") ;
-        return ;
-        }
-// Read the file
-    try{
-        InputLength = FIS.read(InputBuffer) ;
-        }
-    catch(IOException e){
-        System.out.println(
-            "FileRead.read: Error on read of input file.\n\n"
-            + F.getPath() + "\n\n"
-            + e.toString() + "\nNo further action taken.") ;
-        return;
-        }
-// Close the file.
-    try{
-        FIS.close() ; 
-        }
-    catch(IOException e){
-        System.out.println(
-            "FileRead.read: Error on close of input file.\n\n"
-            + F.getPath() + "\n\n"
-            + e.toString() + "\nNo further action taken.") ;
-        }              
-// Convert bytes to char[] array.
-    A.InputChars = new char[InputLength] ;
-    for (int k = 0; k < InputLength; k++){
-        short shrt = (short) InputBuffer[k] ;
-        A.InputChars[k] = (char) shrt ;
-        }
-    Error = false ;
-    }
-// Gets the error condition.
-public boolean getError(){
-    return Error ;
-    }
+package WLC2OSIS.Utilities ;
+import WLC2OSIS.* ;
+import Utilities.FileChooser ;
+//import Utilities.Message ;
+import java.io.* ;
+import javax.swing.* ;
+import java.awt.* ;
+ *  <b>Reads the input file.</b>
+ */
+public class FileRead{
+int InputLength ; 
+public byte[] InputBuffer ;
+File F ;
+FileInputStream FIS ;
+boolean Error ;
+public FileRead(WLC2OSIS A ) {
+    this.A = A ;
+    InputBuffer = new byte[A.InputBufferSize] ;
+    Error = false ;
+    }    
+// Reads the specified file, forming the char[] InputChars and StringBuffer Input.
+public void read(String Filename){
+    Error = true ;
+// Open the file
+    F = new File(Filename) ;
+    try{
+        FIS = new FileInputStream(F);
+        if (FIS.available() > InputBuffer.length){
+            System.out.println(
+                "The input file length, " + FIS.available() 
+                    + " bytes,\nis too long for the internal buffer of "
+                        + InputBuffer.length + " bytes.") ;
+            return ;
+            }
+        }
+    catch(IOException e){
+        System.out.println(
+            "FileRead.read: Error in opening FileInputStream.\n\n"
+            + F.getPath() + "\n\n"
+            + e.toString() + "\nNo further action taken.") ;
+        return ;
+        }
+// Read the file
+    try{
+        InputLength = FIS.read(InputBuffer) ;
+        }
+    catch(IOException e){
+        System.out.println(
+            "FileRead.read: Error on read of input file.\n\n"
+            + F.getPath() + "\n\n"
+            + e.toString() + "\nNo further action taken.") ;
+        return;
+        }
+// Close the file.
+    try{
+        FIS.close() ; 
+        }
+    catch(IOException e){
+        System.out.println(
+            "FileRead.read: Error on close of input file.\n\n"
+            + F.getPath() + "\n\n"
+            + e.toString() + "\nNo further action taken.") ;
+        }              
+// Convert bytes to char[] array.
+    A.InputChars = new char[InputLength] ;
+    for (int k = 0; k < InputLength; k++){
+        short shrt = (short) InputBuffer[k] ;
+        A.InputChars[k] = (char) shrt ;
+        }
+    Error = false ;
+    }
+// Gets the error condition.
+public boolean getError(){
+    return Error ;
+    }

Modified: trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Utilities/XMLWriter.java
--- trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Utilities/XMLWriter.java	2005-06-01 19:40:37 UTC (rev 37)
+++ trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Utilities/XMLWriter.java	2005-06-01 20:02:04 UTC (rev 38)
@@ -1,172 +1,172 @@
-package WLC2OSIS.Utilities ;
-import Utilities.* ;
-import java.lang.System ;
-import java.io.* ;
- *  <b>Writes the output XML files.</b>
- */
-public class XMLWriter{
-String Directory  ;
-String Filename  ;
-String IndentString = "  " ;
-FileOutputStream FOS ;
-OutputStreamWriter OSW ;
-char[] CharBuffer ;
-Fmt F = new Fmt() ;
-// String XMLTag ;
- *  Writes an XML file.
- *
- *  @param Directory String giving directory WITHOUT final \.
- *  @param Filename String giving file name WITHOUT extension.
- * 
-public XMLWriter(String Directory, String Filename){
-     this.Directory = Directory ;
-     this.Filename = Filename ;
-//     this.XMLTag = XMLTag ;
-    try{
-        FOS = new FileOutputStream(Directory + File.separator + Filename + ".xml") ;
-        OSW = new OutputStreamWriter(FOS, "UTF8") ;
-        }
-    catch(IOException e){
-        System.out.println("XMLWriter: Error in opening output file.\n" + e) ;
-        }
-    writeString("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n");
-    writeString("<osis xmlns=\"http://www.bibletechnologies.net/2003/OSIS/namespace\" "+
-	"xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" "+
-	"xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://www.bibletechnologies.net/2003/OSIS/namespaceosisCore.2.0.xsd\">\n");
-    }
-public void writeString(String Tag, int Level, String S){
-    String s = "\n" ;
-    for (int k = 0; k < Level; k++){
-        s = s + IndentString ;
-        }
-    s = s + "<" + Tag + ">" ;
-    s = s + S ;
-    s = s + "</" + Tag + ">" ;
-    writeString(s) ;
-    }
-public void writeAttributedString(String Tag, int Level, String AttributeString, String S){
-    String s = "\n" ;
-    for (int k = 0; k < Level; k++){
-        s = s + IndentString ;
-        }
-    s = s + "<" + Tag + " " + AttributeString + ">" ;
-    s = s + S ;
-    s = s + "</" + Tag + ">" ;
-    writeString(s) ;
-    }
-// MG: Hack
-public void appendText(String text){
-    writeString(text) ;
-    }
-public void writeBoolean(String Tag, int Level, boolean B){
-    String s = "\n" ;
-    for (int k = 0; k < Level; k++){
-        s = s + IndentString ;
-        }
-    s = s + "<" + Tag + ">" ;
-    s = s + B ;
-    s = s + "</" + Tag + ">" ;
-    writeString(s) ;
-    }
-public void writeInt(String Tag, int Level, int I){
-    String s = "\n" ;
-    for (int k = 0; k < Level; k++){
-        s = s + IndentString ;
-        }
-    s = s + "<" + Tag + ">" ;
-    s = s + I ;
-    s = s + "</" + Tag + ">" ;
-    writeString(s) ;
-    }
-public void openTag(String Tag, int Level){
-    String s = "\n" ;
-    for (int k = 0; k < Level; k++){
-        s = s + IndentString ;
-        }
-    s = s + "<" + Tag + ">" ;
-    writeString(s) ;
-    }
-public void openAttributedTag(String Tag, int Level, String Attribute, String Value){
-    String s = "\n" ;
-    for (int k = 0; k < Level; k++){
-        s = s + IndentString ;
-        }
-    s = s + "<" + Tag + " " + Attribute + "=\"" + Value + "\">" ;
-    writeString(s) ;
-    }
-public void closeTag(String Tag, int Level){
-    String s = "\n" ;
-    if (Level > 0) {
-        for (int k = 0; k < Level; k++){
-            s = s + IndentString ;
-            }
-        }
-    s = s + "</" + Tag + ">" ;
-    writeString(s) ;
-    }
-public void writeMarker(String Tag, int Level){
-    String s = "\n" ;
-    if (Level > 0) {
-        for (int k = 0; k < Level; k++){
-            s = s + IndentString ;
-            }
-        }
-    s = s + "<" + Tag + "/>" ;
-    writeString(s) ;
-    }
-public void writeException( char Exception){
-    String s ;
-    s =  "<x>" + Exception + "</x>" ;
-    writeString(s) ;
-    }
-public void close(){
-//     writeString("\n</" + XMLTag + ">") ;
-    closeTag("osis", 0);
-    try{
-        OSW.close() ;
-        }
-    catch(IOException e){
-        System.out.println("XMLWriter: Error in closing output file.\n" + e) ;
-        }
-    }
-void writeString(String S){
-    CharBuffer = S.toCharArray() ;
-    try{
-        OSW.write(CharBuffer, 0, CharBuffer.length) ;
-        }
-    catch(IOException e){
-        System.out.println("XMLWriter: Error in output file.\n" + e) ;
-        }
-    }
-//  end of class
+package WLC2OSIS.Utilities ;
+import Utilities.* ;
+import java.lang.System ;
+import java.io.* ;
+ *  <b>Writes the output XML files.</b>
+ */
+public class XMLWriter{
+String Directory  ;
+String Filename  ;
+String IndentString = "  " ;
+FileOutputStream FOS ;
+OutputStreamWriter OSW ;
+char[] CharBuffer ;
+Fmt F = new Fmt() ;
+// String XMLTag ;
+ *  Writes an XML file.
+ *
+ *  @param Directory String giving directory WITHOUT final \.
+ *  @param Filename String giving file name WITHOUT extension.
+ * 
+public XMLWriter(String Directory, String Filename){
+     this.Directory = Directory ;
+     this.Filename = Filename ;
+//     this.XMLTag = XMLTag ;
+    try{
+        FOS = new FileOutputStream(Directory + File.separator + Filename + ".xml") ;
+        OSW = new OutputStreamWriter(FOS, "UTF8") ;
+        }
+    catch(IOException e){
+        System.out.println("XMLWriter: Error in opening output file.\n" + e) ;
+        }
+    writeString("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n");
+    writeString("<osis xmlns=\"http://www.bibletechnologies.net/2003/OSIS/namespace\" "+
+	"xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" "+
+	"xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://www.bibletechnologies.net/2003/OSIS/namespaceosisCore.2.0.xsd\">\n");
+    }
+public void writeString(String Tag, int Level, String S){
+    String s = "\n" ;
+    for (int k = 0; k < Level; k++){
+        s = s + IndentString ;
+        }
+    s = s + "<" + Tag + ">" ;
+    s = s + S ;
+    s = s + "</" + Tag + ">" ;
+    writeString(s) ;
+    }
+public void writeAttributedString(String Tag, int Level, String AttributeString, String S){
+    String s = "\n" ;
+    for (int k = 0; k < Level; k++){
+        s = s + IndentString ;
+        }
+    s = s + "<" + Tag + " " + AttributeString + ">" ;
+    s = s + S ;
+    s = s + "</" + Tag + ">" ;
+    writeString(s) ;
+    }
+// MG: Hack
+public void appendText(String text){
+    writeString(text) ;
+    }
+public void writeBoolean(String Tag, int Level, boolean B){
+    String s = "\n" ;
+    for (int k = 0; k < Level; k++){
+        s = s + IndentString ;
+        }
+    s = s + "<" + Tag + ">" ;
+    s = s + B ;
+    s = s + "</" + Tag + ">" ;
+    writeString(s) ;
+    }
+public void writeInt(String Tag, int Level, int I){
+    String s = "\n" ;
+    for (int k = 0; k < Level; k++){
+        s = s + IndentString ;
+        }
+    s = s + "<" + Tag + ">" ;
+    s = s + I ;
+    s = s + "</" + Tag + ">" ;
+    writeString(s) ;
+    }
+public void openTag(String Tag, int Level){
+    String s = "\n" ;
+    for (int k = 0; k < Level; k++){
+        s = s + IndentString ;
+        }
+    s = s + "<" + Tag + ">" ;
+    writeString(s) ;
+    }
+public void openAttributedTag(String Tag, int Level, String Attribute, String Value){
+    String s = "\n" ;
+    for (int k = 0; k < Level; k++){
+        s = s + IndentString ;
+        }
+    s = s + "<" + Tag + " " + Attribute + "=\"" + Value + "\">" ;
+    writeString(s) ;
+    }
+public void closeTag(String Tag, int Level){
+    String s = "\n" ;
+    if (Level > 0) {
+        for (int k = 0; k < Level; k++){
+            s = s + IndentString ;
+            }
+        }
+    s = s + "</" + Tag + ">" ;
+    writeString(s) ;
+    }
+public void writeMarker(String Tag, int Level){
+    String s = "\n" ;
+    if (Level > 0) {
+        for (int k = 0; k < Level; k++){
+            s = s + IndentString ;
+            }
+        }
+    s = s + "<" + Tag + "/>" ;
+    writeString(s) ;
+    }
+public void writeException( char Exception){
+    String s ;
+    s =  "<x>" + Exception + "</x>" ;
+    writeString(s) ;
+    }
+public void close(){
+//     writeString("\n</" + XMLTag + ">") ;
+    closeTag("osis", 0);
+    try{
+        OSW.close() ;
+        }
+    catch(IOException e){
+        System.out.println("XMLWriter: Error in closing output file.\n" + e) ;
+        }
+    }
+void writeString(String S){
+    CharBuffer = S.toCharArray() ;
+    try{
+        OSW.write(CharBuffer, 0, CharBuffer.length) ;
+        }
+    catch(IOException e){
+        System.out.println("XMLWriter: Error in output file.\n" + e) ;
+        }
+    }
+//  end of class

Modified: trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Utilities/package.html
--- trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Utilities/package.html	2005-06-01 19:40:37 UTC (rev 37)
+++ trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/Utilities/package.html	2005-06-01 20:02:04 UTC (rev 38)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-<b>Utilities for text reading and XML writing, not specialized to WLC</b>.<p/>
-<p align="right"> (<b><tt>BHS2XML/Utilities/package.html</tt></b>)
-Includes a Test class to write XML for MC ASCII test cases.
+<b>Utilities for text reading and XML writing, not specialized to WLC</b>.<p/>
+<p align="right"> (<b><tt>BHS2XML/Utilities/package.html</tt></b>)
+Includes a Test class to write XML for MC ASCII test cases.

Modified: trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS.java
--- trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS.java	2005-06-01 19:40:37 UTC (rev 37)
+++ trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS.java	2005-06-01 20:02:04 UTC (rev 38)
@@ -1,151 +1,151 @@
-package WLC2OSIS ;
-import WLC2OSIS.GUI.* ;
-import WLC2OSIS.Parse.* ;
-import WLC2OSIS.Translate.* ;
-import WLC2OSIS.Utilities.* ;
-import Utilities.* ;
-import java.awt.*;
-import java.io.*;
-import java.awt.event.*;
-import javax.swing.*;
-import java.util.*;
-* <b>Core of WLC2OSIS, set Strings here before running program.<p></b>
-public class WLC2OSIS /*implements Stoppable*/ {
-// Definitions of input and output to be set by user.
-// public String ProgramDate = "30 May 2004" ;
-public String DefaultInputFilename = "/home/Martin/dev/swordtools/modules/hebrew-wlc/" ;
-public String InputFilename;
-public String DefaultOutputDirectory = "/home/Martin/KDesktop/" ;
-public String OutputDirectory ;
-// Define the title and descriptions.
-public String Title = "The Westminster Leningrad Codex (WLC)" ;
-public String ShortDescription = "from the electronic version of the Leningrad Codex "
-    + "maintained by the Westminster Hebrew Institute." ;
-public String[] Description = {
-   "This text began as an electronic transcription by Whitaker and Parunak of the 1983 "
- + "printed edition of Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS). The " 
- + "transcription is called the Michigan-Claremont electronic text and was archived "
- + "at the Oxford Text Archive (OTA) in 1987. "
- + "Since that time, the text has been modified to "
- + "conform to the photo-facsimile of the Leningrad Codex, Firkovich "
- + "B19A, residing at the Russian National Library, St. "
- + "Petersberg; hence the change of name."
- + "This version contains all 6 of the "
- + "textual elements of the OTA document: consonants, vowels, cantillation "
- + "marks, \"paragraph\" (pe, samekh) markers, ketib-qere variants, and morphological divisions. ",
-   "The BHS so-called \"paragraph\" markers (pe and samekh) do "
- + "not actually occur in the Leningrad Codex. The editors of BHS use them "
- + "to indicate open space deliberately left blank by the scribe. Pe "
- + "(\"open\" paragraph) represents a space between verses, where the new "
- + "verse begins on a new column line. This represents a major section of "
- + "the text. Samekh (\"closed\" paragraph) represents a space of less than "
- + "a line between verses. This is understood to be a subdivision of the "
- + "corresponding \"open\" section. Since these markers represent an actual "
- + "physical feature of the text, they have been retained. " ,
-   "The transcription was based on the \"Supplement to the code manual for "
- + "the Michigan Old Testament\" by Alan Groves and includes the "
- + "transcription notes defined there. A listing of these notes can be "
- + "obtained by clicking on the \"Notes\" link of the index page. "
- + "Transcription notes appear as superscripts and can be viewed by clicking "
- + "on them.",
-   "The book names in English and Hebrew of the Jewish Publication Society "
- + "(JPS) Tanach have been added."} ;  
-//public char MorphologicalDivisionMarker = '/' ;
-public final int InputBufferSize = 4000000 ; // Length of input in bytes.
-public SuperContainer SC ;
-Container InputContainer ;
-public Frame SuperFrame ;
-public Container OverallContainer ; // Actually, the content pane.
-public JRootPane RP ;
-public char[] InputChars ;  // Input char[] array set by FileRead.
-public Parser p ;
-public XMLWriter w ;
-public Fmt F = new Fmt() ;
-// public boolean StandAlone = true ;  // If used by another app, 
-Messages M;
-public WLC2OSIS( Container InputContainer ){
-    this.InputContainer = InputContainer ;
-     this.SC = new SuperContainer(InputContainer) ;
-    OverallContainer =  this.SC.getContentPane() ;
-//     SuperFrame =  SC.superFrame() ;
-//     StandAlone = true ;
-// Crude GUI
-    M = new Messages(this) ;
-    FileChoices fc = new FileChoices(this) ;
-    M.initialMessage() ;
-    InputFilename = fc.getInputFilename(DefaultInputFilename) ;
-//     GetDate gd = new GetDate(this) ;
-    OutputDirectory = fc.getOutputDirectory(DefaultOutputDirectory) ;    
-// Identifying printouts
-    F.bar("=", 80) ;
-    System.out.println("\nWLC2OSIS: " + Title + " " + ShortDescription ) ;
-    System.out.println("\nInput file:       " + InputFilename ) ;
-//    System.out.println(  "Input file date:  " + Date ) ;
-    System.out.println("\nOutput directory: " + OutputDirectory ) ;
-    FileRead FR = new FileRead(this) ;
-    FR.read(InputFilename) ;  
-// *** DISABLED *** Test of CCAT format -> XML translation.
-//    if(false){
-//       String TestString = "HA/$.FMA73YIM" ;
-//       Test.test(this, TestString) ;
-//       }
-// Read, parse, and write the book files.
-    p = new Parser(this) ;
-    p.parse() ;    
-    M.doneMessage() ;
-    done() ;
-    } 
-  *    Universal exit.
-  */
-public void done(){
-    System.out.println("\nWLC2OSIS: Normal end.") ;
-    F.bar("=", 80) ;
-    System.exit(0) ;
-    }
-// End of class
+package WLC2OSIS ;
+import WLC2OSIS.GUI.* ;
+import WLC2OSIS.Parse.* ;
+import WLC2OSIS.Translate.* ;
+import WLC2OSIS.Utilities.* ;
+import Utilities.* ;
+import java.awt.*;
+import java.io.*;
+import java.awt.event.*;
+import javax.swing.*;
+import java.util.*;
+* <b>Core of WLC2OSIS, set Strings here before running program.<p></b>
+public class WLC2OSIS /*implements Stoppable*/ {
+// Definitions of input and output to be set by user.
+// public String ProgramDate = "30 May 2004" ;
+public String DefaultInputFilename = "/home/Martin/dev/swordtools/modules/hebrew-wlc/" ;
+public String InputFilename;
+public String DefaultOutputDirectory = "/home/Martin/KDesktop/" ;
+public String OutputDirectory ;
+// Define the title and descriptions.
+public String Title = "The Westminster Leningrad Codex (WLC)" ;
+public String ShortDescription = "from the electronic version of the Leningrad Codex "
+    + "maintained by the Westminster Hebrew Institute." ;
+public String[] Description = {
+   "This text began as an electronic transcription by Whitaker and Parunak of the 1983 "
+ + "printed edition of Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS). The " 
+ + "transcription is called the Michigan-Claremont electronic text and was archived "
+ + "at the Oxford Text Archive (OTA) in 1987. "
+ + "Since that time, the text has been modified to "
+ + "conform to the photo-facsimile of the Leningrad Codex, Firkovich "
+ + "B19A, residing at the Russian National Library, St. "
+ + "Petersberg; hence the change of name."
+ + "This version contains all 6 of the "
+ + "textual elements of the OTA document: consonants, vowels, cantillation "
+ + "marks, \"paragraph\" (pe, samekh) markers, ketib-qere variants, and morphological divisions. ",
+   "The BHS so-called \"paragraph\" markers (pe and samekh) do "
+ + "not actually occur in the Leningrad Codex. The editors of BHS use them "
+ + "to indicate open space deliberately left blank by the scribe. Pe "
+ + "(\"open\" paragraph) represents a space between verses, where the new "
+ + "verse begins on a new column line. This represents a major section of "
+ + "the text. Samekh (\"closed\" paragraph) represents a space of less than "
+ + "a line between verses. This is understood to be a subdivision of the "
+ + "corresponding \"open\" section. Since these markers represent an actual "
+ + "physical feature of the text, they have been retained. " ,
+   "The transcription was based on the \"Supplement to the code manual for "
+ + "the Michigan Old Testament\" by Alan Groves and includes the "
+ + "transcription notes defined there. A listing of these notes can be "
+ + "obtained by clicking on the \"Notes\" link of the index page. "
+ + "Transcription notes appear as superscripts and can be viewed by clicking "
+ + "on them.",
+   "The book names in English and Hebrew of the Jewish Publication Society "
+ + "(JPS) Tanach have been added."} ;  
+//public char MorphologicalDivisionMarker = '/' ;
+public final int InputBufferSize = 4000000 ; // Length of input in bytes.
+public SuperContainer SC ;
+Container InputContainer ;
+public Frame SuperFrame ;
+public Container OverallContainer ; // Actually, the content pane.
+public JRootPane RP ;
+public char[] InputChars ;  // Input char[] array set by FileRead.
+public Parser p ;
+public XMLWriter w ;
+public Fmt F = new Fmt() ;
+// public boolean StandAlone = true ;  // If used by another app, 
+Messages M;
+public WLC2OSIS( Container InputContainer ){
+    this.InputContainer = InputContainer ;
+     this.SC = new SuperContainer(InputContainer) ;
+    OverallContainer =  this.SC.getContentPane() ;
+//     SuperFrame =  SC.superFrame() ;
+//     StandAlone = true ;
+// Crude GUI
+    M = new Messages(this) ;
+    FileChoices fc = new FileChoices(this) ;
+    M.initialMessage() ;
+    InputFilename = fc.getInputFilename(DefaultInputFilename) ;
+//     GetDate gd = new GetDate(this) ;
+    OutputDirectory = fc.getOutputDirectory(DefaultOutputDirectory) ;    
+// Identifying printouts
+    F.bar("=", 80) ;
+    System.out.println("\nWLC2OSIS: " + Title + " " + ShortDescription ) ;
+    System.out.println("\nInput file:       " + InputFilename ) ;
+//    System.out.println(  "Input file date:  " + Date ) ;
+    System.out.println("\nOutput directory: " + OutputDirectory ) ;
+    FileRead FR = new FileRead(this) ;
+    FR.read(InputFilename) ;  
+// *** DISABLED *** Test of CCAT format -> XML translation.
+//    if(false){
+//       String TestString = "HA/$.FMA73YIM" ;
+//       Test.test(this, TestString) ;
+//       }
+// Read, parse, and write the book files.
+    p = new Parser(this) ;
+    p.parse() ;    
+    M.doneMessage() ;
+    done() ;
+    } 
+  *    Universal exit.
+  */
+public void done(){
+    System.out.println("\nWLC2OSIS: Normal end.") ;
+    F.bar("=", 80) ;
+    System.exit(0) ;
+    }
+// End of class

Modified: trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSISMain.java
--- trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSISMain.java	2005-06-01 19:40:37 UTC (rev 37)
+++ trunk/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSIS/WLC2OSISMain.java	2005-06-01 20:02:04 UTC (rev 38)
@@ -1,54 +1,54 @@
-package WLC2OSIS ;
-import Utilities.* ;
-import java.awt.*;
-import javax.swing.*;
- *  <b>WLC2OSISMain main method and applet launcher, 
- *     actual working program is in the WLC2OSIS class.</b><p>
- *
- *   This is a general purpose launching class. It can launch
- *
- *       1.  Applets 
- *       2.  Applications
- *       3.  Dialogs launched from other programs
- *
- */
-public class WLC2OSISMain{
-static WLC2OSIS A ;
- *    Static main() method for use as an application or dialog.
- *
- * @param args String[] un-used.
- */
-public static void main( String[] args) {
-    boolean Dialog = false ;  // Either a dialog or application window.
-    Frame SuperFrame = GetParentFrame.GetParentFrame(new JFrame()) ;
-    if (Dialog){
-//  As a MODAL JDialog
-        JDialog WLC2OSISDialog = new JDialog(SuperFrame, true) ;
-        A = new WLC2OSIS( WLC2OSISDialog ) ;
-        System.exit(0) ;
-        }
-    else{
-//  Ss a JFrame
-        JFrame ThisFrame = new JFrame() ;
-        A = new WLC2OSIS(ThisFrame) ;
-        }
-    }
-//  end of class
+package WLC2OSIS ;
+import Utilities.* ;
+import java.awt.*;
+import javax.swing.*;
+ *  <b>WLC2OSISMain main method and applet launcher, 
+ *     actual working program is in the WLC2OSIS class.</b><p>
+ *
+ *   This is a general purpose launching class. It can launch
+ *
+ *       1.  Applets 
+ *       2.  Applications
+ *       3.  Dialogs launched from other programs
+ *
+ */
+public class WLC2OSISMain{
+static WLC2OSIS A ;
+ *    Static main() method for use as an application or dialog.
+ *
+ * @param args String[] un-used.
+ */
+public static void main( String[] args) {
+    boolean Dialog = false ;  // Either a dialog or application window.
+    Frame SuperFrame = GetParentFrame.GetParentFrame(new JFrame()) ;
+    if (Dialog){
+//  As a MODAL JDialog
+        JDialog WLC2OSISDialog = new JDialog(SuperFrame, true) ;
+        A = new WLC2OSIS( WLC2OSISDialog ) ;
+        System.exit(0) ;
+        }
+    else{
+//  Ss a JFrame
+        JFrame ThisFrame = new JFrame() ;
+        A = new WLC2OSIS(ThisFrame) ;
+        }
+    }
+//  end of class

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