[osis-core] Further osisRef stuff

Todd Tillinghast osis-core@bibletechnologieswg.org
Sun, 17 Nov 2002 15:13:24 -0700

> Todd,
> I was talking to Steve yesterday and he suggested that:
> <work osisWork="kjv">
>         <identifier type="OSIS">Bible.KJV</identifier>
>         <referenceSystem>Bible.KJV</referenceSystem>
> </work>
> Where there appears later in the document:
> <osisRef="kjv:Ps.43.2"/>
> Resolves to *all* that appears between <work osisWork="kjv"> to
> in the sense of being a pointer to that set of information.
> Thats makes a lot of sense since most of our Dublin Core entries, for
> example, will have ISBN data, which is a much more reliable source for
> text identification than most others.

The trouble with using ISBN is that not all documents will have an ISBN
number and there are many ISBN numbers for the same work.  (There are
different ISBN numbers for the same book with a different color cover.)
OSIS is not a standard for encoding ONLY books that have been printed
and assigned an ISBN number.

Since we are talking about "osis"ID and "osis"Ref it makes sense to have
an "OSIS" work identifier that is intended to exist outside of the
document it is in.  By saying osisRef="Ps.1.1" we are saying that the
value "Ps.1.1" is an identifier that stands independent of the document
and exists in the "namespace" defined by the "work".  Is it that much of
a stretch to also declare an identifier that stands independent of the
document to identify the "namespace" itself?

> In other words, what use the software makes of this bundle of data
> is represented by "kjv" is really an application level problem.

In order to software to make consistent use to the values in osisID and
osisRef there needs to be a STANDARD mechanism to compare two values
from different documents.  If do not declare as a part of the standard
which values within <work> can be used "universally" in conjunction with
values from osisID and osisRef then osisRef can not be used by any

> So, is the semantics of <referenceSystem> a claim that I am making how
> am making references to the work? In other words, <referenceSystem> is
> not a claim about the work but about what referenceSystem I am using
> refer to it?
> To illustrate:
> <work osisWork="frAndKJV">
>     <identifier type="OSIS">Bible.Fr.Segumend</identifier>
>     <referenceSystem>Bible.KJV</referenceSystem>
> </work>
> so when I say:  <reference osisRef="frAndKJV:Ps.43.2"/>
> That means I am using the KJV reference system for this reference so
> please find the proper reference in Bible.Fr.Segumend?
> Changes the semantics of referenceSystem to be the referenceSystem
> (abstract) that I am using to make references to this work. (Most of
> time these are the same but not always, cf. St. Augustine's
> Note that <identifier> is not required in <work>. Should it be?
> Patrick
> --
> Patrick Durusau
> Director of Research and Development
> Society of Biblical Literature
> pdurusau@emory.edu

If as assign to <referenceSystem> the semantics you suggest ("I am using
this referenceSystem to make a reference to this work"), then the values
in osisID and osisRef would be defined in the namespace of the
<referenceSystem>.  If no <referenceSystem> is specified within a <work>
then the osisRef would only valid to point at osisIDs with a matching
work within the SAME document.

With this being true the following document would have the meaning
mentioned below.  

Does the following example reflect an accurate interpretation of what
Patrick said above AND is it something we can all agree with?


   <header osisIDWork="xyz" osisRefWork="kjv2">
      <work osisWork="xyz">
         <title>The New Bible for Children Under Four</title>
         <identifier type="ISBN">0123456789</identifier>
         <identifier type="OSIS">Bible.NBCU4</identifier>
      <work osisWork="frAndKJV">
        <identifier type="OSIS">Bible.Fr.Segumend</identifier>
      <work osisWork="kjv1">
         <title>Holy Bible King James Version Study Bible</title>
         <identifier type="ISBN">0785201688</identifier>
      <work osisWork="kjv2">
      <work osisWork="kjv3">
         <title>Holy Bible: King James Version</title>
         <identifier type="ISBN">0521509467</identifier>
         <identifier type="URL">www.ccel.org/bible/kjv.xml</identifier>

      <work osisWork="kjv4">
         <title>Holy Bible: King James Version</title>
         <identifier type="URL">www.ccel.org/bible/kjv.xml</identifier>

      <work osisWork="kjv5">
         <title>Holy Bible: King James Version</title>
         <identifier type="URL">www.ccel.org/bible/kjv.xml</identifier>

      <work osisWork="kjv6">
      <work osisWork="kjv7">
         <title>Holy Bible King James Version Study Bible</title>
         <identifier type="ISBN">0785201688</identifier>
      <work osisWork="frToKJV">
         <title>New American Standard</title>
         <identifier type="ISBN">0123256789</identifier>
         <identifier type="OSIS">Bible.KJV</identifier>
      <work osisWork="niv">
         <identifier type="OSIS">Bible.NIV</identifier>
      <work osisWork="bible">
      <reference osisRef="frAndKJV:Ps.42.3"/>  <!-- Case A -->
      <reference osisRef="kjv1:Ps.43.3"/>      <!-- Case B -->

      <reference osisRef="kjv2:Ps.43.3"/>      <!-- Case C --> 
      <reference osisRef="kjv3:Ps.43.3"/>      <!-- Case D -->
      <reference osisRef="kjv4:Ps.43.3"/>      <!-- Case E -->
      <reference osisRef="kjv5:Ps.43.3"/>      <!-- Case F -->
      <reference osisRef="kjv6:Ps.43.3"/>      <!-- Case G -->
      <reference osisRef="kjv7:Ps.42.14"/>     <!-- Case H -->

      <reference osisRef="frToKJV:Ps.42.14"/>  <!-- Case I -->

      <reference osisRef="niv:Ps.43.2"/>       <!-- Case J -->
      <verse osisID="Ps.43.3 kjv1:Ps.43.3 kjv2:Ps.43.3 kjv3:Ps.43.3
kjv4:Ps.43.3 kjv4:Ps.43.3 kjv5:Ps.43.3 kjv6:Ps.43.3 kjv7:Ps.43.3
frToKJV:Ps.42.14 niv:Ps.43.2 bible:Ps.43.3">


In case A, B, C, D, E, F, and G the value "Ps.43.3" is defined in he
"namespace" defined by <referenceSystem>.

In Case A, C, D, E, F, and G a reference is made to a SPECIFIC work
using the identifier "Bible.KVJ:Ps.43.3" and no claim is made regarding
what reference system the reference work uses, is encoded with, or
supports.  (The possible mapping problem is left to software.)

In Case B no reference is made to a specific work but a reference is
made to "Bible.KJV:Ps.43.3".  (Use of this reference is left up to

In Case H has NO MEANING as a reference to anything except to an element
the SAME <osisTex> with osisID="kjv7:Ps.43.3".

In Case I a reference is made to the specific work "Bible.KJV" using the
identifier "Bible.Fr:Ps.42.14". 

In Case J a reference is made to the specific work "Bible.NIV" using the
reference system "Bible.NIV:Ps.43.3".

In every case the namespace of the identifier is derived solely based on
the <referenceSystem>.

The osisID would have the expanded form
<verse osisID="Bible.KJV:Ps.43.3 Bible.KJV:Ps.43.3 Bible.KJV:Ps.43.3
Bible.KJV:Ps.43.3 Bible.KJV:Ps.43.3 Bible.KJV:Ps.43.3 Bible.KJV:Ps.43.3
Bible.KJV:Ps.43.3 NOVALUE:Ps.43.3 Bible.Fr:Ps.42.14 Bible.NIV:Ps.43.2

