[bt-devel] Font settings page

Eeli Kaikkonen eekaikko at mail.student.oulu.fi
Wed Jan 27 10:23:25 MST 2010

I added a page for font settings in the config dialog.

The design is now better for adding new settings (mag or keychooser
fonts, UI language).

The UI translation is now outdated for all items of the old Languages
page. Translators can use the "Phrases and guesses" feature of the Qt
linguist after the files have been updated, the old translations are the
first ones in the guess list. (Thomas, don't delete the obsolete strings
until all have been updated.)

	Eeli Kaikkonen (Mr.), Oulu, Finland
	e-mail: eekaikko at mailx.studentx.oulux.fix (with no x)

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