[sword-cvs] icu-sword/source/tools/gentz readme.txt,1.3,1.4 .cvsignore,1.3,NONE Makefile.in,1.4,NONE gentz.8.in,1.1,NONE gentz.cpp,1.3,NONE gentz.dsp,1.3,NONE gentz.vcproj,1.1,NONE tz.alias,1.3,NONE tz.bat,1.3,NONE tz.default,1.3,NONE tz.pl,1.3,NONE tzparse.pm,1.3,NONE tzutil.pm,1.3,NONE

sword@www.crosswire.org sword@www.crosswire.org
Tue, 6 Apr 2004 03:10:53 -0700

Update of /cvs/core/icu-sword/source/tools/gentz
In directory www:/tmp/cvs-serv8911/source/tools/gentz

Modified Files:
Removed Files:
	.cvsignore Makefile.in gentz.8.in gentz.cpp gentz.dsp 
	gentz.vcproj tz.alias tz.bat tz.default tz.pl tzparse.pm 
Log Message:
ICU 2.8 sync

Index: readme.txt
RCS file: /cvs/core/icu-sword/source/tools/gentz/readme.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -r1.3 -r1.4
--- readme.txt	10 Sep 2003 02:42:59 -0000	1.3
+++ readme.txt	6 Apr 2004 10:10:20 -0000	1.4
@@ -1,114 +1,4 @@
-Copyright (C) 1999-2001, International Business Machines Corporation 
+Copyright (C) 1999-2003, International Business Machines Corporation 
 and others.  All Rights Reserved.
-Readme file for ICU time zone data (source/tools/gentz)
-Alan Liu
-Last updated 2 Feb 2001
-The time zone data in ICU is taken from the UNIX data files at
-ftp://elsie.nci.nih.gov/pub/tzdata<year>.  The other input to the
-process is an alias table, described below.
-Two tools are used to process the data into a format suitable for ICU:
-   tz.pl    directory of raw data files + tz.alias -> tz.txt
-   gentz    tz.txt -> tz.dat (memory mappable binary file)
-After gentz is run, standard ICU data tools are used to incorporate
-tz.dat into the icudata module.  The tz.pl script is run manually;
-everything else is automatic.
-In order to incorporate the raw data from that source into ICU, take
-the following steps.
-1. Download the archive of current zone data.  This should be a file
-   named something like tzdata1999j.tar.gz.  Use the URL listed above.
-2. Unpack the archive into a directory, retaining the name of the
-   archive.  For example, unpack tzdata1999j.tar.gz into tzdata1999j/.
-   Place this directory anywhere; one option is to place it within
-   source/tools/gentz.
-3. Run the perl script tz.pl, passing it the directory location as a
-   command-line argument.  On Windows system use the batch file
-   tz.bat.  Also specify one or more ourput files: .txt, .htm|.html,
-   and .java.
-   For ICU4C specify .txt; typically
-     <icu>/source/data/misc/timezone.txt
-   where icu is the ICU4C root directory.  Double check that this is
-   the correct location and file name; they change periodically.
-   It is useful to generate an html file.  After it is generated,
-   review it for correctness.
-   As the third argument, pass in "tz.java".  This will generate a
-   java source file that will be used to update the ICU4J data.
-4. Do a standard build.  The build scripts will automatically detect
-   that a new .txt file is present and rebuild the binary data (using
-   gentz) from that.
-The .txt and .htm files and typically checked into CVS, whereas
-the raw data files are not, since they are readily available from the
-URL listed above.
-Additional steps are required to update the ICU4J data.  First you
-must have a current, working installation of icu4j.  These instructions
-will assume it is in directory "/icu4j".
-5. Copy the tz.java file generated in step 3 to /icu4j/tz.java.
-6. Change to the /icu4j directory and compile the tz.java file, with
-   /icu4j/classes on the classpath.
-7. Run the resulting java program (again with /icu4j/classes on the
-   classpath) and capture the output in a file named tz.tmp.
-8. Open /icu4j/src/com/ibm/util/TimeZoneData.java.  Delete the section
-   that starts with the line "BEGIN GENERATED SOURCE CODE" and ends
-   with the line "END GENERATED SOURCE CODE".  Replace it with the
-   contents of tz.tmp.  If there are extraneous control-M characters
-   or other similar problems, fix them.
-9. Rebuild icu4j and make sure there are no build errors.  Rerun all
-   the tests in /icu4j/src/com/ibm/test/timezone and make sure they
-   all pass.  If all is well, check the new TimeZoneData.java into
-   CVS.
-For backward compatibility, we define several three-letter IDs that
-have been used since early ICU and correspond to IDs used in old JDKs.
-These IDs are listed in tz.alias.  The tz.pl script processes this
-alias table and issues errors if there are problems.
-All *system* zone IDs must consist only of characters in the invariant
-set.  See utypes.h for an explanation of what this means.  If an ID is
-encountered that contains a non-invariant character, tz.pl complains.
-Non-system zones may use non-invariant characters.
-Users may be confused by the fact that various zones with names of the
-form Etc/GMT+n appear to have an offset of the wrong sign.  For
-example, Etc/GMT+8 is 8 hours *behind* GMT; that is, it corresponds to
-what one typically sees displayed as "GMT-8:00".  The reason for this
-inversion is explained in the UNIX zone data file "etcetera".
-Briefly, this is done intentionally in order to comply with
-POSIX-style signedness.  In ICU we reproduce the UNIX zone behavior
-faithfully, including this confusing aspect.
+The gentz tool went away. Please look at icu/source/tools/gentz/tzcode/readme.txt
\ No newline at end of file

--- .cvsignore DELETED ---

--- Makefile.in DELETED ---

--- gentz.8.in DELETED ---

--- gentz.cpp DELETED ---

--- gentz.dsp DELETED ---

--- gentz.vcproj DELETED ---

--- tz.alias DELETED ---

--- tz.bat DELETED ---

--- tz.default DELETED ---

--- tz.pl DELETED ---

--- tzparse.pm DELETED ---

--- tzutil.pm DELETED ---