[osis-core] div type="date"

Chris Little osis-core@bibletechnologieswg.org
Sat, 24 May 2003 07:16:34 -0700 (MST)


On Sat, 24 May 2003, Patrick Durusau wrote:

> AM/PM works across Christian traditions, might want to have alternatives 
> available for before or after sunrise/sunset for Jewish traditions.

sunrise/sunset sorts incorrectly, but the BCE years already break this, so 
it seems somewhat secondary.  We could pretend "AM/PM" represent 
ante-/post-median rather than meridian.

> Don't know that we need BCE dates. For recording time/calendar of say 
> medieval prayer book, they probably don't use AM/PM time, we have modern 
> equivalents but that is not what you want to encode as part of the 
> original text.

BCE is important for timelines, e.g. encoding Bishop Ussher's timeline
from 4004 BCE.

Vigils, Matins, Lauds, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, & Compline are the
medieval prayer times.  Lauds/Vespers would probably be more precise for 
both Sunrise/Sunset and AM/PM, but since no one knows those, I'm not 
recommending them.

> >I don't think there's any good reason to constrain people to a particular 
> >calendar or even to request them to state the calendar they use.
> >  
> >
> Could simply say this is how to do date/time for texts that are bound to 
> a particular time. Best Practice. If you do something else, well you 
> better say what it is in order for other people to use it. (Another best 
> practice.)

This sounds good to me.

One issue I forgot to mention is the practice, with ISO dates of starting 
the hour with capital T to mark the transition from date to time, which we 
could also adopt, e.g. CE.2003.05.24.T09.14 .  If we're doing a work keyed 
to times only, it helps us figure out that T09.14 refers to HH.mm rahter 
than MM.DD.
