[bt-devel] Fwd: BibleTime bug ......

Barry Drake bdrake at crosswire.org
Sat Jan 7 04:24:49 MST 2012

On 07/01/12 09:58, Jaak Ristioja wrote:
> Even if the modules are invalid, such kind of input MUST NOT crash
> software. Is this a Sword or BibleTime issue?
First, this is NOT a crash.  I haven't looked closely at the code, but 
from memory, when closing the program, we are saving the state of the 
windows and tabs ready for re-start.  My guess is that the information 
saved is OK for KJV canon, but insufficient for av11n because we need to 
save the canon information, or re-load it from the module on startup: 
the default is obviously to use canon.h.  This makes it a BibleTime bug 
if I'm right.  I don't have a build environment currently as I no longer 
do development, but I suppose I could have a go if nobody else wants to 
look .....

God bless,        Barry.

 From Barry Drake (The Revd) Health and Healing advisor to the East
Midlands Synod of the United Reformed Church.  See
http://www.urc5.org.uk/index for information about the synod, and
http://www.urc5.org.uk/?q=node/703 for the Synod Healing pages.

Replies - b.drake at ntlworld.com

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