[osis-core] Eliminate quote and blockQuote as elements and put back quote milestones.

Troy A. Griffitts osis-core@bibletechnologieswg.org
Fri, 14 Jun 2002 12:32:13 -0700

> Just as a sanity check, can you follow up on my suggestion that unless 
> element content is required that I can write the quote element either as:
> <q id="myfirstquote">Comments about some projects</q>
> or
> <q id="myfirstquote"/>comments about some projects<q id="endfirstquote"/>

Wow, great idea.  How bout, instead of using ID in both, that we use 
something that is a little more easily 'coded to', like mStart and mEnd:

<q mStart="myfirstquote"/>comments about some projects<q 

This allows us to:

	a) keep the same value text for the matching attribute without having to 
strip a 'end' from the head of it to find the match.

	b) easily allows us to check for mStart or mEnd to determine what we are 
(neither: container with content; mStart: milestone start; mEnd 
milestone end).  We won't have to look into the value of ID to determine 

We could have an attributeGroup of: milestoneABLE (silly name) which 
contains mStart and mEnd, and let all elements we wish to have this 
ability, get these attributes.

	Keep up the great work.  It's nice to see activity again!
