[sword-cvs] sword/include ztext2.h,NONE,1.1 zverse2.h,NONE,1.1

sword@www.crosswire.org sword@www.crosswire.org
Tue, 13 Apr 2004 16:41:42 -0700

Update of /cvs/core/sword/include
In directory www:/tmp/cvs-serv19023

Added Files:
	ztext2.h zverse2.h 
Log Message:

dglassey: remember to commit these

--- NEW FILE: ztext2.h ---
 *  ztext.h   - code for class 'zText2'- a module that reads compressed text
 *				files: ot and nt using indexs ??.vss
 * $Id: ztext2.h,v 1.1 2004/04/13 23:41:40 dglassey Exp $
 * Copyright 1998 CrossWire Bible Society (http://www.crosswire.org)
 *	CrossWire Bible Society
 *	P. O. Box 2528
 *	Tempe, AZ  85280-2528
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation version 2.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.

#ifndef ZTEXT_H
#define ZTEXT_H

#include <zverse2.h>
#include <versekey2.h>
#include <rawstr.h>
#include <swtext.h>
//#include <swcomprs.h>

#include <defs.h>

namespace lucene { namespace index {
class IndexReader;

namespace lucene { namespace search {
class IndexSearcher;


/*** SWModule implementation for compressed modules
* This class handles compressed modules.
* It should not be used in frontends, unless you are doing very special things.
class SWDLLEXPORT zText2:public zVerse2, public SWText {

	VerseKey2 *lastWriteKey;
	bool sameBlock(VerseKey2 * lastWriteKey, VerseKey2 * key);
	int blockType;
	lucene::index::IndexReader *ir;
	lucene::search::IndexSearcher *is;
	VerseKey2 &getVerseKey();

	zText2(const char *ipath, const char *iname = 0, const char *idesc = 0,
			int blockType = CHAPTERBLOCKS, int idxPerBlock = 10,
			SWCompress * icomp = 0,
			SWDisplay * idisp = 0, SWTextEncoding encoding = ENC_UNKNOWN,
			SWTextDirection dir = DIRECTION_LTR,
			SWTextMarkup markup = FMT_UNKNOWN, const char* ilang = 0);

	virtual ~zText2();
#if 0
	virtual SWBuf &getRawEntryBuf();

	virtual void increment(int steps = 1);
	virtual void decrement(int steps = 1) { increment(-steps); }

  // write interface ----------------------------
	virtual bool isWritable() { return ((idxfp->getFd() > 0) && ((idxfp->mode & O_RDWR) == O_RDWR)); }
	static char createModule(const char *path, int blockBound, int indxPerBlock) {
		return zVerse2::createModule(path, blockBound, indxPerBlock);

     virtual void setEntry(const char *inbuf, long len = -1);	// Modify current module entry
     virtual void linkEntry(const SWKey *linkKey);	// Link current module entry to other module entry
     virtual void deleteEntry();	// Delete current module entry
  // end write interface ------------------------
	virtual void rawZFilter(SWBuf &buf, char direction = 0) { rawFilter(buf, (SWKey *)(long)direction); }// hack, use key as direction for enciphering

	// swcacher interface ----------------------
	virtual void flush() { flushCache(); }
	// end swcacher interface ----------------------

	virtual signed char createSearchFramework();
	virtual bool hasSearchFramework() { return true; }
	virtual ListKey &search(const char *istr, int searchType = 0, int flags = 0, SWKey * scope = 0, bool * justCheckIfSupported = 0, void (*percent)(char, void *) = &SWModule::nullPercent, void *percentUserData = 0);




--- NEW FILE: zverse2.h ---
 *  zverse2.h   - code for class 'zVerse2'- a module that reads raw text
 *			files:  text using indexs ??.bks ??.cps ??.vss
 *			and provides lookup and parsing functions based on
 *			class VerseKey2

#ifndef ZVERSE_H
#define ZVERSE_H

#include <filemgr.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
//#include <rawverse.h>
#include <swcomprs.h>

#include <defs.h>


class SWDLLEXPORT zVerse2 {
	SWCompress *compressor;

	static int instance;		// number of instantiated zVerse2 objects or derivitives

	FileDesc *idxfp;
	FileDesc *textfp;
	FileDesc *compfp;
	FileDesc *markupfp;
	FileDesc *midxfp;
	char *path;
	#if 0
	void prepText(SWBuf &buf);
	void doSetText(long idxoff, const char *buf, long len = 0);
	void doLinkEntry(long destidxoff, long srcidxoff);
	void flushCache();
	char *cacheBuf;
	long cacheBufIdx;
	bool dirtyCache;
	int m_idxPerBlock;


#define	BOOKBLOCKS 4

	static const char uniqueIndexID[];
	char nl;

	zVerse2(const char *ipath, int fileMode = O_RDONLY, int blockType = CHAPTERBLOCKS, 
		SWCompress * icomp = 0, int indexesPerBlock = 10);
	virtual ~zVerse2();
	void findOffsetText(long idxoff, long *start, unsigned short *end);
	void findOffsetMarkup(long idxoff, long *start, unsigned short *end);
	void zReadText(long start, unsigned short size, SWBuf &buf);
	#if 0
	virtual void rawZFilter(SWBuf &buf, char direction = 0) {}
	static char createModule(const char *path, int blockBound, int indxPerBlock);
